Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 697: : The Death of Noel Cassia

the next day.

Tension hovered over the Gibraltar base.

The originally happy LOGOS crusade alliance became vigilant.

The atmosphere between the Earth Alliance and Zaft became discordant.

According to the latest information, a spy unit affiliated with the Earth Alliance suddenly attacked the Gibraltar base last night.

Fortunately, they were spotted by guarded soldiers as they infiltrated ashore.

A fierce gun battle broke out between the two sides.

Although many Zaft soldiers suffered casualties, fortunately they did not cause too much impact on the base.

But among the soldiers who died, there was a person who was unacceptable to countless Zaft soldiers - Noel Cassia.

The so-called strongest natural person, the MS combat pilot known as the Red Death, did not die on the battlefield, but died in a sneak attack without warning.

The place where the fighting broke out was very close to where Noel Cassia lived.

Noel Cassia, who was resting in the villa, was affected by the battle and was unfortunately killed.

"How's the search going?"

In the office of the temporary combat command, Durandal asked his subordinate adjutant.

"The incident happened suddenly, and the place was destroyed by fire, so there is not much information returned for the time being."

The adjutant replied with a helpless expression.

"So, are you sure that Noel Cassia is dead?"

Durandal continued to ask.

"A body fragment similar to his body was found in the villa, Noel-"

"What I'm asking is, are you sure your people really killed him with your own hands!"

Durandal directly interrupted the adjutant's words and asked with cold eyes.

"What, what, what do you mean by that, Speaker!"

The adjutant was taken aback by Durandal's words.

"I'm not pursuing your responsibilities and problems, and I don't want to pursue them now."

Durandal slowly got up from his seat while speaking, came to the window and looked down at the Gibraltar base below, and said, "I just want to know one thing now, did you really kill Noel Cassia yourself."

Accidents did happen last night, and raids did happen.

But the point is that the process by which this happens has changed.

The unknown force should have come to rescue Noel Cassia. As for the source, it is possible that someone from Sarah's faction or Lacus Klein.

Of course, this is not the crux of the matter.

The crux of the matter is that his plans are disrupted.

In order to ensure that Noel Cassia's reputation in the Zaft army was reduced to the greatest extent, he gave Noel a choice that was not considered an option.

Die, or die to save Lux from defecting Zaft.

With Noel's character, he would definitely choose the latter.

He also laid out an opportunity for Noel to defect.

For example, with the help of the "Old Sala faction and the old Klein faction" to rescue Noel, and use this to clear the political arena.

Because the only way to minimize the impact of Noel Cassia's future bounce, and only in this way, can justifiably kill Noel Cassia.

He will have a lot of room for action in the future.

But now, a sudden attack has completely disrupted his plans.

What's more deadly is that the faction of New Klein, that is, the forces behind his adjutant, made small moves in this attack, trying to forcibly reduce Noel Cassia.

Of course, this is not really unacceptable to me.

After all, the attack has occurred.

There is also the possibility of Noel Cassia escaping with suspended animation, and the death of Noel Cassia is also a good result.

So now the first task is to determine whether Noel Cassia is dead or not.

"According to the information from the soldiers, they did shoot Noel Cassia. Judging from the location and number of shots hit, Noel Cassia has no chance of surviving."

When the adjutant heard the words, he did not continue to hide it, and told the news he had learned.

According to the soldier's recollection, Noel Cassia was indeed shot three times in the back.

And because the distance is not too far, even if he wears a body armor in advance, the three shots are enough to kill.

"Where's the corpse?"

Durandal turned around and asked.

"It was taken away by the other party."

The adjutant replied.

Durandal frowned slightly when he heard the words, and he was not satisfied with this answer.

But things have developed to the present, and there is nothing you can do if you are not satisfied.

But he really had to find a way to save the political chaos once and for all.

These guys are too presumptuous, and when they see the general trend, they start to move their hands and feet, and it is also a burden to keep things like wine bags and rice bags.

"Announcement, Noel Cassia was killed in the battle with the spy troops sent by LOGOS!"

Although Durandal really wanted to return immediately and get rid of all those who were holding him back, he still had more important things in front of him—the crusade against LOGOS!

Subsequent actions are based on the successful crusade against LOGOS.

"Yes, but in this case, the previous charges against Noel Cassia-"

"Let's make an announcement. An emergency press conference will be held later, and I will be there at that time."

Durandall had no interest in explaining such a silly question.


The adjutant was unwilling to hear the words, but he had to obey.

"Not all adjusters are smart people."

After Durandal finished speaking, he raised his head and sighed.

If this matter is not left to LOGOS now, it will be troublesome if it is labeled as a political factional battle in the future.

But the crusade against LOGOS has accelerated.

Only in this way, the ambush on Lux will have to be a little later.

He didn't like to gamble on the ethereal things of luck and possibility.

In the case of tearing his face, he must guarantee a one-hit kill.

Noel Cassia is Lux's sharp sword, under the circumstances that Noel Cassia's death cannot be determined.

The best way is to completely press the queen of Lux to Mendel.

"I hope you're really dead-"

About ten minutes later.

[At a time when I should be actively preparing for the war, I have no choice but to announce a sad news——] In Durandal's speech.

News of Noel Cassia's death spread around the world through a live press conference.

Under Durandal's eloquent speech.

Noel Cassia's death was blamed on LOGOS.

At the same time, it also proved the innocence of Noel Cassia, whether he was wronged, or the hero who used to be Zaft.

Excited for a while.

The fighting spirit of the soldiers of the Sala faction has reached its peak.

The heroes on the battlefield did not die on the battlefield, but died in the dirty sneak attack.

Even the corpses couldn't be put together because of the high explosives.

This unacceptable fact irritates every Zaft soldier.

"Oh, that's really good news."

In contrast, in the Paradise Island base, Gibril and the others looked extremely happy sitting in the luxurious conference Are you going to recognize this matter like this? "

One of the LOGOS members who fled here asked.

"You think it's useful for us to deny? What else can we do but make us look like we're daring or not?"

Jibril asked rhetorically.

It's true that they didn't do this, but so what?

Someone will believe you when you say it out? Would anyone who wears a pair of pants with Zaft believe it?

In other words, those who are qualified to doubt will not believe, and those who can believe are not qualified to doubt.

The two sides are already mortal enemies, and the other party occupies the righteousness. In this case, the denial of one's own side is meaningless, and it will let the other party use the topic to play.

Instead of having this meaningless war of words with Durandal, let him continue to demean LOGOS with righteousness to boost Zaft's morale.

It is better to keep silent and let Noel Cassia's death inspire the morale of his soldiers.

After all, the red **** of death still has a certain deterrent strength.

"In this world, the winner gets everything, the loser loses everything, and everyone buys everything in the victory. If you fail, the truth can also become meaningless bullshit."

"But it's kind of interesting—"

Gibril expressed disdain for Durandall's behavior of throwing dirty water.

How can the general trend be changed and influenced by such petty troubles?

Now it's hard power.

But having said that, he is also very interested in who made the move.

After all, Zaft's political turmoil or something, he still likes it very much.

It's just that this matter can only be discussed later. After defeating the coalition forces in front of him, this is not a breakthrough to deal with Zaft.

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