Greece’s Roman Road

Chapter 23: Corfu Vacations

The next morning, just before dawn, Constantine's new valet, Captain Schmidt, announced that Corfu had arrived.

When he boarded the ship yesterday, he saw Schmidt carrying two large suitcases, which caught Constantine by surprise.

Schmidt heard the words of George I, "The trip to study in Germany starts now, and in the suitcase is your luggage."

The sudden attack of George I gave Constantine the illusion of being swept out of the house.


Hearing Schmidt say that Corfu has arrived, Constantine, dressed neatly, came to the deck of the cruise ship, and saw the island covered in green, the seagulls chirping, and between the blue sea and the green land, it was yellow beach.

Looking towards the island along the beach, I saw low buildings full of Corfu style, white stone walls, red tiles, and the blue sea, bright and distinct colors, bringing A strong sense of visual color impact, which strongly attracts people's attention.

The remnants of the night lingered in the mist, giving everything a pleasing beauty, a hazy layer of veil.

Constantine opened his hands, stretched his waist, and took a deep breath of fresh air, feeling refreshed and clear.

"What a beautiful view," said William behind him.

While the two were watching the beautiful scenery, Schmidt informed them that a carriage was coming to visit, saying that a guest invited them to visit.

Constantine, who was confused, looked at William who was willing to go, so he had to go with him.

"William. Where are we going? Who invited us?" Constantine, who was sitting in the luxury carriage, asked William, who was praising the beautiful scenery outside the car window.

"The place we're going is Achilles Palace," William replied without looking back.

Constantine suddenly realized that this was the elder that George I was talking about.

The famous Princess Sissi, the queen of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The carriage carried Constantine and William along the country road, all the way, and came to a white palace shaded by greenery.

"Welcome to Achilles Palace", the Austrian Palace Queen standing in the courtyard, and Queen Elizabeth (Princess Sissi) in a gorgeous dress, warmly received the two guests.

Constantine brushed his chest with his left hand, took off his hat with his right hand, and presented luggage to Her Majesty the Queen.

Although she is 45 years old, this queen who is famous for her beauty and known as the most beautiful queen in Europe, still has her style.

With thick and lustrous long hair, fair skin, and a tall figure of 1.7 meters, she looks like a beauty **** Aphrodite.

"Your beauty overshadows the flowers, Your Majesty Queen Elizabeth," Constantine said respectfully, but for any woman, you can always please her by complimenting her on her beauty, especially beautiful women.

"Thank you, Constantine," Queen Elizabeth replied with a smile, obviously she was very pleased with Constantine's compliments.

At this moment, a young man walked out of the hall and came to greet William.

Apparently the two knew each other.

"Constantine, this is my son, Rudolph," Elizabeth introduced when she saw Constantine's doubts.

"Rudolph, this is Constantine"

The two saluted each other.

Rudolph, that is the crown prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Because it was still early, Queen Elizabeth was very interested, and a guest came to the door today.

Therefore, I personally introduced Achilles Palace to William and Constantine, this beautiful palace that I personally participated in the design of.

First, there is the Muse Courtyard facing the sea. The courtyard faces the sea and is full of green trees.

The corridor in the courtyard is supported by Greek-style pillars. In front of each pillar stands a beautiful muse, who is graceful and calm.

The reason why this palace is called the Palace of Achilles is because of the frescoes of Achilles that often appear in decorative paintings.

The oil painting "Achilles on the Chariot", the white marble statue "The Dying Achilles", and the bronze statue "Victorious Achilles" fully demonstrate the beauty of Achilles' strength and sturdiness.

"Your Majesty, you have designed an extremely beautiful palace," William said in admiration. William also likes beautiful and gorgeous buildings.

The famous queen, because she couldn't stand the strict Viennese court, could only use travel around the world to relieve her depressed mood.

Queen Elizabeth advocates ancient Greek culture and comes to Corfu every year to learn Greek.

I am very happy to see that William likes his palace.

While the three of them were visiting the courtyard, a maid came to pass a message, "Your Majesty, the lunch is ready. Her Royal Highness asked me to invite guests."

Elizabeth led the two to the dining room, and the four sat around a round table.

The servants took turns serving the dishes.

"William, Constantine, what do you think of the current liberal trend among the nobility?" Rudolph suddenly asked.

This question is very abrupt, because according to the dining etiquette of European aristocrats, some lighthearted topics should be discussed, and politics, sex, and health should not be discussed at the dinner table.

Constantine and William could only look at the Elizabeth.

The queen shrugged, which meant the topic could continue.

Rudolph and his mother, Queen Elizabeth, were both liberals.

In the aristocratic class before the nineteenth century, among the conditions for marriage between the two parties, the most important thing was blood, the next important thing was property, the least important thing was appearance, and the least important thing was affection.

This aristocratic tradition that violated human nature was challenged at the end of the 19th century.

The 19th century was an era of rapid development of science and technology, social economy, culture and morality. After the baptism of the first and second industrial revolutions in Europe, the rapid increase in production capacity and the rapid development of the economy led to great changes in the social landscape.

What followed was more and more intermarriage between nobles and concubines, and the decadent aristocratic concept that violated human nature became more and more unpopular.

The mother and son in front of them are the victims of this concept.

Although the love story between Princess Sissi and the emperor in later generations is widely circulated, Princess Sissi is a tragic figure.

Princess Sissi, who grew up in a relatively open-minded family, was at odds with the strict court life.

Rudolph committed suicide for the freedom of love.

At the end of the 19th century, there was a trend of liberalism. Those millionaires in the United States, through their successful efforts in the New World, held large sums of wealth, but their social status was not high. In the eyes of European aristocrats, they were a group of uneducated people. The nouveau riche, full of contempt, has no place for such a person at the gathering of the nobles.

So those rich people put the opportunity to improve their social status on the aristocracy.

The most famous example is the mother of British Prime Minister Churchill, Jenny Jerome.


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