Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 30: : The daily routine of a banquet

Azaria Jur and Erin Carnaba did not hide their voices.

Although the tones of the two were not high, the banquet venue was not large. In addition, they had a special status, and they were already in the center of the crowd. Soon the voice reached Aslan and the others.

"Hey, there's a quarrel again."

As soon as Yitzhak turned his head, he saw the quarrel between his mother and Karnaba, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Aslan's father was the leader of the main war faction.

Yitzhak's mother was a war fighter.

Lux's father was a moderate leader.

Diaka's father was a moderate.

Nigel's father was a moderate and moderate.


In fact, the members of the council used to be good friends, and they all had deep bonds with each other.

If it weren't for the ties of the parents, in this situation with completely opposite political opinions, the relationship between Yitzhak and Aslan and others would not be so harmonious, and Lux ​​would not be engaged to Aslan. ,

However, this bond is also being worn away under the different ideas of the two sides.

"Do you really want to decide the winner and loser with a natural person? Obviously everyone is the same human being."

Lux, who was on the side, looked at the members of the council who had become distinct from each other, and her heart was mixed for a while.

Since the beginning of the war, there has been no harmony among the members of the council.

"The same humans? When they destroyed Junius 7..."

"Cough cough!"

Just as Yitzhak was about to say something, Diaka, who was beside him, hurriedly interrupted with a cough.

"Aslan, sorry."

Itzhak came to his senses and found that what he said was a bit too much.

It has to be said that although Yitzhak often makes fun of Aslan and imposes bad words.

He has the dual attributes of vicious tongue and arrogance, but it doesn't mean that he really has no education and brains. He still knows the importance of it.

Lux looked at Aslan's unconsciously clenched fists, a heartache flashed in her eyes, and she couldn't help holding Aslan's arm tightly.

"It's okay, I think you should apologize to Noel." Aslan patted Lux's arm and forced a smile.

The death of Lenoah Sara was an unforgettable sadness in Aslan's heart.

"Apologize to me? Why?"

Nuoer was eating happily, but when he heard that someone wanted to apologize to him, he couldn't help but look over with a confused expression.

Itzhak opened his mouth and looked at Noel, who was oily. When the apology came to his mouth, he couldn't say a single word. This...

"'t you feel angry?" Diaka asked hesitantly, putting down the food in his hand.

"Angry? Why?" Noel was even more confused. Why did I get angry when I was eating?



Just as Diaka was about to say something, Aslan, who was beside him, suddenly interrupted, saying, "There are some things that can't be talked about."

Whether Noel deliberately pretended not to hear it, or Noel really didn't hear it, both are meaningless.

The tragedy of Junius 7 is an indescribable grief for the whole.

"Oh, so that's what you're talking about." Noel knew what it meant when he heard the three words Yuniu.

The faces of Anna, Asya and others flashed in my mind...

"It's already happened, it's useless for us to think about it, it's better to look forward to the future and cherish the moment." Noel said with a smile when he saw that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

However, Noel's words had the opposite effect.

Aslan and the others looked at Noel's 'forced smile' face and couldn't help falling into silence.

Even Aslan and Lux ​​didn't know what to say, they just watched Noel silently.

Sometimes the power of words can change the world, but sometimes, the power of words seems pale and powerless.

Itzhak silently stretched out his hand and patted Noel on the shoulder. He was so venomous that he could no longer speak up.


Just when everyone was speechless, Cruze's voice suddenly came from not far away.

When everyone heard the sound, they saw that Cruze had come to a place not far from everyone.

"What you want." Cruze stood in the distance and took out a small bottle and shook it.

"I'm sorry, I'll go over first."

Even though Nuoer had all kinds of reluctance in his heart, he couldn't stop taking the medicine, so he had to apologize to Aslan and the others and walked over quickly.

"That thing..." Itzhak stood on the spot, recalling the bottle in Cruzer's hand and frowning slightly, the thing looked a little familiar.

"Itzhak, do you know what medicine Noel is taking?" Diaka asked suspiciously.

In fact, they have long known that Nuoer carries the medicine bottle with him. Although Nuoer eats it secretly every time, everyone has been together for so long, and they are not blind or fools, so they can naturally find some clues.

It's just that Noel's medicine is too special, they can't tell what kind it is.

When Aslan and the others heard the words, they couldn't help but look over.

"I think I've seen it before, but I can't remember... What kind of eyes does Diaka have?" Itzhak frowned and pondered what he was about to say.

Suddenly, I found that Diaka's eyes were a little wrong, and he was suspicious.

"If you know it, you know it, if you don't know it, you don't know it, and you can't remember it for a while, tsk~" Diaka pouted with a disdainful expression.

"If I say I can't remember it, I just can't remember it, and it's none of your business if I think about it or not!" Itzhak froze instantly.

"Itzhak, are you sure you've seen that medicine bottle?" Aslan asked with a frown, standing aside.

He didn't know what kind of medicine it was, but that flashing sign didn't seem to be available in ordinary places.

"Believe it or not!" After Yitzhak finished speaking, he tilted his head and ignored a few people, but his eyes flickered at Noel, obviously he was trying to remember.

On the other side, Noel came to Cruzer with a reluctant expression.

"This is your amount for this week." Cruzer turned a blind eye to Noel's expression and just took out a bottle of potion from his pocket.

"A week? Wasn't it a month last time?" Noel was stunned. This reduction was too big. UU reading

"Where do you think I can fit a month's worth on me?" Cruze asked rhetorically.

"When I didn't say it." Noel looked Cruzer up and down, as if he really couldn't bring so much here.

"By the way, I'm going to the front line tomorrow." Cruzer continued.

"What did you tell me about this?" Noel was stunned, what does it have to do with me when you went to the front line.

"Speaking of which, we are also friends, don't you care if I will never return?" Cruzer asked with a smile.

"Is it possible?" Noel rolled his eyes, it would be **** if this guy Cruze could die at this point in time.

"It turns out that you have so much confidence in me." Cruzer's reaction to Noel was not surprising.

"Hehe, you..."

"Aslan! Do you really want to fight!"

"You can't use your brain, Itzhak!"


It was the sound of broken glass that answered Aslan and the dissuasion of Diaka and the others.


"Damn it! Itzhak don't get excited!"

"Aslan, are you alright? Itzhak, are you crazy!"

"Itzhak Itzhak! Don't get excited, don't get excited!"


The sound of fighting caught everyone's attention, and Nuoer also followed the direction from which the sound came.

I saw that at some point, Yitzhak and Aslan fought again.

But instead of fighting, it's better to say that Yitzhak was unilaterally pressed to the ground by Nigall and the others in a very skilled way.

As for Aslan, he stood aside to clean up the drink with Lux's help.

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