103. With the words of the saint (5)

In order to let them know that their thoughts were wrong, they had no choice but to show them by running themselves.

If I do this, you guys won’t be the first to step forward unless I ask if you’ll just watch.

Aristocrats are not fools either, and if they succeed in purifying the land, they too will want to contribute.

It was necessary to create a situation where they could change their mind so that they could fight against the contaminated area again.

‘I didn’t know that Suhan was thinking the same thing as me.’

In the meantime, I couldn’t say that I was thinking like this.

What would you do if I told you?

No one is taking it seriously.

I didn’t even talk to Sasha from a certain point on.

He says it’s dangerous if I talk like this and tries to stop him.

So I knew that Suhan would too.

But it wasn’t.

‘He was thinking similarly to me.’

that’s honestly

‘It was a foul.’

I made a misunderstanding that I wanted to be a guy who was firmly determined to seduce me.

I do crazy things to get my desert home back, but he had none of that.

It was a sense of duty to do so purely for humanity.

That’s why the child couldn’t help but look prettier.


Could it be because of Suhan?

Suddenly, my lower stomach felt warm, and the secret place beneath it tickled subtly.

It’s been a while since I’ve been hanging out with him, and I want to see his face again.

‘I have to endure it.’

It was a day when I really didn’t want to go to class.

The joy of having her eyes fixed and the absence of a loved one to share the joy with made her feel strange.

⁂ ⁂ ⁂

“The grocery store over there is getting fewer and fewer customers.”

I was curious about what happened to the Ash General Store after the bet with Rebecca, so I went around it while taking a walk.

It wasn’t that there weren’t any customers at all, but considering the bustling Ash general store in the past, it was a level that could only be seen as flying flies.

‘It’s on the verge of ruin.’

It was only natural that the owner of Ash’s general store had accumulated karma.

And there.

“When did this deal happen again?”

Across the street from Ash’s general store, a new, huge general store opened.

It is a location selection with the blatant intention of stealing the customers of the Ashu general store.

And, as if the scheme had worked, students who should have gone to the Ash general store were crowded in the general store across the street.

“T-bagging is coming.”

Even with the exception of such special circumstances, the number of students seemed small.

‘Is it because my stuff went to the academy?’

The bet between Rebecca and the Ash general store had an unexpected publicity effect.

Since that day, the amount of items ordered from the academy has been increasing.

It’s good to make a lot of money, but it seemed like the general store would run out of things to sell if I kept giving that many things to the academy like this.

Business wasn’t going well because I didn’t know where the grocery store was, but there were ‘rules’ that had to be followed at the grocery store.

If it was a store that sold things, at least when a customer came in, I hated not having anything to buy.

“It’s a lot of money, though.”

Even before thinking about this in the first place, refusing an academy order was something I had never considered.

Well, then what?

‘I have to pull it out.’

It was time to spin the gacha.

⁂ ⁂ ⁂

I invested quite a bit of money to get Ariando’s weapon, as I had a memory of being in trouble because I promised to get him equipment, but he couldn’t pull it out.

In the process, I pulled out a lot of unique equipment, but how embarrassing it was to have an unfortunate incident that didn’t come out of Ariando’s.

Still, thanks to Ariando’s own unique weapon from the previous billing, I felt comfortable even if I played the gacha to my heart’s content.

Even if I spent money, I was confident that I could restore it again.

“Is this my weapon?”


In this way, you can hand over the unique equipment to Ariando at a high price.

“Oh oh oh oh !!!!!!! Something cool !!! Can I touch it?”

“of course.”

Ariando’s unique equipment was a dagger.

There were unknown words written on the blade in simple yet luxurious green color, but even to me, it seemed like a good weapon.

“Do you like it?”

“It wraps around your hand. Wow~ Doesn’t this just stick to your palm?”

“No way.”

Ariando, in disbelief, let go of the dagger and touched it again.

It must be that his hand and this unique equipment fit so well that he wondered if the dagger was stuck to his palm.

“Once you try it, you’ll like it even more.”

“Even if you don’t have to use it, you know. You have to buy this unconditionally!”

Like the daughter of a wealthy family, she has the right attitude toward purchasing things.

“How could I not like this. Absolutely perfect and safe! I like it. Give it to me right away!! I’ll buy it unconditionally! It’s good that I brought something expensive. If it’s this, will you accept the deal?”

Ariando pulled the pouch from his bosom.

It was bigger than Ariando’s hand, but it was too small to be a monster byproduct.

“Is this worth it?”

Ariando seemed to be thinking of scraping the cost of his unique equipment with a lump sum.

I don’t know what he brought, but he said it was a fairly good quality among monster by-products, so I was expecting it to be similar to the price Baine paid.

“Yes. Let’s take a look.”

After asking me to check the item, I started to get a feel for it by swinging the dagger in my hand.

‘It’s not anyone else, it’s Ariando, so there’s no way he hit the price.’

I opened the pouch and checked inside.


At first glance, I thought it was a diamond, but since it was said to be a by-product of a monster, it seemed to be a special part.

‘Special parts are really expensive.’


From noble mtl dot com

This will sell for more than the basilisk by-product Baine gave you.

As expected, it was a huge distribution worthy of a lady from a duke’s family.

And that distribution has always sprung from the possessiveness of things.

“Is there anything else?”

“Is that not enough?”

“It’s not that he’s lacking! Since you got me a weapon like this, I think you can get other parts as well.”

So you want to cover your whole body with unique equipment?

Wouldn’t that be possible?

“I’m not that talented.”

“Even if I look like this, I’m a member of the duke’s family. I’ve touched all kinds of good things, but this is the first time I’ve ever found a weapon I like so much.”

Ariando tries to entice me by praising all the other equipment as well, wondering if he would like me to save them.

However, with my abilities, the only equipment I could give to Ariando was a dagger, so I firmly shook my head.

“Don’t ask for anything more than that. I won’t give it to you even if I did.”

“Why~ I’ll pay for the goods properly.”

“Don’t covet other things, why don’t you try something else instead?”

“Anything else?”

“The weapon I gave you is actually a growth type.”

“Growth… hyung?”

There was no game played in this world in the previous life, so it was necessary to explain in detail about strengthening unique equipment.

I thought it would take a long time to understand because I didn’t have this concept itself, but surprisingly, I understand the words perfectly well.

“So you’re saying, boss, that if you put money on this weapon, it can become stronger?”

“But you need some luck. If you fail, you might become weak again, so you have to be careful.”

“It doesn’t matter. After all, applying money makes him stronger.”

Ariando said that it was the first time he had seen anything unusual like this, and he was curious about how it worked.

“Then would you like to try it now?”

“Yes!! Please do it right away!! How can I do it?”


To be honest, it was my first time doing reinforcement, so I didn’t know how to do it.

First of all, it was clear that it would be strange to the child, so I asked for a dagger and told him to wait here before entering the warehouse.

When you open the reinforcement window, you can see a hammer-shaped UI button next to the square.

I tried pressing the hammer shape.

[There is no target to enhance.]

“Then can I put it in here?”

When he brought Ariando’s weapon to the square slot, the real dagger fit into the square spear! and went in

It was kindly written at the bottom that the equipment would not be destroyed until +3.

Lesson 1: Enhancement success rate (100%)



Round 2: Reinforcement success rate (98%)



Step 3: Enhancement success rate (90%)



Up to the 3rd round, it was a direct success.

Since there was a possibility of destruction from this point on, I decided to ask the child to do it.

Since I’m not the owner, I couldn’t keep building indefinitely.

“Arian too.”

I went outside and took the unique equipment out of the square and showed it.

“That’s a top 3.”

“Ugh! The weapon has a strange power? It seems to be stronger than before.”

Ariando was the owner of the equipment, so he was clearly feeling the change.

In fact, that weapon’s basic stats were much better than its basic stats.


Jesberos [+3] (SSR)

one handed dagger

Base Attack Damage: 271

12% increased Physical Damage

9% increased critical strike damage

5% increased Poison Damage Damage


The name of Ariando’s dagger is Jesberos.

The base attack power was 256, but during the third round, the number increased by 5 to 271.

“After this, it really costs a lot of money. To prevent destruction, you have to use a separate scroll. There will be more and more money added to it.”

“If you strengthened it 3 times, how many times did you do it?”

“It’s just the beginning.”

The fourth river can be seen as the beginning of climbing.

When I played this game in my previous life, there was no reinforcement system, but I knew how it felt because I had enough reinforcements in other games.

“How many times can you strengthen?”

“They say the limit is up to the 12th, but maybe after the 9th, the chance of enhancement will go down to the decimal point. It’s no different than saying don’t do it. In my opinion, it’s better to stop at the 9th or 10th.”

How much money was lost because of reinforcements in other games?

Utilizing that experience, he was willing to pass on his know-how.

Unfortunately, my transfer of know-how didn’t seem to reach Ariando’s ear very effectively.

“Row of 12!”

“You can’t just think that this is just strengthening. It is possible to prevent destruction, but there is no sustaining reinforcement. there is.”

The fact that there is an item that increases the success rate, but there is no item that maintains reinforcement, proves that this reinforcement system will definitely become a money-grubbing hippo.

“It doesn’t matter! Keep going!! Round of 12! Unconditionally round of 12!!”

Do you mean to show that you are a child of a precious family?

It was said that the 12th round was the maximum, so he was saying that there was nothing to see other than that.

If he learns the reality to the bone, he will change his mind about demanding the round of 12 unconditionally.

of course.

“…Let’s do the calculations clearly, kid.”

I decided to check the value of the goods this guy brought.

It was because he knew that there was no limit to the amount of money poured into reinforcements.

I know he has the ability to repay the damage, but he’d be here for hours if he didn’t set limits.

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