Greenery Reverses The Madness

Chapter 101: Tools to stimulate the flagship of Ligue 1

Stepping into March, spring blossoms.

   There are more tourists in Monaco.

   Ye Yifeng drives from the club back to Nice every day and can see the beaches of the Côte d’Azur overcrowded.

   You can come to the beach with Tang Mo on the rest day.

   At the beginning of March, Monaco was a guest to challenge Saint-Etienne.

   Saint-Etiy placed fourth in the league, only 3 points behind Lille.

   There are only three Champions League places in Ligue 1, so ranking fourth in the league means that you need to work hard at least one step forward!

   As for the championship that only exists on the theoretical level, it is definitely not a realistic goal.

   Monaco defeated Reims in a 3:2 reversal in the last round, but Carrasco, who started the game, performed mediocre, and Martial did not take 1 minute.

   Martial, who has been aired, made a guest start today, and Ocampos also replaced Carrasco in the start.

   Ye Yifeng and Rivier are the only ones who can't be beaten by thunder recently.

   Monaco ambitiously came to the away game to challenge Saint-Etienne.

   But Saint-Etienne obviously borrowed from Bordeaux’s previous defensive tactics against Monaco, shrinking the formation, frantically sweeping the midfield, focusing on fast attacks and counterattacks.

   In the 16th minute of the game, Saint-Etienne relied on a quick counterattack at home and Moleini took the lead to break the Monaco goal!

   When the city gate was declared lost, Ranieri woke up like a dream afterwards!


   Still floating?

   Monaco attacked away, lacking two main players.

   Saint-Etienne is not an underdog.

   Monaco has a relatively aggressive formation!

   is because the lead is not big enough, so you can't accept a draw, you have to fight for victory?

   But even if you want to win, do you have to be so aggressive at the beginning?

  The caution of Monaco at the beginning of the season made a good start, and the adjustment towards the mid-term has consolidated the standings.

now what?

   From the coach to the players, I’m afraid they are all a bit better!

   Didn’t you put Saint Etienne in your eyes?

   Still lost the heart of awe?

   Monaco was completely passive in the away game.

  The offensive organization was ruthlessly strangled by the opponent, and the defense line also had to endure the threat of a quick counterattack from Saint-Etienne.

   Ye Yifeng was once again in a very struggling situation, even if Martial's individual threat would help him share some pressure, but Ocampos failed to create a threat to the Saint-Etienne defense line on the right.

   Saint-Etienne completely besieged Ye Yifeng, and then partially strangled the other threat points in Monaco, Martial, Moutinho, and almost put the defense in place.

   The threat of Saint Etienne's counterattack cannot be underestimated, so Monaco's backcourt defender is also very cautious in assists.

   Being unable to even touch the ball for a long time made Ye Yifeng a little impetuous.

   Teammates are also willing to pass the ball to Ye Yifeng. Everyone, including Ranieri, hopes that Ye Yifeng can gain a local advantage for the team through a single breakthrough and break the defensive blockade of Saint-Etienne.

   But Ye Yifeng has self-knowledge. If he really thinks that he can single-handedly smash a blood through the thorns, then he must have not woken up yet.

   Ye Yifeng returned to the center to assist Moutinho. His organizational transfer of the ball is still quite successful, and at the same time, it can also contain Saint-Etienne's counterattack to a certain extent.

   If you compare Ye Yifeng's performance at the beginning of the season, his contribution on the field now is much more than then!

   In addition to the defensive counter-attack he has never put down, he not only improves the accuracy of passing the ball, but also has a certain organizational ability to transfer offense.

   It seems that Monaco's expectations of him from top to bottom have become a bit outrageous!

  If Falcao and James Rodríguez were there, it might not be enough to pour all expectations on him.

   It seems that he is the most threatening only by looking at the statistics now on the field!

   One less game in the league, it is understandable that people pin their hopes on him.

   If Monaco lacks one or two main players, then Ye Yifeng will probably be entrusted as the savior by people with wings and a halo on his head.

   Ye Yifeng is working hard to do what he can do well within his abilities.

But in a state of lagging behind, when he assisted Moutinho in the center and frontcourt to do a good job of organizing, Ocampos and Martial failed to create a threat on the wing, which made Monaco look even Very hard work, but did not achieve the expected results.

   Saint Etienne is very pragmatic. Since Ye Yifeng is far away from the dangerous area in front of the goal, they shifted their defensive focus, but at the same time remained vigilant.

   At the end of the first half, Saint-Etienne led Monaco 1-0.

   Even after losing the ball, Ranieri realized that he had committed a rash mistake in today's formation, but he had already lost the ball and had no choice but to bite the bullet and not make adjustments. He could not be conservative after losing the ball, right?

   The midfielder adjusted at this time and he wanted to replicate the counterattack tactics of the previous fight against Lance.

   So Ocampos went to the center position, Martial went to the right, and left to Ye Yifeng.

   Returned to the court in the second half. Although Ye Yifeng, who appeared on the left wing, received a lot of pass support from his teammates, he was very cautious and did not frequently try to dribble through.

   He tried twice, one time he successfully broke through a defensive player and was immediately intercepted, the other time he broke through directly and failed.

   St. Etienne's stronger defensive strength is one of them, and Ye Yifeng's reluctance to be driven off the shelf by a duck is the other.

   Saint Etienne is also wary of Ye Yifeng's dribbling breakthrough ability. Ranieri can see that Saint Etienne is not a blind man. How Lance was upset by Ye Yifeng's defense in the last game is definitely a lesson from the past.

   Ye Yifeng began to frequently play short passes with his teammates to hit the wall and pass the cut. The effect was good, but whether it was a long shot from the periphery or his teammates grabbing points in the penalty area, Saint-Etienne appeared in danger in front of the goal but did not concede the ball.

   Monaco, whose offensive became more aggressive, was beaten by Saint Etienne in the 68th minute of the match!

   Forward Roman Hamma counterattacked and made contributions!

   More than 30,000 fans at the home stadium of Saint-Etienne cheered wildly!

   Saint-Etienne coach Galtier is proud of himself, he does not believe that Monaco can come back!

   Just looking at Ranieri’s formation today, he knew that Monaco was really a bit confused about his position.

  Do you really think of yourself as a giant like Paris Saint-Germain?

  The downshift striker relied on the magical Ye Yifeng to look like the data hadn't declined!

   Ye Yifeng was sealed, who else could stand up?

Have it?

   stand up and let us see!

   Ranieri was utterly devastated, but now he has no cards in his hand!

  The only substitution adjustments that the striker can make are Carrasco and Germain in general.

   Midfielder can play Turalan, but what's the point?

   St. Etienne paid more attention to defense after taking the lead with two goals, but at the same time maintained the deterrence of counterattacks.

   This makes Monaco dare not easily withdraw defenders and accumulate offensive players.

   When the game came to 76 minutes, Ye Yifeng's consciousness fell into darkness.

   Maybe the only thing that can save the game is to rely on the plug-in!

  Ligue 1: 2010-2011.

   Lille team badge!

   Lille Sanlianzhuang?

  Related households?

   Ye Yifeng has a bad feeling in his heart.

   Because he has never seen the same character appear twice!

   In other words, Hazard can be eliminated first, even if it is not the same season.

France national flag!

   Ye Yifeng showed a wry smile.


   central defender!

   Does this plug-in want Ranieri to recognize reality?

   When his consciousness returned to reality, Ye Yifeng ran to the front line.

   Monaco has been very sluggish for more than 5 minutes. This downturn is the whole.

   The highly anticipated Ye Yifeng did not have an explosive performance, but if you really want to make a point, he definitely ranks among the top two midfielders.

   He ran to Ocampos and said to him, "Can you go to the sidewalk?"

   Compared to the last game, he is confident to play the wing forward. Today, he spoke to Ocampos in a negotiating tone.

   After all, he is now a dead horse and a living horse doctor, hoping to give full play to the advantage of the central defender in fighting for the header.

   Ocampos also hopes to get out of the dense defense zone. Apart from endless confrontations at the center position, he can hardly even touch the ball.

   After he returned to the winger position, Monaco's offense was much simpler.

   The two sides of Monaco frequently pass the ball to the front zone.

   In the high-altitude ball bombing, Ye Yifeng did indeed start to go higher, and within 5 minutes he scrambled for two headers, but once he topped the ball, the other was brilliantly resolved by goalkeeper Rufael!

   Not to mention, it really made the Saint-Etienne coach and the players fear for a while.

   But with the substitution of Saint-Etienne to strengthen the side defense and limit the quality of Monaco's kicking passes and the quality of the ball, Monaco could not even create an opportunity to attack at the last moment.

   The whole game is over.

   Monaco lost to Saint-Etienne 0:2 away.

   Ye Yifeng and his teammates left the field in frustration.

   Ranieri had a mistake in the formation of his troops, it can be said that this mistake made Monaco into a passive position as a whole.

   But this game also made it difficult for Ranieri to have very high specific requirements on Ye Yifeng.

   Ye Yifeng worked very **** the This can be seen by everyone, and it is undeniable that Monaco's few threatening attacks, Ye Yifeng either participated in the offensive organization or attacked in the penalty area.

   As for what players do on the court, it is difficult for coaches to accurately demand the level of technical application.

   Take a step back and still give Ye Yifeng the trust and lower his expectations before evaluating his performance. It seems that at least there will be a good harvest.

   In the 27th round of the league, Monaco lost the top spot!

   Paris Saint-Germain is the flagship of Ligue 1 after all!

   Even if you want to be distracted from the Champions League knockout, they have recently won 5 consecutive victories, including this round of home wins over Marseille with two goals.

   Paris Saint-Germain leads Monaco by 1 point!

   When Monaco led the Ligue 1 standings for a long time, the French media used Monaco's outstanding performance to humiliate Paris Saint-Germain.

   But after Paris Saint-Germain took the top spot, the French media reacted very flatly.

   did not sing praises for Paris Saint-Germain, nor did it go down to Monaco.

   As if Paris Saint-Germain should have been at the top of the list, the loss of Monaco is no one cares about.

   This makes Monaco players and fans even more uncomfortable.

   They are like tools used by the French media to spur Paris Saint-Germain, and when their goals are achieved, they ignore them.

   Those who sang praises for Monaco before, but at this time even a word of encouragement is very stingy.

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