Green Life

Vol 2 Chapter 31: price index

Wrapped in a thick down jacket, like many other media reporters, Li Wei braved the cold wind and waited at Melwood's door.

The temperature at the end of January has not yet risen. It is a cloudy day in Britain. It may not see the sun for several days, and it is cold, humid, and bitterly cloudy.

Media reporters like him have to brave all kinds of weather conditions to go to various cities just to get first-hand news materials in time.

He called Makqin several times in the afternoon, but did not get through. He knew that Makqin did not want to be interviewed in this regard.

I don't know what Maqin thinks.

But he was so excited that he sent back the news about Mark Qin’s assists and hat tricks, as well as local news reprints.

"Prince Anfield, Assists Hat Trick", "Liverpool Says No to Manchester United: No", "Mark: Rising Superstar", the media is extremely flattering and can't wait to put all the praises on Mark Qin .

Now every weekend, Liverpool becomes the home team of most domestic fans. Just like the Rockets of the NBA, the value of Makqin to the club's promotion in Asia can even offset their efforts in the past few decades.

He made his debut in Liverpool. As a Chinese, he has exceeded the expectations of many people. But this time, it is a real offer from the top giants.

twenty million.

What is the measure of stars? The most intuitive thing is of course the transfer price. Before Zidane's 56 million transfer to Real Madrid, he was definitely not a superstar, even if he won the World Cup.

Competitive value and market value are often two worlds.

At the age of 18, Rooney moved from Everton to Manchester United at a record price of 27 million pounds for young players, and changed from a young star to a popular star in one fell swoop.

Sometimes the world is so blunt. Fans, media and even advertisers will use transfer prices to measure the reputation and influence of players.

So Li Wei was shocked by the price of 20 million euros. In four months, Mark Qin was only seventeen years old. In winter, Liverpool sold Crouch for less than 15 million euros.

Barcelona is buying a child at the price of a superstar. Who is in Barcelona? There is Ronaldinho and Puyol's world-class giants, not inferior to Real Madrid.

This transfer offer, like a starting gun, banged, hitting the opening index of the Markqin market price.

Real Madrid has long been interested in him, Wenger has also come to inquire about the price, but they know that Liverpool will not sell a new star who has just shown potential in the team, not to mention he is also born in Kirkby.

Only Barcelona, ​​they believe that there are no players they can't buy in the world, outrageously offer.

Many big clubs that pay attention to Mark Qin are waiting to see Liverpool’s reaction. Their economy has been in a mess recently. Twenty million is definitely not the final offer. As long as Liverpool counter-offers, the market will be completely lively.

When Parry received this offer, he obviously hesitated. It was not two million, and it was just the first trial offer. Now there is one week before the transfer period closes.

If they really sit down and negotiate, the cost of purchasing Torres in the summer can be fully recovered!

Good wine celebrity face, rich and touching...

Benitez received a call from Parry, just two words, not to sell, let alone 20 million, 30 million he will not sell, because he can not buy a substitute.

In the entire team, how many of them can reach a transfer price of 20 million euros? There are only a handful of players at this level. They are all the stars of each team, and it is difficult to buy them once they are sold.

That night, media reporters who had been waiting for an afternoon in Melwood finally got the news that the Liverpool club rejected Barcelona's offer.

They didn't even enter the door, so they waited for such a news and quickly went back to write a report.


Late at night, Jonathan and Peter's guardians gathered at Maqin's house. "Is it him?" Maqin asked in surprise, but Guardiola hasn't taken office yet.

Aside from other things, Mark Qin doesn't hate Guardiola. This is an idealist who pursues perfection. He can continue to control several giants in future generations, relying on real skills.

This person pays great attention to details, and the preparation of the game is even meticulous to the level of every bottle of mineral water. You may not like his way of holding the ball to death, but you have to admire his concentration.

He and Mourinho are two extreme, natural opponents, one pursues the ultimate in ball control, and the other is useless.

"Yeah," Jonathan nodded, "I have already inquired clearly. This offer is entirely at the advice of Guardiola. It is said that Rijkaard is very dissatisfied with the club."

After going around such a bend and doing such a big deal, I didn’t hesitate to offend people. If they were really ordinary players, I would have been grateful for a long time. They would stop training and transfer, or they would be scammed...

"I want to hear your thoughts, Mark," Jonathan said.

"What do I think? Didn't the club reject it? What am I doing about this?" he said.

"Uh", Jonathan was choked hard.

Peter followed, "Jonathan wanted to ask if you want to play in Barcelona"

"I don't want to", he refused to make a decisive decision.

Jonathan thought that it was his Liverpool loyalty plot that was at work again, so he patiently said: "Mark, you are a loyal Liverpool loyal, but that's just a fan status. Looking at so many players in the world, very few can do it. Stay in the team for a lifetime, you will always encounter such problems in the future"

"You are now a professional player. Playing football is your career first, so when considering these issues, you must first look at whether it is good for your professional development."

Maqin was unconvinced about Jonathan who tried to persuade him. He didn't necessarily want to persuade him to transfer to Barcelona, ​​but he didn't like Maqin's way of thinking about problems.

Just like job-hopping, a big company gives you an offer. You can’t say how many years of working in this small company you have feelings, and you don’t think about the future at all.

Jonathan felt it was necessary to help him distinguish the distinction between fan roles and career paths.

Mark Qin understood what he meant, nodded and said: "I understand what you mean, maybe one day I will consider it, but not now, and I will never go to Barcelona in my life."

"Why?" Jonathan looked incomprehensible, as if he hadn't had any enemies with Barcelona.

"No reason, I don't like the color of their jerseys, and the characters are not right." Maqin didn't like Barcelona because he was a fan of later generations in order to oppose the Universe Sa or because he couldn't understand the performance of La Masia. Soap operas in the market.

Every club has its own way of operation, it is none of his business.

There is no reason. Before Ronaldinho, he didn't like Barcelona. It was because he liked Real Madrid when he watched the first Spanish national derby. He liked pure colors.

It's that simple. When many fans like or hate a team when they first watch football, how can there be so many reasons?

"What is the horoscope?" Jonathan looked dazed.

"It's a means of forecasting in their country, just like our psychic here," Peter explained.


"Okay, let go of this," Jonathan said at last, "then you don't want to express your opinion in front of the media, leave it to me, you have to listen to me on this, don't make fun of your career."

Seeing Maqin’s expression that it’s not enough, Jonathan had no choice but to explain: "Mark, the top five European leagues, it looks like there are many teams, but when you play to a certain level, the team that can accommodate you is that of each league. There are a few giants"

He said sternly: "What you said just now, don't disclose it to the media. They will fan the flames most. Your career is still very long. If you offend this giant today, you may offend another one tomorrow. Come here two or three times. The reputation in the wealthy circle is bad, understand?"

Seeing Mark Qin’s approval, he continued: “European football circles say that the big is big, and the small is small. The pyramid is just as big as the palm, and countless people are squeezing their heads to go up. Mark, you have this potential. So you must be cautious in your words and deeds, because you are still only potential, without that capital."

Looking at Jonathan, who was incarnate as a peerless dad, Mark Qin was amused for a while. He could say this, at least to show that he did not find him wrong.

"Don't worry, I understand what you mean," he stood up and said, "I won't express an opinion, just go and deal with it."


The next day, Jonathan talked to the media camera, "I have always known that Mark has this potential. His talent is unparalleled. I can't see the limit in his future, only he can touch it."

"Yes, he wants to concentrate on playing football. He is not yet seventeen and has only participated in the league for more than half a year. There are coaches and teammates who trust him in Liverpool. He has never thought about leaving now."

"Barça is a great club. Every player may dream of wearing a Barcelona jersey. This is an honor for Mark and a great incentive."

"But Mark belongs to Liverpool. Before the situation changed, he always belonged to Liverpool. He loved the city and the team deeply. He made his debut in Kirkby. He is Liverpool's own."

Mark Qin participated in the training with the team as usual. As usual, his teammates did not ask about this, but his eyes were slightly different, a young man who was more expensive than himself.

Personal relationships do not involve business, which is an unspoken rule in the locker room.

At noon, Barcelona mentioned the offer of 25 million euros, which made this wave even more hot. Many media seemed to be smashed. Barcelona is about to come true.

The door of Benitez is closed and all interviews are eliminated!

"According to our reporter, this evening the Liverpool club just rejected Barcelona's second offer of 25 million euros for the young star Mark, and declared that he is not for sale."

Aiming turned his head and looked at Peter and said, "Peter, my brother is so valuable? Twenty-five million much money is this~"

"Hey, your brother will be more valuable in the future," Peter said with a bite of broccoli.

"Pop", Chen Zixuan patted the dining table, "I said you two, one is better than the other."

"I want to be the sister of the rich, hahaha~~~"


Liverpool’s second refusal left Barcelona silent for two days. Just when everyone thought that the price-raising soap opera was about to be finished, three days later, Barcelona once again offered 30 million!

"Boom...", the media directly exploded.

The 16-year-old Mr. 30 million, fresh out!

If this is to sit down and negotiate, what will the final transaction price be? Forty million? , I dare not think about it. Just like Ferguson buying a twelve-year-old Adu for several million pounds, it is incredible.

He performed well, but is it really worth so much money? , This has caught up with Torres' price, who is he? Liverpool's leading scorer, the scoring list and Ronaldo are on par.

Is it expensive? A few years later, this price can't buy his thigh...

Makqin felt that this farce must be ended as soon as possible. Now every day there are a bunch of people blocking him at the door of his training house and the door of the club and asking him the same questions, as if the slogans floating on his house can't resist this restlessness...

He is a little bit nostalgic for the later self-media era. If in the future, he would take a picture at the door of his house and say a word, everything will be fine, and now he is inconvenient.

The day after tomorrow is the league, don’t Benitez think about himself because of this, then it’s troublesome. He quickly called Jonathan.

"Don't worry," Jonathan said over there, "I reiterated to the club that you don't want to leave, they know how to do it."

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