"Thunder Fruit!"



Luo Wen stretched out his left hand, and on the palm of his hand, Thunder Fruit's lightning suddenly condensed and appeared, turning into a ball of lightning and light.

The flashing light of thunder and lightning suddenly brightened the surrounding environment.

"do not look!!"

With the light of thunder, Luo Wen just wanted to look down at Robin in Dianzhong.

His chin was held against Robin's hands.

despite this.

Luo Wen still saw Robin's current situation clearly.

A nosebleed and blood was not sprayed out directly!

It seems to be because of the spikes on the rock wall when it fell just now.

Although he avoided the key point, Robin's shirt was completely torn.

The warmth Luo Wen felt at first was exactly Robin's awkward position! !

What makes Luo Wen speechless is that the two are in zero-distance contact now, and Robin's breath can be clearly felt.

Now... play big!

In this way, the two stood in a stalemate for a long time.


"Shouldn't we have to stand like this all the time..."

It was Luo Wen who broke the silence first, and did not dare to look down.

"You...give me your clothes."

Hearing this, Robin blushed slightly.

He glanced at Luo Wen's clothes that were only damaged at the arm.

He spoke immediately.

"no problem!"


Luo Wen quickly took off his shirt, and inadvertently touched a touch of warmth.

The embarrassed Luo Wen accelerated, changed his clothes to Robin, and turned his back.

"All right..."

After a while.

Robin said.

Hearing Robin's words, Luo Wen turned around slowly.

Luo Wen's figure is relatively tall and sturdy, and Robin's clothes are completely larger than one size.

Under the flickering light of thunder, a loose coat is simply a man's welfare.


"You said the royal family too."

"Specializing in this kind of bad fun."

In order to avoid the awkward atmosphere again, Luo Wen took the initiative to change the subject.

The words engraved on the coffin were obviously so small on purpose.

The purpose is to attract people to come close to see it.

In this way, you will unconsciously step on the trap.

In this way, if an ordinary person fell, he would have to be scraped to death by the spikes on the rock wall if he didn't fall to his death!

"History text!!"

Robin screamed suddenly.

Because she discovered that it was not far from the two of them.

A huge square stone stands on the ground in the center.

The ancient complex characters engraved on it are impressively historical texts!

The moment he saw the historical text, Robin's instinct as an archaeologist immediately rushed forward.

Behind him, Luo Wen directly used Thunder Fruit as a light source, followed closely, and continued to generate electricity to illuminate.

"That's right!"

"This is the historical text in the Alabasta royal family's collection!"

After a cursory look, Robin's face showed a look of joy.

As an archaeologist, especially Ohara's sole survivor, nothing is more enticing to Robin than the historical text.

Immediately after.

Robin began to translate and interpret the text above the historical text.

The whole process is boring and long.

Luo Wen just raised his hand and continued to discharge and glow. Following Robin's interpretation, he constantly adjusted the position of his palm.

I don't know how long it took.

"Sure enough, as Crocodile said."

"The historical text here...is the recorded location of the Ancient Weapon Pluton..."

The interpretation of the historical text is almost complete.

A look of shock appeared on Robin's face again.

Because of what is written in this historical text.

It is one of the three Ancient Weapons, the location of Pluton!

It is conceivable that once the news spreads, even the World Government will not be able to resist.

For Alabasta, it will definitely lead to a more dangerous disaster than Crocodile!

Whoever gets Pluton will be able to restart it and use it.

It will bring earth-shaking changes to the whole sea.

"Have you read it all?"

At this time, seeing Robin's surprise, Luo Wen asked.


Robin nodded in agreement.

Then he dodged Luo Wen's gaze a little bit, and seemed to be hesitating whether he should tell Luo Wen the location of Pluton that he deciphered.

After all, it is a force capable of subverting the world. Robin is also worried that Luo Wen blindly pursues Pluton and eventually becomes the same as Crocodile.

From Robin's point of view, the pirate group currently formed by Luo Wen is already growing rapidly.

Contacting Pluton in advance at this time is likely to have a completely negative impact on the Pirates. *

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