Return the rental airship to Harbor Street on the Beast Continent.

From there I rented a carriage to Kokoli Street and returned to the headquarters of the New and Pure Maiden Knights.

Speak differently from the merchants who were familiar on the way in the carriage.

There were so many things on the North Continent that it felt like I hadn't been back in years.

When he arrived at Cocoli Street, he did not stop by and went straight back to the headquarters of the New and Pure Maiden Knights. The carriage will be returned to the renter at a later date.

Ten new and pure Maiden Knights members were encouraged to train on the ground.

In the New and Pure Maiden Knights, twenty people guard the city and ten people waiting for headquarters are in a training system.

These are the maids that are under Shea today.

All the members of the training team are made of made-up clothes and are trained in how to move, attack, enter and so on inside the frame of a tree that stands out indoors.

When we found out, he stopped training.

On behalf of the fairy species, Meelia of the Hurri, comes the word.

Shea tried to get me to touch her butt as a maid training before.

"Welcome home, young ladies, wives, Maya, and Shea."

'Welcome home!

The other maids praise Meelia for her words.

I gently raise my hand and say hello.

"I'm home. I'm sorry to interrupt your training. We're not here. Is there a problem?

"We had a fine rub about the city's policing, but it was the only thing we could deal with here, so no problem. Counselor Garma abandoned his affairs and tried to escape, so he captured him and is now under house arrest."

Garma knew Dr. Elle and was a former advisor to the Pure Maiden Knights.

Since becoming the new and pure Maiden Knights, he had thought of retiring as an advisor, but he was forced to pull it off. Clerical work, negotiators, etc. is due to the fact that there are a lot of jobs.

We helped with the job, but we've been going all the way to the North Continent lately.

For this reason, clerical work, etc., would have accumulated so much that I was fed up.

I understand his struggles. But there's no reason to let them get away with it. One more person is making a mistake trying to make things easier.

"Nice judgment. Because if Counselor Garma tries to escape in the future, you can capture him. Forgive me on my authority."

"Sir Jesus Sir!

The maids' energetic voice echoes the ground.

"Anything else warm?

"Yes, about two. One had a Catholic priest and a witch who wanted to see the young man. But when I told you that the young lady was away and didn't know when you were coming home, I left a message saying that I would like to hear from you when you got home."

"... Catholic priests and witches?

I twist my neck.

Catholicism is a religion that worships the gods who created this world.

It is the most major religion in this other world.

In fact, even in the village where I and Snow were, there has been a religious ritual where children alone pick flowers dedicated to the heavenly gods at the fall harvest festival.

But there is no rigour like the earth of previous life, Christianity or Islam, and it is close to Shinto.

It's like religious rituals permeate the general life of this other world.

What the hell does such a Catholic priest & witch look like to me? It's not like you're being called to a heretical inquisition and tried.

Not aware of my anxiety, Meelia continues to report.

"Finally, the..."

"Meelia, the report is clear and accurate. I thought I taught you the basics."

"Excuse me, Master Shea."

Shea reprimands Meelia for what she said.

Once again, she continued her report.

"Finally, Chris' friend, Reese's sister, the people who name you are staying in the guest room, how about that?

... I didn't immediately understand Meeria's words.

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"Welcome home, Lew and sister!

"Welcome home, Chris! Mr. Lute, gentlemen! Long time no see!

"It's been a really long time, hasn't it? Look, I don't know. They seem to be crossing faces. See, Karen says hello, too."

"Wait a minute, don't talk to me because I'm thinking about reverse hands right now Muir! Ten consecutive defeats and other Bishops'...! Chris and the others are back!?

Introducing in the order of speech - Reese's real sister, High Elf Kingdom, Third Princess of Enor, Luna Enor Memere. She's as tall as Chris, and she's a beautiful blonde twin-tailed girl.

And Chris' childhood familiar threesome, three-eyed Bernie Bloomfield.

He looks like a regular semi-long cute person, but he also has eyes on his forehead.

That's why they call it a three-eyed family.

The next is the Lamian tribe, Muir Head, whose lower body is a snake and upper body is a person.

The lower body remained a snake and the upper body was sleeved through kimono-like clothing. Her breasts are big, and she looks so colorful that she doesn't think she's the same age as Chris.

And at the end, the lower body is a horse, and the upper body is a woman.

Karen Bishop of the Centaur tribe.

I also had long ponytails about whether my hair was caught in the clan name.

Karen was reversing with Luna.

The surface of the plate is black and not in a position where the white Karen can be reversed.

No, it's more than that scratch. It's why they're here!

Reese was questioning my real sister faster than I was questioning her.

"Luna! How could you be here! You must have been in Dragon God Continent!?

"'Cause I missed your sisters because they never came back. Is it more or less too insane to throw your real sister out into exotic land, into someone else's home for years?

"Ugh, that's..."

Reese shuts up when he gets poked in the pain.

I didn't know you could talk to my sister Luna even though she's my sister......

"And when I was free on the Dragon God continent, Karen and the others asked and they were willing to do it!

Our gaze is directed at Chris' childhood friendly threesome.

"Why are you all here? No, first of all, how did you get to Dragon God?

"Mr. Lute, aren't you the Butler of the Brad family anymore? So I want you to treat us as friends, okay?

Muir wiggles her mature colored incense and tilts her little neck.

'I want you to treat me as a friend', if you say so, there's certainly no reason to say no.

"Of course, not... of course. So why are the three of you here?

"As a matter of fact, we graduated from the Demon Continent School of Sorcery and learned in a letter from Chris that Mr. Lute had created an army (Legion). So I was wondering if Chris could get a job at PEACEMAKER."

Barney with three eyes explains.

All three of them are safe, they graduated from a school of sorcery in the Demon Continent and became magician class B mages.

... How close we are to the ranks of magicians.

And Karen takes over the explanation.

"But when I visited my home on the Dragon God continent, Chris and I weren't there. So I met Luna and was taught that Lute and the others had gone to the Beast People's Continent. That's why I came all the way to Kokoli Street with her guide."

And you waited at the headquarters of the New and Pure Maiden Knights all the way back from the North Continent... It's just a good place to go, didn't you think if you were away, you'd be kicked back?

Well, Luna is Reese's real sister and you can tell by looking at her face, and given her age, she's not a suspicious person, okay? Besides, Karen and the three of them are familiar with Chris' childhood, and can you believe it if you show them the correspondence you've been sending each other?

And this is how I met you, and it turned out to be O'Rei.

And by the way, the job they wanted...

Bernie Bloomfield, a three-eyed family, wants affairs, accounting, and accounting.

Lamia, Muir Head wants to be in charge of diplomacy.

Karen Bishop of the Centaur tribe wants to fight side by side with Chris. I mean, you can fight as a soldier, right?

Chris, you've been inspired by three more childhood friends, and I've been hoping to get into PEACEMAKER (Peace Maker) until Luna.

Of course Reese disagrees.

"What are you talking about! You've decided to study more importantly! I won't admit to joining the group! Luna, head back to the Dragon Nation at once!

"As I said earlier, isn't your sister too insane to throw her real sister out into exotic land, into someone else's home for years? As a guardian, what about that?

"Oh, that's..."

Luna pokes at the steeple again.

Reese can't argue and gets the words clogged.

Luna does not relax her hand in the offense and sells herself in even more.

"And Lew, we're going to have more members, right? Then it would be better to keep Luna in the army for a bargain. Hey, look."

She removes the barrel containing the magical liquid metal from under the table to show her own performance.

She gets her hands in and pours in her magic.

As if by magic, the magical liquid metal becomes AK47 itself.

Luna produced AK47 directly from the magical liquid metal!

Even we create and assemble one part or another!

"Yes, check it out for your hand. There shouldn't be a problem."

"Oh, wow."

Receive AK47 from Luna.

Disassemble each main part and arrange it on the table.

The rifling is properly engraved inside the barrel.

I think I can use it without any problems.

"You're lying. How the hell..."

"Because I was free until Lew and the others got back, so I borrowed the AK47 to disassemble and remember all the parts. Imagine that afterwards and let magic flow through the magic liquid metal, and it's done, right?

It's easy for me to say.

In the earliest days, when I got the magical liquid metal, I also tried to create revolvers in bulk, like Luna.

But there were too many parts to imagine, complicated and abandoned.

That's what she made me do with AK47.

But no wonder she could.

Luna will never forget once she sees it, she's a complete memory savant.

Of course, there are specialties where parts of the AK47 are made more loosely from each other, which may absorb some error.

Still a substandard force.

With her, we may be able to stably create AK47 and other firearms no matter how many more members we have.

Honestly, I want enough people to get my hands off my throat to build an institute from now on.

But there's also a lease in front of it, and we can't just hire it lightly.

As a compromise, I propose.

"Then I'll have the four of you take the entrance exam. If we can get through safely, Luna will hire us. And Reese. Is that all right?

"... if that's what Mr. Lute would say. But just because you're my sister doesn't make you look sweet during the exam."

"Thank you, sister! Lewton!"

"The other three have no problem with that?

Take note of the Muir and the others.

"What the hell do you do with an entrance exam?

Bernie, a three-eyed man, asks anxiously.

"PEACEMAKER (of which) uses special magic tools, right? So you train them to get used to that tool."

"Ugh, I don't like to fight or anything, so I want to be administrative. But I have to work hard with Chris and the others."

'Good luck, Bani!

Chris encourages his best friend to drop his shoulder.

"I have no problem with that. I've always been interested in the magic tools that Mr. Lute made."

"I don't have a problem either! Let us overcome any trials!

"No, it's not a trial, it's an exam"

Muir has a luscious smile that doesn't seem the same age as Chris, and Karen comes up with a cerebral muscle response.

Thus, Luna, Muir, Bernie and Karen were to undergo the PEACEMAKER (Peacemaker) admission test.

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