Growing up as a male god: After listening to the advice, I became a top-notch guy

Chapter 490: If you set things off abroad, I will kick down your domestic pot!

Because of his personality, Li Youzhi has never been interested in various official meetings.

Including this industry development promotion meeting, in his opinion, because the participants are all from various companies and represent small interest groups, it is impossible to discuss anything meaningful and helpful to the industry. Substantial conclusion, so when Tu Susu asked him to go, he refused without even thinking.

Unexpectedly, this kind of rubbish meeting actually reached a consensus - a consensus to punish ourselves!

This is very catchy.

Li Youzhi has thought about whether the content of Heguang Audiovisual's short drama will cause controversy.

After all, this is not the first time that this situation has occurred. Internet articles, copycat mobile phones, and web games have all encountered similar experiences before. The reason is simply that these products have obvious sinking characteristics, and they will definitely not be too popular in an evaluation system dominated by elite thinking.

But the overseas income they bring is really "really fragrant", so now that the content of the platform has been fixed, it is obviously too late to plan short dramas, but it is also uncomfortable to watch this big platform make other people eat it. Speaking of which, it is understandable to complain and cause trouble.

If Li Youzhi really wanted to make money from short plays, maybe he would have tolerated this tone.

After all, Long Aotian, Boss Tyrant and sweet sadomasochism short dramas do belong to the Internet subculture. They can make a fortune in silence, but they are not suitable for being displayed in the lobby with exquisite decoration.

The reason for doing short dramas before was simply because Ai Yi blocked the way for her popular drama IP + translation to be released overseas, and was suggested by unreliable netizens.

But who is Brother Zhi?

You have to reason with Brother Zhi, Brother Zhi doesn't have to eat this piece of meat - that's where the talent ends, if this piece of meat doesn't work, Brother Zhi will just find something else to cook it with.

But if you kick Brother Zhi's bowl without saying a word...that's embarrassing.

Don't worry about where the meat in Brother Zhi's bowl comes from. Brother Zhi must first smash your pot!

With this in mind, Li Youzhi opened the comment area of ​​the hot search.

At this time, it had only been more than an hour since this news became a hot search, but tens of thousands of comments had already accumulated in the comment area.

As a new streaming video platform, Heguang Audio and Video currently has nearly 10 million users in China. But compared to the current base of Internet users, Waguang’s popularity is actually not very high.

After seeing the content of Waguang Audiovisual’s overseas version of the short dramas in the trending news, the comment area was really lively;

"It's a bit embarrassing to see these retarded skits on overseas platforms, right? Isn't there no one to care about them?"

“Nowadays, these small platforms are crazy about trying to make money. They are disgraced and have been sent abroad!”

"Hey guys, it feels like someone is taking out the used toilet paper at home and selling it for money. Nowadays, these new platforms really have no lower limit!"

In the face of these negative comments, there are also many wild fans of Li Youzhi on Weibo who are arguing in the comment area;

"Minato, I see that I really don't care about Weibo. A big V with tens of millions of fans can't even comment on it when such a big thing happens?"

"By the way, who suggested that Dangchu and Guangguang Audiovisual go overseas and let me do short plays? Mom, take responsibility and come out to criticize me, you bastard!"

"Ahem, although but...these short dramas of Wako Overseas are indeed a bit low. Didn't I already let the little brother improve Wako's audio-visual skills...I didn't expect that before the skills were raised, the incident happened first... Leziren said he was helpless and slipped away..."

Li Youzhi smacked his lips after scanning through the comments in the comment area, especially when he saw those fun-loving netizens who ran away after eating.

As expected of guys are no big deal when it comes to fighting against the wind...

However, Li Youzhi doesn't really care whether Lezi Ren Gang helps control reviews, or even what passers-by and netizens say.

Effects arise from causes, and real masters never start with the effects when solving problems.

For example, regarding the low fertility rate, the promotion of fertility by allowing two and three children is a typical way to solve the problem from the fruit point of view. To solve the problem in this way, you don't talk about opening up two and three children, even if you open up ten and eight children, What's the use?

You can just lower the house price to 2,000 yuan per square meter, increase the per capita income to 200,000 yuan a year, manage enough educational resources, and free tuition and miscellaneous fees for children from birth to college. Would you try again?

Same reason.

Whenever something happens to big celebrities in the entertainment industry, they always try to get fans to criticize them.

If you can't solve the fundamental problem, how long can you keep the people at bay?

So what is the best thing to do when faced with this situation?

Article 84 of the "Workplace Survival Code": If you want to get rid of attacks and accusations from others, the best way is not to prove yourself. The more you explain and argue, the more you will fall into the trap of self-proof.

The best solution is to push those who attack you and accuse you into dirty water that is dirtier than you!

Facing big platforms such as Aiyi and Kuyou, Li Youzhi wanted to fight back, and he had ten million reasons.

But for the current situation, only one is enough.

Turning off the hot search, Li Youzhi silently set the VPN on his phone to a foreign country. Then, I downloaded Aiyi, Kuyou and several other overseas platforms that were blasting me at the industry promotion meeting today.

Then, I turned on screen recording...

Ten minutes later.

Looking at several recorded videos in the photo album, Li Youzhi curled up his lips.

I directly uploaded those videos to Weibo, added a piece of text, manually @the official accounts of Aiyi, Kuyou and other platforms, and associated the hot searches, then sent it out!

"When cultural products are circulated overseas, the first problem encountered is cultural differences. From an academic point of view, this is called cultural discount. Micro-short dramas, as a carrier of works, naturally have the ability to overcome cultural discounts.

Whether colleagues in the industry are willing to admit it or not, this is a kind of vitality that grows spontaneously and comes from the people, and it is something that people around the world love to hear and see.

What Heguang Audio-Visual does is to make some extra money by exporting content that domestic audiences are tired of watching abroad. As the person in charge of Heguang Audio-Visual, I don’t think there is anything wrong with this – you will never shudder when making money while standing. [Video][Video][Video]…”

It’s around seven o’clock in the evening, when Weibo netizens are most active.

As soon as Li Youzhi posted this hotly searched Weibo post, a large number of melon-eaters immediately flooded into his post.

After quickly glancing at Li Youzhi's clean words, netizens clicked on the video attached below the news.

And when these videos appeared, many netizens who came here specially to eat melon... couldn't hold it in anymore!

What are these videos Li Youzhi posted?

Nothing else.

It’s Aiyi, the overseas station membership policies of several Kuyou platforms and the on-demand screenshots of popular series.

When I saw the membership policy of Aiyi Overseas Edition Diamond Membership is US$1.99, which is equivalent to RMB 14. When you see a popular series, non-members can watch the first five episodes for free. When you see the page, there is no push notification and there is no lightning strike for thirty seconds at the beginning of the series. It can almost be described as pure... Overseas sites on several other platforms Screen recording is pretty much the same.

What does this feel like?

It's like you want to eat the sweet and sour pork ribs made by your mother. You have helped her with housework for a whole week, sweeping the floor and washing dishes, and finally got a plate full of backbones on Sunday. It's hard to chew until it explodes. , and the pork ribs with chili.

However, one day suddenly, the neighbor's child suddenly runs in front of you.

He leaned into your ear with a mean air and told you: Your mother makes me delicious sweet and sour pork ribs every day. There is no chili, it is all middle ribs, and all the meat goes into your mouth when you slurp it. It's in...

After watching these screen recordings of Li Youzhi, netizens in the comment area who have been VIP members of these platforms all year round... are excited!

"Tell me this is not true... The same content. I spend 22 yuan a month on VIP in China and have to watch product placement. It costs 14 yuan abroad. This page is as clean as a child's face... … @Ai Yi, @Cool Friends, Geneva, refund your money!!!”

"Ah, ah, crazy, I'm really crazy! In the domestic version, you just stuffed all the loans into the software, and the foreign version is purer than the Wahaha I drink, and then you charge more every month My eight yuan? All the membership fees I gave you were used to subsidize foreign countries, right!?"

"My back molar is chipped. When I clicked on it just now, I thought it was a bit embarrassing for Heguang Audiovisual to invest in short dramas overseas to earn money from foreigners. Now that I see the differences in domestic and foreign policies of these big platforms, I can only say... you guys are so special What qualifications does this kind of rubbish have to say that they are using domestic profits to lick foreigners and dumping rubbish abroad to make money?"

"If I renew your subscription next month, I'll be like a dog!"


Received additional [Anger] stunning points, 3012890 points!

In front of the reception bus of Xijiang Cultural Tourism.

Li Youzhi raised the corner of his mouth when he saw the netizens who had completely broken their guard in the comment area and turned their attention on Ai Yi, cool friends on several platforms, and went to the official accounts of several platforms to express their anger.

What a scumbag...

Are you playing hard with Brother Zhi?

(`^) So tender!

"Teacher Xiaozhi, why don't you get in the car? What kind of business do you have here? There is wireless in the car, why don't you get in the car and handle it?"

Just when Li Youzhi was despising several colleagues in his heart, Harpati, who had been waiting in the car for a long time, ran out of the car with the armrest banging.

"The small matter has been taken care of."

Seeing the concerned look on the director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau's face, Li Youzhi waved his hand.

He gave Harpati a hearty smile and boarded the bus.

Just when Li Youzhi had finished his work and left, hiding his merit and fame, he was drinking and chatting with the cadres of the Cultural Tourism Bureau in the Xijiang Cultural Tourism Guest House to study the shooting plan of "Daydreamers", his hand trembling had already started. Got the pot!

Latest news in the comment area.

As the busybody forwarded Li Youzhi's Weibo update, Leziren netizens burst into laughter!

"Hahahahaha, I'm so happy that the official Weibo accounts of Ai Yi and Kuyou have been blasted by angry netizens."

"Emma is dying. What the hell am I paying attention to? Isn't this twist as exciting as the plot of Return of the Dragon King?"

"Ai Yi, cool friend: I never dreamed that I would step into the hole I dug! Hahahaha..."

"Brothers’ latest battle report! Bad news: Aiyi’s official Weibo issued an urgent announcement to refute rumors of double standards for overseas members and advertising policies, saying it was due to differences in domestic and foreign advertising laws and policies. Good news: Netizens don’t buy it!"

"Fair wind, brothers... This little brother has made a big move, it's a great tailwind! If you don't take action at this time, how long will you wait? Come on, come on, bring me the good reviews from the review section of Waguang Audiovisual's overseas short dramas, Censor criticism and start fighting against gangsters!”

Following the cheering of a certain idiot in the comment area, countless followers flocked to Weibo's hot search comment area.

Ten p.m.

Li Youzhiteng, who declined the invitation from Xijiang Cultural Tourism to watch the folk dance party, confirmed the filming location of "Daydreamer" through a large number of real-life pictures and scenic spot reports at the dinner table, and threw himself on the sofa.

Feeling the exotic style of the guest room of Xijiang Cultural Tourism Guest House, Li Youzhi lazily took out his mobile phone.

In just over two hours, the style of painting in the hot search comment area on Weibo has completely changed!

Li Youzhi smacked his lips when he looked at the hot search for the content of Waguang Culture's short drama. The comment area was filled with positive comments from users of Waguang Audiovisual's overseas version.

What are these good reviews about?

Some are grateful to the content of the micro-short drama for providing a refreshing viewing experience, and some are grateful to the creator of the short drama for providing a wonderful story with strong conflicts and multiple twists.

There is even a long article sent by a foreigner who has reached VIP level 12 and has accumulated more than 8,000 US dollars in recharges after a platform has been open for more than a month.

In this long comment, the netizen named Eddie Howson solemnly thanked Waguang Audiovisual for providing these short dramas, which allowed him to spend his empty time and helped him successfully quit marijuana addiction...

Grinning, Li Youzhi couldn't help but take a deep breath when he saw the praise from these overseas people.


It's a bit swollen for no reason.

Who said that what Brother Zhi exports is dregs? This is simply a pagoda to save all sentient beings!

Dong dong dong,

"Brother Zhi, you asked me to come over and ask, what are our arrangements for tomorrow?"

Just as Li Youzhi was secretly feeling anxious, someone knocked on the door of the room from outside, and Liu Meng's rough voice slipped in through the crack in the door.

Li Youzhi stood up from the sofa and opened the door, waving to Liu Meng.

"Let's film the filming first. In the extreme action scenes, you have to prepare in advance for jumping out of a plane and climbing a snow-capped mountain. Let's check the weather tomorrow. If the weather is good, we will go directly to the Dukulun Highway and let the Xijiang Cultural Tourism team cooperate with us. The local road administration department will arrange for the road closure, and let’s fix the longboard rappelling section first.”

"Okay, then I'll contact Ha Chu now. If there's no problem, I'll arrange the equipment directly."

Following Li Youzhi's instructions, Liu Meng made an OK gesture, turned around and went down the stairs.

Watching his friends leave, Li Youzhi flipped his phone.

Facing myself and the beautiful guest house room behind me, I took a selfie, uploaded it and sent it!

[Friends, according to everyone’s suggestions, I have developed a script for a literary film that incorporates elements of extreme sports. I am going to shoot it and put it on Waguang Audiovisual to enhance the quality. We have now arrived in Western Xinjiang and filming will officially start tomorrow. When the filming is officially launched, I will be shaking my hands, YouTube and Waguang Audiovisual live broadcasting the shooting scene at the same time! 】

Shaking hands, Weibo.

After seeing Li Youzhi’s posts late at night, netizens who dissed on several major platforms all night... exploded!

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