"Next, Goutei 13th Squad will take the recovery of the 'King Seal', confirm the identity of the assailant, and find the missing Captain Hitsugaya as the highest priority."

"Because of the abnormal situation, there may be traitors in the 10th team, so all members of the 10th team are ordered not to leave the team building until the 'King Seal' is recovered!"

"The above order is the 'Emergency Special Order'!"

As soon as this remark came out, the captains present also understood the seriousness of the situation.

"Emergency Special Order", which is already serious enough to mobilize the entire Goutei 13th division, and allows the captains to intercede in Jinglingting if necessary without being held accountable.

"Wait a moment……"

As soon as Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni's order came out, Matsumoto Rangiku couldn't help showing a shocked and unacceptable expression, and subconsciously stood up.

"Does vice-captain Matsumoto have any objections?" Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni asked.

The majesty that has accumulated for thousands of years is almost like a mountain pressing down on Matsumoto Rangiku, a small deputy captain, but...

Matsumoto Rangiku gritted his teeth and spoke.

"The captain is missing. As the vice captain, how can I stay in the team building and wait for the news? And I have a reason to personally confirm the owner of everything."

"Because of this, you are not allowed to act without authorization, this is an order!"

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Sai Shigekuni said something that could not be refuted, then announced the end of the meeting, and left the meeting room straight away.

Seeing this, the rest of the captains quickly took action, especially Jingle Chunshui muttered helplessly.

'It's really embarrassing, unexpected things happen again and again...'

Soon, the huge conference room was almost empty, and Matsumoto Rangiku stood alone in the middle, but felt helpless for a while.

There is no doubt that the mere deputy captain does not even have the right to participate in the meeting, and Matsumoto Rangiku was brought here in the form of being questioned, so how could he possibly oppose the decision of the general captain.

However, just as Sparrow Minister Jiro, who was in charge of the execution in the 1st Division, entered the conference room and was about to bring Matsumoto Rangiku back to the 10th Division's team building, the gentle and elegant figure of Unokanaretsu stood between the two.

"Captain Unohana, who are you?" Sparrow Minister Jiro asked respectfully.

"Vice-Captain Sparrow, can I have a few words with Vice-Captain Matsumoto first?" Unozhihua Lie asked.

"Of course, Captain Unohana, please do as you please."

Sparrow Minister Jiro nodded, and stood aside in a waiting gesture.

Seeing this, Matsumoto Rangiku looked at Uno Hanaretsu with some puzzlement.

"Chaotic chrysanthemum..."

Unokanaretsu gently stretched out his hand to brush the hair scattered on Matsumoto Rangiku's face, and said. "You are the child Cheng brought back from Liuhun Street, and Cheng and I watched you grow up little by little."

At the mention of that name, Matsumoto Rangiku couldn't hold back the moisture in his eyes any longer, bit his lower lip and said something authentic. "Master Unohana, tell me... is that really Master Senshou?"

"of course not……"

Unohana's gentle voice continued to soothe Matsumoto Rangiku's heart, and said.

"However, no matter who knows that Zanpakuto is omnipresent, they will have doubts and worries. Because of this, Captain Yamamoto will not allow you to participate in the search and trace mission."

"Why?" Matsumoto Rangiku asked.

"What if that person is really Cheng? How would you choose, draw your sword and face each other, or...follow the other party and leave the Soul Realm."

When he said these words, Unokanaretsu's squinted eyes widened slightly, taking in all the changes in Matsumoto Rangiku's expression.

It was... struggle, confusion and pain!


Matsumoto Rangiku's mind was almost in chaos, and the figure of Senshou Makoto kept popping up in his mind.

For Matsumoto Rangiku, Ichimaru Gin is the most cherished childhood sweetheart, and Senju Makoto is almost the respected person who gave Matsumoto Rangiku salvation.

Not only saved her life, but also brought her from the chaotic Ruhun Street to Jinglingting, allowing Matsumoto Ranju to enjoy a beautiful life that she had never experienced before.

Like father like brother!

And Uno Hanaretsu glanced vaguely at Sparrow Minister Jiro behind him, and continued without waiting for Matsumoto Rangiku to give an answer.

"Therefore, Captain Yamamoto is not only worried that there are traitors hidden in the 10th squad, but also has the idea of ​​avoiding embarrassing you."

"Yes." Matsumoto Rangiku replied unwillingly and confused.

Seeing this, Unohana Retsu patted Matsumoto Rangiku's shoulder with a smile, and said. "Don't worry, go back to the 10th squad and stay in the dormitory, everything will be fine."

Immediately afterwards, Unozhihuali left the captain's conference room and returned towards the fourth team's team building.

Unokanaretsu understands... Goutei 13th Division may enter an extremely sensitive period!

Aizen Soyousuke's rebellion is ahead, and he may start a war against Seireitei at any time.

Under such circumstances, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Sai Shigekuni would never allow the next Aizen Soyousuke to appear, but Senju Makoto, who once had great prestige in Seireitei, undoubtedly has this possibility.

In the past, Makoto Senshou not only had considerable prestige among his peers, but he was also an extremely longing existence in the eyes of many junior Shinigami who had served as vice-captains and chief officers.

Therefore, Goutei 13th Division will not only need to do their best to search for the whereabouts of the "Wang Yin" and confirm the identity of the attacker, but also need to be on guard against possible chaos within the Goutei 13th Division.

And when Unokurai returned to the fourth team to declare the content of the "Emergency Special Order", when the presence of Risa Aoki and Isamu Toru heard about the appearance of "Sen Luo Vientiane", there was almost a turbulent discussion.

Obviously, as the fourth team, except for providing medical assistance when necessary, they stay in the safest area and do not need to go to the front line in other cases.

However, led by Risa Aoki and Isao Toru, there were endless requests from many senior officials to go to the front line to assist in the search mission.

Even Hanataro Yamamoto, who is usually the most timid and cowardly, raised his hand weakly.

This scene can't help but make Unohana Rie feel a headache...

'Cheng, that bastard, how many imprints did he leave in the fourth division? '

'Whose team is this? Obviously I am the captain. '

Unohana shook his head helplessly, and then rejected the requests of the chief officers one by one.

And this is undoubtedly just one of the microcosms of Goutei 13th Division!

In the past, because Qian Shoucheng knew that those gods of death had potential in the future, he occasionally deliberately made friends with him, which undoubtedly left a huge influence on the many backbone gods of death, such as deputy captains and chief officers, in the entire Jingling Court.

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