Jiang Cheng silently followed behind Hu Yang and his party, always maintaining a safe distance.

In this rural road where the lights are blind and there are no street lights, Jiang Cheng is simply the same as Kaihang.

Due to his ability to defy the night vision and farsightedness, Jiang Cheng didn't even have to turn on the headlights.

And because the distance was far enough, Hu Yang and the others didn't even notice the car following behind.

Lin Zhou sat in the co-pilot's seat, clutching the armrest of the roof of the car, his whole face pale.

That was scared by Jiang Cheng.

In his eyes, Jiang Cheng was like a bird with his eyes closed.

I faintly saw a few faint taillights in front of the car, and I couldn't even see the road clearly.

He couldn't figure out how Jiang Cheng was able to see the road clearly without turning on the lights?

At least he was sitting in the car, and he didn't even feel the slightest obvious bump.

It shows that Jiang Cheng can see the road clearly.

Lin Zhou's eyes as he looked at Jiang Cheng became extremely complicated, as if he was looking at a monster.

Before, Jiang Cheng rejected Xiao Tianzuo's night vision device, and he thought that Jiang Cheng didn't want to contribute and find an excuse to touch the fish! As a result, the clown turned out to be

him! People really don't need night vision devices

! He also understood more and more why an organization like Bureau 404 would let the boss join!

Jiang Cheng naturally didn't

notice Lin Zhou's abnormality, and all his attention was on the van in front of him.

After driving west along the country road for about 20 minutes, the truck turned left and went directly onto the provincial road.

Jiang Cheng looked at the operation of the car in front of him and was stunned.

This direction he knows.

This is the provincial highway from Qingzhou City to Ruili.

The brow instantly twisted into a ball.

Could it be that this is to transfer cultural relics to Ruili City?

Jiang Cheng instantly chuckled in his heart.

You must know that the sister under the jurisdiction of Sister Ruili Le is even across the street from Sister Mu in the flour country.

Even some villages in Ruili are half in the flour country and half in the dragon country.

From my sister to smuggle to the flour country, the method is not 10,000 but 8,000.

In some places, there is only a low iron fence wall.

As long as you say hello to the flour country in advance, find a truck that is high enough, and wait at the other end of the iron fence wall, the black lights will easily transport these wooden boxes containing antiques to them, and they will not know it.

If Cheng Dong really did that, Jiang Cheng would have a feeling of hitting the cotton with his fist, and he couldn't use his strength.

If that were the case, there would be nothing he could do but notify the 404 Bureau

! But even then, he had to communicate the time, and if he missed the time, when the police arrived, these cultural relics would have already entered the flour country

! That would be even more difficult!

Just as Jiang Cheng was about to report the situation, the van turned around and got into a remote road.

"Not to Ruili?"

Jiang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief instantly.

He knew this way, and went straight to a barren mountain.

This barren mountain is at the junction of Qingzhou and Ruili.


When he picked up and dropped off materials for Zheng Wanfu before, he went to play a few times when he had nothing to do.

"Could it be that Cheng Dong is going to transfer the box here?"

Jiang Cheng's eyes instantly flashed with a ray of essence.

If so, there's still a chance.

This is so good that I don't know where the van is smuggled directly from Ruili into the flour country!

The van turned around, and after about 20 minutes, Jiang Cheng noticed that the brake light in front of him was on, and when he looked closely, the truck and the SUVs really stopped in front.

Jiang Cheng didn't hesitate, put on the brakes, found a hidden place, stopped the car, opened the door, picked up the sniper rifle, and groped straight towards the depths of the forest.

"Lin Zhou, you just wait in the car, watch the car, don't be discovered, wait for my text message!" Lin

Zhou wanted to follow, but was directly stopped by Jiang Cheng

! Thinking about this barren mountain and lush forest, he can't even see the moonlight, he is no different from a blind man like this, isn't following the boss to hold back the boss? It's

better to look at the car

! "Boss, then be careful! Notify me of anything in time!" Lin Zhou said solemnly.


After speaking, Jiang Cheng walked to the depths of the dense forest without looking back.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Cheng revealed a pair of dark eyes from behind a large banyan tree, staring at the position three hundred meters in front of him.

Through the layers of foliage, Jiang Cheng uses perspective and farsightedness to the extreme.

At this moment, he is completely hidden in the branches and leaves, not to mention this dark night, even in broad daylight, standing next to him, no one may be able to find him.

This is Jiangcheng's unique advantage.

As long as he doesn't want to be exposed, others won't be able to find out about him at all.

And he could clearly see the every move of Hu Yang and the others.

At this moment, Hu Yang leaned on a big tree, smoking a cigarette and spitting out clouds.

On the side, another man with a fierce waist was directing his younger brother to dig in the ground.

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows.

"Could it be that this group of guys is going to bury these dozen or so big wooden boxes here temporarily?"

Holding back the excitement in his heart, Jiang Cheng quietly buried himself in the branches and leaves, and waited for more than two hours.

More than a dozen younger brothers, digging pits, moving boxes, burying soil, and carrying excess soil everywhere to scatter a little.

After that, the new soil is evenly spread with dead branches and leaves until the position of the buried wood box looks exactly like the surrounding soil.

Only then did they pack up their guys, re-enter the car one by one, and leave after a while.

Jiang Cheng never expected that Cheng Dong would arrange this batch of cultural relics in this way.

It was just buried and not watched.

If someone watched, even if the police force was used, and the energy of the 404th Bureau, in the end, Cheng Dong would be burned and the cultural relics would be directly destroyed in order to destroy the evidence.


Cheng stared at the several vehicles that were being transported until he couldn't even see his eyes, and then he cautiously walked out of the branches and leaves, and slowly touched the location of Hu Yang's buried wooden box.

However, before walking to the location of the buried wood box, Jiang Cheng still stopped, and used his eyes to check whether there were any dangerous traps around him over and over again, until he confirmed that it was safe several times, Jiang Cheng walked straight forward.

In his field of vision, under the dozens of square meters in front of him, eighteen large wooden boxes were neatly buried, and the wooden boxes were tightly wrapped with army-green tarpaulin.

Looking through the oilcloth and wooden boxes, the porcelain, bronzes, and jade jewels of various varieties all lie quietly in the wooden boxes.

It's like a quiet resting beauty, just like you can pick it up.

These are genuine antiques!

These are not fake handicrafts from the bad streets.

Any piece is priceless, and if you sell it, you can directly achieve financial freedom.

And this is not a two-piece, but a whole eighteen wooden boxes.

In the face of such a huge wealth, it is an individual who will be tempted.

Jiangcheng is no exception.

In the face of such a huge cultural relic, a small heart soared directly to 180!

There was even one more voice in my head.

Why don't you keep a box for yourself?

No one knows how many there are anyway.

Say it purely with your own mouth.

If you recover so many cultural relics for the country and

as a reward, you don't have any problem keeping a box by yourself, right? You can even say that you have lost them and don't know where they are? Who knows if what you said is true or false?

In that case, these eighteen boxes of antiques will all be your own

! But soon Jiang Cheng shook his head vigorously!

Tried to forcibly expel these dangerous thoughts from his head.

A wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

What do you think?

These are cultural relics, and they all belong to the state.

Still secretly hiding, did he want to eat a big bowl of prison rice and step on the sewing machine?

Then he took out his mobile phone, turned it on, and resolutely called Qian Duo.

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