Greece to roman road

Chapter 189 Unexpected help

Dimitrios looked at the silent Andros, thinking that he lacked confidence and was worried about the risks of the automobile industry, and encouraged: "Take the famous Krupp family in Germany as an example. The Krupp cannon is famous for its excellent performance and is famous internationally. From Japan, the Qing Dynasty, Russia, to the United States in the New World, the armies of various countries are all fans of the Krupp cannon. In order to purchase the latest model of the Krupp family cannon, various countries have Many powerful people have become guests of the Krupp family, including such big figures as the Russian Tsar," Dimitrios said in a seductive tone.

"However, if we push the time forward a few decades, the Krupp family is just a blacksmith shop in Essen. All their property is three huts. It is because they created breech-loaded steel cannons with excellent performance. With the Franco-Prussian War, "The victory became an instant success", and the Krupp family wealth is rolling in. I think the car is another window to get rich, and we must seize it," Dimitrios said enthusiastically.

As a car enthusiast, Dimitrios has an adventurous nature in his bones.

"Speaking of which, tractors and trucks can be seen everywhere on Greek roads now," Avilov interjected.

This statement attracted the attention of several people, and Andros asked: "What tractor truck?"

"Nowadays, on the roads in Greece, we often see some trucks converted from tractors. A two-wheel or four-wheel trailer is hung behind the tractor to carry goods. It is no problem to carry two or three tons." Avilov explained.

"Those tractors seem to be produced by your factory. Because of this, I think the automobile industry has a promising future. This new type of transportation is indeed useful in social production and life."

"So, Andros, you really plan to enter the automobile market. In addition to directly investing in the factory, I can also help your factory go public to raise funds, if you need it," Avilov said to Andros.

Seeing that several potential investors had expressed their willingness to invest in the automobile industry, Andros lowered his head and pondered for a moment and said to them: "This is my plan. In the early stage, when the market is still unclear, we should be more cautious. The technical requirements for motorcycles are relatively simple, and the sales price is relatively cheap. There is a larger audience in Greece. In terms of production, less funds are required, so factories give priority to entering the motorcycle field."

"Moreover, some workshops that originally produced bicycles have already tested the motorcycle market. Both the government and the Greek people are very receptive to motorcycles. According to the strength of our factory, these manufacturers with scarce capital and inferior technology , the competitiveness is limited, and it is definitely not our opponent.”

"In the automotive field, although Model T cars are currently selling well in the United States and their performance is very advanced, it is best not to be too aggressive when the future of the Greek car market is unclear. After all, Greece is not as wealthy as the United States. What people admire may not be liked by Greeks." Andros revealed his plan to several potential investors.

While several people were eagerly discussing the future blueprint for the tractor factory, someone suddenly interjected: "I don't think there is a need to be so conservative. Let us make great strides forward in the automobile industry. This is an industry with unlimited prospects."

The four Andross gathered together looked at the stranger who suddenly joined them. They saw that he was dressed in a typical business person's attire, with a black large coat, a brown vest underneath, a bowler hat on his head, and a civilized hand in his hand. Zhan, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, with a fair face and rosy complexion.

Andros looked at the visitor in surprise and said, "Mr. Yakov? Why are you here? Haven't you been in Ferry, Albania, for the past few years?"

The person who came was none other than the Jewish Yakov, the manager of the Purple Robe Foundation appointed by Constantine.

"I just returned to Athens by train from Ferry today. I heard from Crown Prince Constantine that you planned to enter the automobile industry, so I hurriedly came to find you." While speaking, the waiter took the handbag from Yakov's hand. Hat, cane, and coat, and then Yakov sat down with everyone.

The Purple Robe Foundation managed by Yakov is the largest shareholder of the Greek Petroleum Company. After the establishment of the Purple Robe Foundation, there are no other investment projects that require Yakov to handle. Since the development of the oil fields in Ferri City has been on track, , Yakov simply lives in Feli City all year round.

The tractor factory in Andros is currently the only large-scale internal combustion engine company in Greece. The gasoline sales of Hellenic Petroleum Company are closely related to the tractor factory to a large extent, and the two companies are stakeholders.

Currently, sales of petroleum products in Greece, except kerosene and heavy oil, gasoline and diesel have not been satisfactory.

Kerosene can be used for lighting. Although Greece has promoted the use of electricity on a large scale, due to too many mountains, there are still some remote areas that are not connected to the power grid. These areas are the sales areas of kerosene for Hellenic Petroleum Company.

The remaining kerosene is loaded directly on ships at the port of Vlora and exported to Italy on the other side of the Adriatic Sea.

As for heavy oil, it is mainly used in ships. Coal sprayed with heavy oil is burned in a kerosene-burning boiler to provide power for ships.

In order to promote heavy oil, an important by-product of petroleum refining, and reduce the import of coal, Hellenic Petroleum Company has been selling heavy oil at low prices out of long-term interests considerations, in order to encourage Greek shipowners to switch to kerosene mixed-fired boilers, which provides Hellenic Petroleum Company with Heavy oil provides a long-term market.

At present, Hellenic Petroleum's sales of kerosene and heavy oil are pretty good, but its gasoline sales are far from ideal.

Although the Greek people already have thousands of gasoline-powered tractors, the use of tractors is highly seasonal. During the busy farming season, tractors enter the busy season, and the Hellenic Petroleum Company's gasoline will be sold. However, except for the busy farming season, The rest of the period, gasoline was not in demand at all.

Moreover, the gasoline consumed by these thousands of tractors is negligible compared to the current annual production of approximately 20,000 tons of gasoline by Hellenic Petroleum.

As one of the main by-products of petroleum refining, the sales of gasoline in Greece have never been ideal. However, the current distillation method used in petroleum refining has a gasoline yield of about 20%. Currently, the oil field in Ferry City can produce 20% of the oil per year. There are 120,000 tons of crude oil and about 20,000 tons of gasoline after refining. The output is very considerable.

The Greek Petroleum Company is very distressed about this. Gasoline is highly volatile and can easily cause explosions. This situation makes gasoline very useless. It would be a pity to throw it away. It is more than 20,000 tons. It is very dangerous to store such a large output. There have been several explosions in Hellenic Petroleum Company warehouses over the past few years, most of which were related to the volatilization of gasoline.

Originally, Yakov was reporting to Constantine about the income issues of the oil company and the Purple Robe Foundation. Yakov complained to Constantine about the gasoline trouble. Constantine smiled and said to Yakov that maybe he would not be around for long. , you will dislike the fact that the production of gasoline is too small.

Then he revealed to Yakov that Andros's tractor factory had plans to enter the automobile industry.

Yakov has been dealing with oil for several years and is considered a veteran in the oil industry. Before the large-scale emergence of automobiles, gasoline has always been a headache for oil practitioners.

The biggest function of petroleum is to refine kerosene and burn it for lighting. As for gasoline, being mixed with kerosene can easily cause explosions.

However, Lenovo's recent boom in the U.S. automobile industry has made gasoline, which had previously been ignored, suddenly become a highly profitable commodity in the United States.

Rockefeller, the American oil tycoon, was an extremely enthusiastic supporter of the promotion of automobiles.

Andros intends to enter the automotive industry, which is also good news for Greek oil companies, so much gasoline production will finally be used.

So after Yakov asked Constantine about Andros's whereabouts, he enthusiastically came to participate in car investment negotiations.

"We, the Purple Robe Foundation, can count as a share to help your factory enter the automobile industry as soon as possible. The Purple Robe Foundation can invest 7 million drachmas. The request is also very simple. You can start the automobile production line as soon as possible. I have had enough of unsalable products. Gasoline,” Yakov said.

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