Li Youzhi doesn't say he doesn't pay much attention to the listing of Heguang Audio-Visual. He can only say that he doesn't care much about it.

After all, for Brother Zhi, going public is just a means of development.

Just like an otaku, his ultimate goal is to find a gentle, considerate, fair-skinned, beautiful and 36D wife to achieve ultimate happiness.

Finding such a wife is the path to happiness. But until you find such a wife, you can't keep struggling, right?

Ordering a takeaway every week that is not so gentle and considerate, but has fair skin, beautiful appearance and 36D... is also a step-by-step method to make yourself happy!

The company's listing is similar to this. Before turning Heguang Culture into a company with a market value of 100 billion, listing Heguang Audio-Visual first sucked the milk out of it, just to make life a little easier.

But clearly, not everyone thinks so.

As the second largest shareholder of Heguang Audio and Video, Qiangsheng Film and Television attaches great importance to this backdoor listing.

During this period, Tu Zheng and Liu Yun spent a lot of time looking for securities agents in Hong Kong City and promoting and building momentum in the stock market.

In the office, Patience and Tu Liu chatted for more than half an hour about tomorrow's listing plan. Only then did Li Youzhi, who had only a vague understanding of stock market operations, finally sent the two out of the office.

When he returned to the chair and turned on his mobile phone, the number of people online on the premiere page of "Daydreamer" on the Heguang Audiovisual APP had exceeded 800,000!

At this time, the first batch of netizens to watch the premiere have already seen the second half of "Daydreamer".

Following the perspective of the protagonist Li Zhi, the audience walked out of those absurd daydreams. Experience a real life adventure in a reality that is far more thrilling and thrilling than the absurd;

From the reinforced concrete urban jungle to the vast and beautiful Western Xinjiang.

Jump out of a helicopter and fight bull sharks in the raging Brahmaputra River.

Riding on the unique cowhide raft in the snow area, you successfully crossed the icy and fast river.

Riding a skateboard bought from a primary school student, embracing the sunset and beautiful scenery of the border, speeding down the Duku Highway with a drop of thousands of meters...

All of this is to pursue the "Photograph No. 25" that disappeared from life.

The interesting thing about life is that it occasionally gives you unexpected surprises.

The cruel thing about life is that most of the time it won't give you anything - even if you think you have put in enough effort and courage.

This is the case for Li Zhi's journey.

Even if he bravely takes a step toward reality, even if he exhausts all the madness he has accumulated in his heart for many years, this pursuit still ends in fruitlessness.

He didn't find a partner as a photographer.

Back at the company, facing the manager who came to urge the film, Li Zhi, who was empty-handed, was fired without any surprise.

The messiness of life is often not reflected in just one aspect. After learning that the female colleague he had a crush on was also fired, Li Zhi plucked up the courage to visit his female colleague's home.

After ringing the doorbell, a tall and handsome man opened the door...

Everything seemed to be meaningless. The first thing Li Zhi did when he returned home was to throw away the wallet with the entrepreneurial spirit of the newspaper written on it.

The wallet lay quietly in the trash can. The motto printed on it, which supported him to take a brave step, seemed to be a kind of irony to him now.

However, sitting on the sofa, he unexpectedly discovered that the old piano at home matched one of the negatives that the photographer had sent before.

Li Zhi couldn't laugh or cry when he learned from his mother that his photographer partner had come to the house a week ago and said that his final goal was to go to the Himalayas to photograph snow leopards.

If all things can be personified, then life is the greatest joy. It is good at creating misunderstandings and misses. All living beings who like to see princes and nobles frightening traffickers and lackeys are walking on a winding path called "Unable to Seek", loving, hating, complaining and ashamed towards the end of their lives.

"How can they fire you? Sean has already said that you are very serious and excellent. You have always been the one to present his works to readers in the way he wants. Without you, there would be no such wonderful magazines. Cover..."

Listening to the encouragement contained in his mother's nagging, Li Zhi silently stood up from the sofa and picked up the travel bag that he had not yet had time to open.

He set out again, this time it had nothing to do with work or love.

Still a servant of the world.

On the plane and in the car, he began to compose the long-dusted but untouched travel diary given to him by his father, recording everything he experienced along the way;

He climbed the Himalayas, passed through the vast snowy areas, bid farewell to his guide, and walked alone on the top of the pure earth.

Snow-capped peaks sparkle in the sun, and the majestic mountains are the miraculous creations of nature. Among the jagged rocks, he finally found the photographer.

This is the guy we met for the first time after working together for ten years.

On the cold and empty mountain top, when Li Zhi asked about the No. 25 film, the photographer's answer made him unable to calm down - the No. 25 film that had traveled thousands of kilometers was put into his wallet by his good partner. The innermost mezzanine.

And that wallet had been thrown into the trash can by him.

Just when he was annoyed, the photographer on the side made a silence gesture to him. A majestic snow leopard, walking like a king, poked out from the rocks.

However, facing the spirit that seemed to be wandering between heaven and earth, my partner, squinting and staring into the distance, delayed pressing the shutter button of the camera.

Seeing that the alert snow leopard was about to disappear into the rocks, Li Zhi became anxious.

"When are you going to shoot?"

"Beautiful things never seek attention, and I don't like taking pictures just for the sake of taking pictures. So sometimes I don't take pictures and just enjoy the moment."

Looking at the snow leopard hiding in the stone forest, his partner shrugged his shoulders.

Facing his weathered face and exceptionally clear eyes, Li Zhi couldn't help but asked the question that had been bothering him for a long time.

"So, what exactly was captured on film No. 25?"

Faced with his inquiry, his partner smiled.

“That was the most perfect photo I have ever taken in my career. The truly fascinating elements of life are all there!”

After shouting at Li Zhi, he ran into the distance - at the foot of the mountain, a group of children from the snow area were playing a football match that had nothing to do with winning or losing, just for fun.

Another failed pursuit resulted in Li Zhi's huge explosion of Huabei awaiting repayment.

In order to pay off the debt, he had to sell the old piano at home. However, life seems to be tired of endless jokes. Just when Li Zhi received the cash paid by the buyer, his mother handed him something.

"You always lose things. Hurry up and pack your money so you don't lose it."

Li Zhi was surprised when he looked at the wallet that his mother handed over, which he had thrown into the trash can.

Mother is a magical creature; most of the time she cannot satisfy her children's willful demands.

But when something is missing for you, she will always babble and point you to a certain place in your home.

She's not a detective, she's not Doraemon, and she doesn't have a magic pocket. All she has is excessive attention and love for her children!

Taking the wallet that was going around, Li Zhi took out the long-sought negative from the innermost compartment, and silently hugged his mother. After saying "Thank you, mom", he rushed to the bus stop.

The company is still the same company, but after undergoing a major downsizing, it has become somewhat empty.

Ignoring the security guards and rushing into the company's conference room, Li Zhi stood in front of the company's senior executives who were having a meeting, and placed the negatives on the table before the last issue of the magazine was put on the shelves.

With the bastard manager's embarrassed and overwhelmed expression, Li Zhi left the company gracefully.

Over the next few days, his daydreaming became less and less frequent. One day when he was applying for a job, he received an interview. The interviewer of this small company was the female colleague whom I had a crush on before.

After the interview, when asked why his female colleague suddenly disappeared, Li Zhi truthfully told the story about the handsome guy he saw at his female colleague's house that day.

Faced with Li Zhi's embarrassment, the female colleague smiled and opened her phone and pulled out a contact.

The note behind the handsome guy’s profile picture is [The guy spitting out gold coins]...

The misunderstanding was resolved, and the relationship between the two became awkward and ambiguous. They passed by a newsstand and saw the last issue of the former company's magazine.

"Should we buy a copy?"

"Uh, I might...for a while. If I buy it directly, it will look like I'm a bit low..."

"By the way, how's your daydreaming problem going?"

"Occasionally, but not so often..."

The hurried crowds are still bustling, and the urban forest made of steel and concrete is still busy.

During the subtle but ambiguous chat, the camera passed over the two shoulders that were getting closer and settled on the cover of the last issue of "Life".

Above the cover that says "Final Issue" in the magazine number column is a series of small font slogans dedicated to the founder of this magazine.

Under the title is a telephoto photo of a person.

The person in the photo is sitting in front of the company's flower pond, staring at a photo plate. His brows seemed to be furrowed, and he seemed to be touched by the wonderful moments in the negative, and he was about to burst into a peaceful smile.

After thousands of miles of wandering, I broke through the pursuit of fantasy, and finally got the answer at this moment;

That No. 25 negative that I once searched for through iron shoes is a person who is conscientious and takes every love seriously... myself.

"I've been having a rough time recently. I just finished working overtime. I drank too late last night and the alarm clock rang ten thousand times before it was turned off..."

The cheerful guitar playing started.

Along with Li Youzhi's slightly playful singing voice, what appeared in the picture was Li Zhi's new job resume.

【Life Magazine Film Asset Manager, 9 years of experience】

"The busy crowd is chasing after each other, putting on the headphones and paying no attention to anything. A crazy idea makes me not want to continue this fulfilling and busy cycle..."

[Jump into the Brahmaputra River from a helicopter without protection, fight a bull shark and survive]

"You have been thinking about it for too long, but you still don't want to let go. When will you pursue the freedom you talk about?"

[In one day, I cycled, ran, and longboarded for 17 kilometers, reached the northern slope of the Himalayas, and appeared on the cover of Life magazine. 】

"The life that you are looking forward to, the life that breeds busyness, I want to break it all with my own hands!"

Heguang Audiovisual APP.

Looking at the ending song "Guide to Waste of Life", Li Zhina's new resume is full of surprises, and then looking at the cover of the last issue of "Life" magazine in the resume, I was immersed in the movie for more than an hour. The audience could no longer control the emotions in their hearts that started from fun, moved to agitation, and were moved... they could no longer hold back.

"I didn't dare to speak during the second half of the movie, for fear that I would lose even one frame while typing... It was so beautiful, and the extreme sports part was so fucking explosive!"

"The extreme sports part, but it was the last part that really touched my heart. After Xiaozhi came back from his trip, nothing seemed to have changed. He was still laid off, the magazine was still finished, and he had to sell it. He lost his piano to pay off his debt...but everything seems to have changed because he truly realized what life is!"

"Everyone wants to break through their ordinary life and achieve extraordinary adventures. But not everyone has the opportunity to complete the wonderful things in life, but there is a kind of movie that can make us feel lost for a moment... After watching the whole movie, All I can say is...this is the best fucking art film I've ever seen in my life,'s awesome!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Brothers, who of you still remembers the post that I posted after completing Ozaki's eight events? For a bird that is born unable to fly, when it flutters its wings and is about to fly, it has already broken its fate." Shackles... It turned out that he had told me everything, but I was stupid and waited until he moved to a higher level, and then I realized that he had been practicing it. He deserves to be famous, and he deserves to change from a loser to a Damn, it’s like this today!”

As the ending song of the movie ended, the huge THEEND appeared on the screen, and the comment section of the first page of Waguang Audiovisual's "Daydreamer" completely... exploded!

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