Great Voyage: All Members Have Double Fruit Ability!

Chapter 100 Bigmom Pirates, Charlotte Owen's Siege!

"So, as soon as I get the wine. 99

"Senior Rayleigh is willing to teach me?

Luo Wen was not in a hurry to explain and continued to ask.

"As long as you can get purple tequila for me.

"I'll teach you how to practice Emission, including other Haki advanced practices!

Rayleigh swears by it.

In fact, even if Luo Wen doesn't reward him with purple tequila, Rayleigh is going to teach Luo Wen.

Those Devil Fruit abilities...

The future of Luo Wen, Rayleigh also wants to see.


Rayleigh would be more than happy to have purple tequila as a reward.

"make a deal!

"I really don't have the ability to sneak in without causing a commotion."

"But my crew can do it. 35

Seeing Rayleigh agree, Luo Wen smiled even more.

"Let me introduce you, Carina."

"One of my Wicked Pirates crew.""

"Same dual Demon fruit power.

"Transparent fruit and the ability to wear fruit.

Say it.

Luo Wen gestured to Carina with his eyes.

Carina understood immediately.

took a step earlier.


next moment.

Carina's body lit up with a special shimmer.

The whole person begins to be under the influence of special abilities.

Dive into the ground.

In a blink of an eye.

Carina disappeared completely and dived completely into the ground.

"Put through the fruit.

"You can ignore all non-living bodies.

"Even the toughest fortress, Carina can easily traverse."

Looking at Carina who dived to the ground and disappeared, Luo Wen continued to introduce.



Carina appeared again from the ground, penetrating.

"And then the transparent fruit.""

“Able to make the body completely transparent. 35

"This ability to be transparent, even Observation Haki, can't detect perception.

With Luo Wen's continued introduction.

Carina uses the ability to produce transparent fruits instead.

For a moment.

From head to toe, the whole person is completely transparent and disappears.

"It's just...amazing..."

Seeing Carina disappearing again, Rayleigh couldn't help but marvel.

From this point of view, Luo Wen's vicious pirate group is also a promising pirate group in the future.

Double Devil Fruit ability for all members...

This is simply something unthinkable.

"Senior Rayleigh, don't forget what you promised me just now.

"Carina, I'll take your trouble to go.

"Go to the Celestial Dragons, steal a bottle of purple tequila and come back.

Luo Wen then instructed Carina.

"A trivial matter. 99

"I will handle it!"

Carina readily agreed.

Just stealing a bottle of wine back, for Carina, who is already highly skilled in stealing, is naturally no problem.

What's more, Carina is still a dual Demon fruit power.

After promised.

Carina left immediately.

"Senior Rayleigh, it is inconvenient to speak here."

"Let's go to my place and wait for good news from Carina."

After Carina left, Luo Wen said to Rayleigh.

This is the place of the Donquixote family after all, since it has been persuaded to succeed Rayleigh to guide him to practice the advanced of Haki.

Naturally there is no need to stay here.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...

Luo Wen's voice just fell.

A phone bug in his arms.

Suddenly it rang.

Hearing the sound, Luo Wen made a wait gesture to Rayleigh.

Connected to the phone bug.

On the other end of the phone, Mr.28's voice came.

"Captain Luo Wen.

"The BIGMOM pirates are gathering at your auction."

"There are a lot of people, it seems that they want to surround the auction."

Mr.28 quickly reported to Luo Wen.

just now.

News came from the Baroque studio scattered in the eyeliner of Sabaody Archipelago.

The pirates of the BIGMOM Pirates gathered together.

All rushed towards the auction.

Mr.28, who received the news, immediately contacted Luo Wen to inform him.

"I see. 35

"Let Kaku and the others intercept the pirates of the BIGMOM pirates that came. 99

"Their main force, leave it to me."

Hearing this news, Luo Wen seemed to have already prepared and gave an order to Mr.28.


"I'll notify Kaku-sama and the others.

With a promise, Mr.28 immediately hung up the phone.

"It seems, before leaving. 35

"There are still some troubles to solve.

Luo Wen said to Rayleigh.

"BIGMOM is a crazy woman."

"You'd better leave it alone.""

Know Luo Wen and Charlotte Owen's festival at the auction.

Rayleigh reminded.

"Do you think I'm the kind of timid person?"


"It's still the other party's initiative.

Luo Wen smiled confidently.


Rayleigh stopped persuading.

Just right.

He also wanted to see how far Luo Wen's Haki had cultivated.

at the same time.

The Royal Palace of Dressrosa.

Doflamingo, just received a message from his subordinates.

Learn about Luo Wen's invitation to the auction and what happened with Charlotte Owen of the BIGMOM Pirates.

"What a pity."

After listening to his subordinate's report, Doflamingo sighed regretfully.

"I was thinking about getting him to trouble Tezolo in the New World.""

'Now it seems that I have somewhat overestimated him. "

"Those who offend BIGMOM may not even be able to reach the New World.

Doflamingo continued.

In the end, Luo Wen went into a dead end by himself.

From Doflamingo's point of view, Luo Wen can't go to New World anymore.

Even let it step into the New World.

The Bigmom Pirates wouldn't let him live either.

"No more wasting energy on him. 35

"Send auction funds as early as possible.

"I still need more funding to continue the experiment. 99

Doflamingo said one more word and hung up the bug.

His eyes returned to Luo Wen's side.

After he told everyone that the BIGMOM pirates were surrounding the auction.

Luo Wen walked out of the auction venue with a few people.

The sky was getting dark by now.

the strange thing is.

The streets that should be very lively on weekdays are now empty.

Appears very quiet.

There was a terrifying atmosphere.

"Is it finally out?"

"I thought you were going to hide in there forever! 39

Just when Luo Wen and the others walked out of the auction.

A large group of people came out from both sides of the street.

The first person to speak.

It was Charlotte Owen, who was repeatedly raised by Luo Wen at the auction to take away her favorite auction items!

"Where, it's my fault for making you wait so long.

Facing the obstacles of the BIGMOM Pirates, Luo Wen looked relaxed.

He walked out alone and moved his knuckles.

Since Rayleigh wants to see his Haki training level, then he will show that these bigmom pirates, he intends to solve them alone!

Rayleigh, Robin and others, under Luo Wen's instruction, retreated to the rear to watch the battle.


next moment.

After moving the finger joints.

Luo Wen grabbed the black sword Qiushui at his waist.

With the knife drawn, the tip pointed at Charlotte Owen.

"..Without further ado."

"Don't you just want to steal something?"

"You have to see if you have that skill."

Luo Wen said provocatively.

"What a mad boy!

"Kill him for me!

Bang bang bang bang!

In an instant.

With an order from Charlotte Irving.

The pirate men brought by Charlotte Owen picked up their firearms in unison.

The guns were all aimed at Luo Wen.

The trigger was pulled instantly.

Hundreds of bullets shot at Luo Wen overwhelmingly.



A light flashed in Luo Wen's eyes.

The powerful Observation Haki, released immediately and without reservation, spread out.

Under the perception of Observation Haki.

The bullets shot at him seemed to slow down.

Every moment of the bullet's flight trajectory, Luo Wen senses and captures it.

clang clang!

Under the perception of Observation Haki.

The corner of Luo Wen's mouth raised a disdainful arc.

The figure began to move slightly left and right.

Dexterous movement, with the perception of Observation Haki.

Let Luo Wen's body pass through the gap between the bullets inconceivably.

Those bullets that are really unavoidable.

They were also cut in half by him with the sharp blade of Qiushui.

After a round of salvo from the minions of the BIGMOM Pirates.

Luo Wen was unscathed!

Not even his clothes Kakuzu touched.

“Yes, Observation Haki is delicate enough. 35

(did it)

Seeing this scene, Rayleigh said with admiration.

In Rayleigh's heart, he also had a preliminary judgment on Luo Wen's Observation Haki.

"how is this possible?!

"The bullets... were all dodged by him?"

On the other hand, looking at the pirates of the BIGMOM pirate group, they all looked shocked.

Can't believe what's happening right in front of you.

Everyone was shocked.

Can such dense bullets really be avoided just by moving?

“Observation Haki!”

"You are no ordinary pirate!

Charlotte Owen of Luo Wen had not been recognized until then.

His face suddenly became solemn.

Apparently recognized, Luo Wen used.

Exactly the perception of Observation Haki!

Unexpectedly, a pirate encountered by Sabaody Archipelago could use Observation Haki!

"You all stand back!"

"This guy can't be solved with guns alone!"

Realizing that Luo Wen was not easy, Charlotte Owen immediately ordered her subordinates.


Everyone in the BIGMOM Pirates stepped back.

chi chi chi...

next moment.

Wait for the men to back off.

Charlotte Irving raised her right hand.

The whole body suddenly heated up sharply.

The sudden and rapid heating also made Charlotte Owen's body gradually turn red.

The temperature emanating from the body made the air make a screeching sound.

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