Burr was dumbfounded.

I think I deserve to be the boss, this cubic fruit ability is simply amazing, no wonder the boss can be so strong.

Zhuo Lin ignored Burr’s thoughts, continued to pile up blocks, thinking about the construction drawings in MC in his mind, and his hand movements were more rapid.

There is no shortage of blocks, I don’t know how much I dug there in Upside Down Mountain before.

Now all you have to do is keep piling up blocks until you’re satisfied!

When Roman came over to report to Zhuo Lin, his eyes widened, watching the fortifications be completed in an instant, and he also built aerial observation towers and aerial turrets very excessively.

Zhuo Lin also tried the block cannon on the spot, and saw an air block cannonball directly hit a few miles away.

With a loud noise, the sea surface several miles away was blown up with a ten-meter-high wave, and the sea surface formed a whirlpool, and many huge sea beasts also turned into corpses and floated up.

Such a great power frightened Roman and Burr to sit directly to the ground.

But then it couldn’t help but be ecstatic.

With such a cannon, not to mention pirate ships, even warships cannot get close to the island, and the national defense strength of the Capez franc has been raised several notches in an instant.

Sure enough, the leader is the leader, and it’s really reassuring to have a boss here!

However, Zhuo Lin’s behavior gradually became outrageous.

I saw that Zhuo Lin directly piled up an island next to the main island, first piled thick stones as the base of the island, and then piled up soil blocks on the foundation, and soon piled up a whole island field.

Yes, fields.

Zhuolin’s meaning is simple, this man-made island will be used as a grain production base in the future.

Therefore, it is necessary to select experienced old peasants from the people to be in charge, and as for the labor force, in addition to ordinary citizens, there are also those old princes and nobles who have been imprisoned.

Those old princes and nobles were to undergo labor reform as sinners of the country and contribute to the country.

As for whether they will resist or disobey, this is also simple, and they will not kill or fight, that is, they will not work and have no food, and if they do not want to go hungry, they will have to be obedient.

However, Zhuo Lin’s approach is obviously more ruthless.

He implanted a small air square in the bodies of all sinners, and then detonated a block in front of these sinners, exploding a deep pit in the ground on the spot.

Now all sinners are directly honest, because such an explosion can directly blow people into slag, and they die a terrible death.

In addition, they did not dare to run away and contact the outside world for help, because Zhuolin said that he would know their location through the small square in their body and could even hear them.

Once anyone dares to mess around, the small cubes in the body will directly explode, and even involve others.

At this time, the problem of labor reform for the former princes and nobles was also solved.

Another few days passed, Zhuolin’s transformation of Capetian Francis was over, and looking at the greatly changed island, Zhuolin felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

It’s like the feeling when a big project is finished when playing MC!

At this time, the lookout of the sky lookout sounded the alarm, which immediately alerted the guarding recruits.

I saw that the recruits methodically loaded the square shells, and aimed them, and once they were determined to be the enemy, they would launch them unambiguously and send the enemy back to the west.

“The quality of these recruits is good.” Zhuolin praised.

“Hehe, I personally carry it, which one dares to be lazy to try one!”

Burr looked proud, but he still went to the fortification to check it himself, found that it was a pirate ship approaching, and immediately asked the soldiers to call out to warn the pirates to leave.

It’s just that the pirates on that ship not only did not leave, but also accelerated the speed of approaching.

“Yo huh! It seems that he wants to rob us! Shoot directly and blow him up! ”

With Burr’s order, the aerial turret directly fired shells, and for a while huge waves continued to explode on the sea, and the pirate ship was suddenly engulfed by huge waves and whirlpools.

The pirate ship didn’t even get close to the island within two miles!

Just dare to go to sea, it’s a shame!

Such results made the recruits very excited, and their worship of Zhuolin rose to a higher level, and at the same time, the confidence of the recruits was raised.

Zhuo Lin was not surprised by this.

The pirates in the first half of the Great Voyage are really very average, and basically no one can carry a shell.

As long as it is not the sea pirates of the New World or the attack of the navy or the world government, there is basically no need to worry.

But that made Bonnis embarrassed.

Since the last battle with the Don Quixote Pirates, Bonnis has learned from the combat experience and has begun to awaken the domineering spirit of seeing and smelling, and has also successfully mastered the skills of using it in the past few days.

Now a battle is urgently needed to consolidate.

But the pirates in the first half of the Great Voyage were too dish, which made Bonnis unable to raise the desire to fight.

So Bonnis began to wander around Zhuolin, although he did not speak, but those eyes expressed clearly: Boss, let’s go to the new world, I want to fight!

Zhuo Lin was crying and laughing, and directly threw the newspaper from the other day to Bonnis to read.

After reading it, Boniss was immediately not sleepy, but ran directly to the observation deck to guard.

The main page of the newspaper reads: The heavenly gold hijacked by Doflamingo was snatched by the cube boy Zhuolin, but the world government did not pursue the fault of the cube boy, and the navy only raised the block boy’s bounty to 100 million Bailey.

This is undoubtedly sending a signal: the heavenly gold in the hands of the cube kid will not offend the world government!

This is equivalent to putting honey near the ant nest, how can the ants not grab it?!

You must know that the amount of gold in the sky itself is very huge, plus the bounty of the square boy itself has 100 million Bailey, which is simply a walking mountain of gold, even the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the Aunt Pirate Group are coveted.

Not to mention other pirates!

Sure enough, a few days later, a huge pirate ship appeared, and there were a hundred pirates on that pirate ship, all of them were fierce and vicious, and they looked very uncomfortable.

Zhuo Lin’s whereabouts are not difficult to inquire, even if the coup d’état of Capefranc is still secret, it does not prevent intelligence officers from finding out Zhuo Lin’s whereabouts.

And such news can now be bought casually on the black market, depending on who comes faster.

“Boss, it’s Oli who gave the pirate group!” Burr reported with a solemn face.


Zhuo Lin sprayed on the spot, “What pirate group do you say?!” ”

Burr replied solemnly, “It’s the group of pirates who are rampant in the New World!” Captain Ao Li is a natural swamp fruit ability, very powerful and ferocious, it is said that Ao Li does not leave a living mouth wherever the pirate group passes…”

Zhuo Lin suddenly raised his forehead, really couldn’t hold back his laughter, “Hahaha, it turned out to be a swamp fruit ability, no wonder it was called Oli Give, this name is really appropriate.” ”

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