After Makoto Senshou finished speaking, the focus of the entire event shifted accordingly. All the members of the "Association for Attacking Sincerity" had light in their eyes and a flame in their hearts to discuss what Makoto Senshou said said purpose.

That kind of feeling, not to mention dry firewood meeting raging fire, long drought meeting rain...

It also seems to be wandering for half a life, the feeling of finally meeting an organization!

In the end, when Risa Aoki announced the end of the event, many members left in twos and threes, and the words were still being discussed.

As for Senshou Makoto, he left in a hurry with Unozhi Huaretsu, fearing that if he stayed halfway, he would be blocked in a certain corner by those female gods of death or noble wives.

It was not until he returned to the familiar and reassuring courtyard that Qian Shoucheng breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before Qian Shoucheng found an excuse to sneak back into the room, Uzhi Hualiu stopped Qian Shoucheng with a gentle smile on his face.

"Old... Teacher, do you have any other orders?" Qian Shoucheng said with a guilty conscience.

After all, in the meeting room before, Makoto Senshou had encountered many times of meat bullet impacts and front and rear pincers in front of Uno Hanaretsu.

For a disciple, it is undoubtedly disqualified to be so rude in front of the teacher.

In the end, the reason why Senshou Makoto always sat on his lap with Caolu Yaqianliu was because he didn't mean to use Caolu Yaqianliu as a shield.

After all, no matter what, you can't do some disrespectful and excessive behavior in front of the little loli Caolu Yaqianliu, right?

But even so, Makoto Senshou still couldn't help worrying that he would settle accounts after the fact because of Uo no Hana's black belly.

However, to Sensei's surprise, Uno Hanaretsu and Sensei stood side by side, caught a piece of cherry blossoms falling from the sky with one hand and twisted it between his fingers, and asked in a gentle and serious tone.

"Cheng, what are your future plans for the Female Death Association?"

Senshou Makoto was a little surprised by Uzhi Hanauri's tone, but his eyes fell on Uzhi Hanauri's finger that was twisting the cherry blossoms involuntarily...

Cherry blossoms are beautiful, and the fingers set off by the cherry blossom petals are even more beautiful!

Slender and fair, soft and boneless...

It is completely impossible to see that this is the finger that holds the Zanpakuto and can easily slaughter ordinary captain-level Shinigami.

After waiting for Makoto Senju's answer for a long time, Uzhi Hanaretsu glanced at Makoto Senju, and then followed Makoto Senju's eyes to find that he was actually looking at the cherry blossoms...or his own fingers?

"Does it look good?"

Uozhihualie deliberately said something dark and authentic, intending to appreciate Senshoucheng's embarrassment.

However, at this moment, Qian Shoucheng, who was a little out of his mind, said something unconsciously.

"Extremely beautiful."

For a moment, Uzhi Hualiu's expression stopped for a moment, her gentle eyes subconsciously dodged a little more, and an imperceptible cherry blossom seemed to float on her cheeks.

Sincere, whose words are always euphemistic and cryptic, suddenly said such blunt words undoubtedly caught Uzhihualie a little by surprise, and even made Uzhihualie subconsciously think that this is undoubtedly the truth.

Immediately, Uzhi Hualie seemed to have thought of something, and asked in a completely strange tone. "Usually, does Cheng also capture the hearts of the entire 'Assault on Cheng Association' members in this way?"

However, after saying this sentence, Uzhi Hualiu suddenly realized some language problems.

I... seem to be a member of the "Association of Sincerity".

However, Qian Shoucheng obviously didn't notice this problem, and after reacting, he quickly explained. "Misunderstanding, teacher, there are also male members in that association."

"Who knows if Makoto has developed some ideas beyond normal ethics?" Unozhihualie said.

Qian Shoucheng looked at his beloved teacher with gentle and sincere eyes, and replied sincerely.

"No, absolutely not!"

Uzhi Huaretsu didn't speak, but slowly let go of the cherry blossom in his hand, and then walked towards the covered cherry blossom tree in the courtyard.

This cherry tree was specially transplanted and planted after the courtyard was rebuilt...

The cherry blossom tree that was originally planted in the courtyard of Sifengyuan has a lifespan of hundreds of years. It can be called the most beautiful and oldest cherry blossom tree in the entire Jingling Garden.

In the past, Uzhi Hualie only felt that Qianshoucheng was able to dig trees to find the Sifengyuan family.

Now, Mao Zhihua Lie has a faint feeling...

Perhaps, Makoto likes cherry blossoms very much, so he specially transplanted the best cherry blossom trees for his garden.

After that, Uno Hanaretsu stood under the cherry blossom tree, and then turned to look at Makoto Senju...

A gust of wind blew past, and the cherry blossoms danced around Uzhi Hanarei continuously with the wind. Uzhi Huaretsu stroked a few strands of hair with his fingers, looked at Makoto Senju with gentle eyes, and asked again.

"Cheng, do you have any thoughts about the Women's Death Association? What are your plans for the various purposes you mentioned in your speech?"

When Qian Shoucheng heard the words, his eyes flickered slightly.

If Qian Shoucheng didn't have this idea at all before he really came into contact with the "Association of Attackers", then it is undoubtedly impossible for a small fan club to really make waves.

However, after today's contact, especially after Makoto Senshou announced that he would change its name to "Female Death Association", and stated the slogan and purpose that were originally prepared at will.

The almost fanatical reaction of those members of the "Assault on Sincerity Association" undoubtedly made Makoto Senshou aware of a certain possibility.

However, Makoto Makoto's established plan is undoubtedly to slowly accumulate spiritual power through the "seeds of the forest", and complete the "extreme spiritual body" as the top priority and most important thing.

Therefore, Makoto Qianshou handed over the position of president of the "Female Death Association" without hesitation, and there was no hint of clumsiness in it.

For the power structure of Jingling Court and the forty-six rooms of the Central Committee, Qian Shoucheng undoubtedly does not have the slightest favor...

Maybe Makoto Senshou doesn't care about being subservient to others, but that's limited to letting Uno Hanaretsu be on top, but it obviously doesn't include the puppets in the central forty-six rooms.

However, Qian Shoucheng's sober and cautious mind also made Qian Shoucheng understand that it was far from the time for him to speak loudly in the Jingling Court.

However, at this moment, Qian Shoucheng seemed to be looking at the beautiful and gentle picture in front of him, but his eyes softened involuntarily.

If time continues to flow like this, it seems that the so-called power and status will not be mentioned.

"What does the teacher think?"

However, what Qianshoucheng didn't expect was that the gentle and elegant Uozhihuali, who seemed to hide his hands in his sleeves, spoke with a bit more sharpness in his words.

"The Women's Death Association may be able to change the status quo of women's status and rights in the soul world to a certain extent, or it may become a force controlled by Cheng."

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