Gundam Seed System

Chapter 147: So you are this kind of girl?

The end of this battle is already at night, not counting Sun Jin’s results. Although the other three battlefields are stuck, with the support of Song Hana and Salia, relying on the armored advantage of the halberd tank, Winning less and winning more battles did not lose too much force. Nowadays, in this world, individual soldiers fight is very rare. Most of the battlefields are fighting each other with chariots and ma.

Scarcity of population, coupled with changes in weapons and equipment, it would be wishful thinking to only rely on the gun in hand to cause effective damage to these iron shells, especially after the emergence of large weapons such as ms, the role of a single soldier on the battlefield is even greater. If it weren’t for smart AI, the battle between regular troops would have long been replaced by smart machines.

   "Huh, the Eurasian Federation has officially started war on us?"

Swallowing the Ross-style food in his mouth, Sun Jin couldn't believe it and confirmed again with the officer who reported to him that Smidovy’s base had been occupied, and the soldiers who came to the meeting would also receive it here. The surrendered half. The guard battalion was also left here, and there was no time to deal with them for the time being.

   "Yes, they used the forged evidence as a reason to accuse us of deliberately provoking the incident, and strongly condemned our act of crossing the border to attack the territory of another country."

   "Hey, dare you say, is there any plan above?"

I took the glass jug with water on the table and poured myself a glass of water. After taking a sip, Sun Jin continued to ask, since the war is officially on, then this base is a good starting point. Based on this, It can continue to expand into the inland of the Eurasian Federation. As long as you hold this place, it will become a nail that is firmly fixed in the flesh of the Eurasian Federation and cannot be pulled out.

   The clerical officer took out a tablet and handed it to Sun Jin. He said that the task was confidential and he didn't know it. After Sun Jin took it over and confirmed the fingerprint and iris, the task appeared.

Order the'White Tiger' team to set off at 2:00 tonight, sprint through the Smidovsky District, head straight to Khabarovsk, and conduct a feint attack on the missile base in the zone. It must be dragged to support the main force. The large troops will be in the enemy During the encirclement process, the party carried out an anti-encirclement and tried to consume all the troops of the unit.

The specific action plan has been written in detail for the marching route. Sun Jin only needs to follow the plan and there is no problem. After confirming the new task, the clerical officer will report back. Now the communication means are lacking and can only be passed back and forth by people. Information, the high-level gang did not forget to destroy the communication system of the base when they ran away, and the telephone lines were all destroyed.

The communicator constructing communications was still buried directly at the Smidovy base and Fuyuan base, and they couldn’t finish it for a while. After drinking all the water in the cup, Sun Jin found Elsa who was resting and rushed. Salia and Song Hana, who came to meet, conveyed the new mission to the three of them. It was a late night action. Fortunately, everyone could rest early this time. It is only 18:00 in the evening. If you go to bed right away, you still have 7 hours. Rest time.

So in addition to Sun Jin, after confirming the mission, the three girls went back to their dormitory and prepared to rest first, and recharged for the mission tonight. Sun Jin planned to find the battalion commander of the guard battalion. Let’s talk about it. This afternoon, I will mainly follow the soldiers who came here to repair the damaged place, otherwise a broken base will be useless.

The guard battalions that surrendered were all shot and locked up in a warehouse, except for the commander-level figures who were locked up in single rooms. The remaining company platoon commanders and battalion commanders were locked up separately to prevent them. Incite soldiers to riot.

Speaking of the battalion commander, Sun Jin remembered that the officer came to report that the man was the heir of the Konos family of the Ross Federation. Most of the elites died in battle, and the result was that family resources were constantly plundered by other families, and finally became marginal families.

This is why Luminara Konos, as the heir, is only the battalion commander of a guard battalion. Of course, these materials are explained to Sun Jin by the clerical officer. To be honest, he doesn’t know much about the big families in other countries. To report his name to him, I really can't know who is who.

   But as the original big clan, now it has fallen to this point, and is still being bullied. Sun Jin always feels that this is a good opportunity to win, after all, there is a leading party, and they will fight more easily.

   Under the leadership of the guards, Sun Jin found the room where Luminara Konos was imprisoned. This was originally her dormitory. Considering her identity, the person in charge of handling the captives did not embarrass her too much.

A young captain named Luminara Konos was sitting on the bed with her hands on her knees in a daze. When she heard the sound of opening the door, she quickly raised her eyes and saw a tall, black-haired man in a white uniform. The boy walked in, his fair skin, golden pupils, and delicate face, combined with his steady temperament, made people have to concentrate on this person.

There was a gurgling sound. It turned out to be the sound of drooling. Originally, the area of ​​this single dormitory was not large. Before Sun Jin entered the room, the room was silent. This also caused the sound to be amplified as long as it was a little bit loud. , Both of them were stunned.

   Sun Jin did not expect that someone would swallow when he saw him, while Luminara Konos was shy and blushed and hurriedly explained.

   "No, that, I didn't eat tonight."

   After saying this, she was even more she didn't eat, she saw the beautiful boy swallowing, which is even more strange. Okay! Luminara Konos is also 22 years old this year. It stands to reason that she should have a boyfriend, but she is still single because of her special hobby. Yes, her hobby is boys who are younger than her. Not in reality, but two-dimensional, beautiful boy or something.

I thought that there would be no such people in reality, but I didn’t expect that today, Sun Jin who walked in really taught her a lesson about what a beautiful boy is. Although she knew that this person must be a soldier of the Republic, Lumina La Konos is not a pure soldier either. She joined the army just to use the power of the army to help her family, so in fact, she is no different from Song Hana and others.

   "Ahem, that, I'm Sun Jin, good evening, Miss Luminara Konos."

She made a fist and placed it on her mouth pretending to be coughing. Sun Jin introduced herself to the woman in front of her, trying to break the embarrassing atmosphere on a special topic. The scene just now really surprised him, good fellow, it turns out There is such a familiar girl.

   "Ah! You are the one today!"

Hearing Sun Jin’s self-introduction, Luminara Konos immediately realized that he is the pilot of the black MS with super-excellent driving skills today. It turned out to look like this, which is too foul. ! It's a beautiful boy again, and an ace pilot again! Luminara Konos felt that she might be unable to hold her expression anymore.

Facing the girl with the expression of Daknis, Sun Jin was also sweating coldly. This expression was too, that one. Seeing Luminara Konos smiling at herself, Anna flashed in Sun Jin’s mind. Nishinomiya, Albedo, Naiyako, and a series of characters with the same attributes in the anime he had seen before.

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