Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 62: : Let's beat it first, the main theme of PLANT

"That Noel, I'm sorry, I don't think Frey is either..."

"shut up!"

Noel interrupted Kira directly, he was afraid that if Kira continued to speak, he could not help but beat him.

One of your victims ran to help the perpetrator to apologize to another victim. I didn't dare to write a novel like this!

"You, you are an adjuster, why can't you tell me!" Frey's princess came up as soon as she got sick.

Apologizing to Kira is already a big concession. If it wasn't for Sai and Miria's dissuasion, Frey would not have been able to apologize.

Now it is impossible for her to ask her to apologize to Noel.


"Isn't it? Isn't he an adjuster? Why should I apologize to him?"

Sai Yi was about to say something, but Frey interrupted him rudely, turned to Noel, and said, "An adjuster is an adjuster, can't you still be a natural person! Your parents have the ability to make you an adjuster? , don't you allow me to say it, I..."


Frey's words were interrupted by a loud slap across the face.


"what are you doing!"

"Depend on!"

Seeing Frey being beaten, Sai and the others couldn't bear it any longer, they rolled up their sleeves and rushed towards Nuoer.

"Get out of here!"

Noel tilted his head to avoid Sai's fist, turned around and rammed his elbow into Sai's heart.


Sai's eyes bulged slightly, and her legs involuntarily knelt down.


Frey screamed, and hurriedly bent over to help Sai.


Thor looked at Sai's pained appearance, and forced the brakes to stop. He didn't hold his fist either, and he felt a little embarrassed for a while.

Even the few other people who wanted to help stopped.

The battle ended so quickly that Kira, who had just stood up and prepared to pull the frame, was also a Muggle.

"Yo, boys, you really... um... what happened?"

Everyone turned their heads following the sound, only to see that the maintenance man Madake was looking at them from the door with a bewildered face, and his arms just raised were also stunned in the air.

"Boy, take good care of your girlfriend! Next time, I'll punch you out!"

After Noel finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the door of the restaurant without looking back. He wiped the shoulders of the members of the Archangel who came to help after hearing the news and walked out.

A hero doesn't suffer immediate losses, and people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Anyway, the anger is out, so run first!


Madek looked at Noel who was leaving, and was dazed by the situation in the restaurant.


The Supreme Council—

Twelve members of the council sat around the curved table.

The seats of Aslan and Cruze were placed in the direction opposite to them.

Sitting in the center is Siegel who appeared in the Shicai News screen. Klein.

It is composed of twelve cities, each of which has its own special research field, and each elects a member of the highest council.

Under the agreement of these twelve people, a decision was reached for "".

In fact, just as Aslan's father was one of the councillors, among the twelve, there were also the father or mother of Itzhak, Nigall and Diaka.

However, they did not grow up with the shadow of their parents. If they had to say it, it was because they inherited the outstanding genes of the previous generation that enabled them to be active on the front-line battlefield as elite pilots.

At this time, Cruzer, who was wearing a blindfold, was reporting the whole story to the crowd.

"From the above experience, I think everyone should be able to understand that our action is definitely not an attack on 'Heliopolis' itself. The biggest reason for its destruction is rather caused by the Earth Alliance."

After the impassioned discussion, Cruze returned to his seat.

'Does the captain really believe that all this is caused by the Earth Alliance? ' An inexplicable question appeared in Aslan's mind.

When Cruzer ordered the troops to use the D equipment, did he really not predict that it would cause damage to "Heliopolis"?

However, the senators' rhetoric is very close to Cruzer's.

"Orb must have colluded with the Earth Army! What **** neutrality! It's ridiculous! Orb is also an enemy!"

"But the representative of Ashar..."

"It's them who ignore the treaty first!"

"How can people who live on earth believe what they say!"

The meeting room began to quarrel.

"All right!"

Just as the three parties disagreed, a majestic voice drowned out the arguments of the other members.

Seeing that the arena was quiet, Patrick Sara asked Cruzer, "Captain Cruzer, are you sure that the mobile suits of the Earth Army really have the value they need to make such a big sacrifice?"

Hearing that, Cruzer seemed to have expected such a question, and immediately replied fluently: "Regarding its performance, please drive one of the aircraft in person, and fight with the last one left behind by the enemy. Let Aslan Sara report."

Looking at the stage of the eyeball, which seems to develop under the arrangement of the script.

Aslan stood up silently, and at the same time, the image of "Sacred Shield Gundam" was also reflected on the screen behind him.

As the screen switched to a battle situation, there was another low-pitched exclamation among the councilors.

"First of all, it's this machine called 'Sacred Shield Gundam'..."

Resisting the discomfort in his heart, Aslan felt like a layman who was pushed onto the stage and started reporting.

Speaker Klein began to stare at Patrick Sarah the moment Patrick Sarah asked the question.

five minutes later-

"As the above data shows, in terms of hardware, its performance is more excellent than the second-phase main force 'Sigu' that we are deploying in Zaft. I-I believe that Captain Cruze's judgment is correct."

After reporting, Aslan slowly retreated.

After the councilors listened to his report, all but two of them showed bitter expressions.

"...To make such a thing... Those natural people...!"

"But it's still in the prototype stage, right? It's only 5 MS..."

"But it won't take long for mass production to go this far! Do you mean to wait until then to be nervous?"

Aslan listened to the words of the congressmen, UU reading inexplicably felt a strange aura in his heart, is this... fear?

Could it be that they, who are far superior in ability to natural people, have a deep fear in their hearts that they are inferior to inferior races?

Aslan shook his head vigorously, abandoned this ridiculous feeling, and sat there silently watching them like Cruze.

"This is clearly a symbol of the will of those natural people! Those guys want to further expand the war!"

"Even so, if we continue to fight, what will we do in the future? If it turns into a long-term war, we will..."

"Now is not the time to say that..."

"Quiet! Members, please be quiet!"

After Patrick Sarah's low voice, the originally noisy parliament finally returned to silence.

Patrick Sarah's calm voice sounded again, saying, "No one wants war..."

These words caused everyone to remain silent and look at him.

Siegel Klein frowned slightly, and there was an inexplicable light in his eyes.

"We all just want to live a happy life in peace and stability... Our wish is nothing more than that."

The congressmen nodded silently when they listened to Patrick Sarah's words.

"But! Who ruthlessly shattered this wish? Who is the one who blindly uses us to adjust for the convenience of himself and life!? We will never forget..."

Suddenly, Patrick's voice suddenly became excited.

He looked around the faces of everyone firmly and forcefully, and said word by word, "Never forget that 'Bloody Valentine's Day', and never forget the tragedy of 'Junius 7'!"

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