But, why didn’t Lord tell himself if he was going to Jiangnan?

Can’t you protect Lord?

One after another The heart of comparison arises spontaneously.

At this moment, they have already decided that they must learn this training method, even if it is not for themselves, but also for Lord. What if Lord goes to Jiangnan without protection?

He Quan doesn’t know, he is still boasting: “Lord goes to Jiangnan, when the time comes, we are going to guard…”

The vendor next to him is hearing this suddenly. Zhen quickly started discussing with the people around him.

“The guard of Zhang’s mansion just said that Noble Son Zhang is leaving?”

“Yes, I also heard that, why did you say that Noble Son Zhang is going to Jiangnan?” “

“I heard that it is for what perfume, but I don’t know what to go?”

As they said, everyone once again turned their eyes to He Quan, because they knew that Zhang Mansion guards There is absolutely nothing wrong with the news that can come out. Noble Son Zhang is going to leave. This is definitely a heavy news.

Sure enough, He Quan talked again: “Lord said he will leave by the end of the year at the latest…”

This time is not just a weekly diary and the others exclaimed that the surrounding vendors are a little bit I can’t sit still, because Noble Son Zhang was kind to them before, and it can even be said that they were their reborn parents. Many people here made their fortunes with Noble Son Zhang, and some made their fortunes with Noble Son Zhang’s craftsmanship. Yes, now that they heard the news that Noble Son Zhang is leaving, they immediately wanted to see Noble Son Zhang.

Thinking, the vendors didn’t wait for He Quan and the others to finish eating, they hurriedly began to pack their seats.

This made all the guards bewildered and immediately asked: “We haven’t finished eating, why are you closing the stall?”

The vendor kept closing the stall, head Without replying, he said: “I’m going to see Noble Son Zhang.”

Bodyguards became even more confused, and asked: “Why are you going to see my Lord?”

“Noble Son Zhang is going to leave. If you don’t see it, you can come in no hurry.”

The vendor is a little impatient, and rushes to the guards while packing up: “You hurry up and go. , I won’t charge you anymore today.”

Speaking, a group of vendors cleaned up their own furniture and helped each other, and Zhang Mansion in small groups rushed to the house.

Bodyguards looked dumbfounded. They said that Lord was going to leave, but they didn’t say to leave now. Are these guys in such a hurry? But this may be a good thing, at least it can explain the weight of Lord in the hearts of the people of Cháng’ān, and he has to visit him whenever he hears that he is leaving.

He Quan didn’t care about these nostalgias. He is thinking about training now. He glanced at the crowd: “Line up, continue training.”

After that, he looked towards Zhou Ji, spitting said. with a smile: “Are you still following us?”

Zhou Ji originally thought that he was going to follow He Quan, but when he heard this, his mind disappeared instantly. Wouldn’t it be very difficult to follow this guy? If you don’t have face, you should go to Lord, and it is the business to join the training as soon as possible, and inform some forging workshops and the guys in the textile factory to let them come too.

Thinking about it, he casually dealt with two sentences: “No, next time.”

He turned around and left.

He Quan glanced at Zhou Ji’s back, turned and looked towards everyone: “Training continues, running and walking.”

tone barely fell, everyone stepped forward again.

At this moment, a sedan chair swayed over, the car curtain was pulled open, and a middle-aged man poked his head out. It was Zhangsun Wuji who was preparing to Attending the Imperial court. He Glancing at the far away team, he said to the servant: “What did those people yell in just now? And, are they who?”

servant brows slightly wrinkle, glanced into the distance, and said after a long time. “Reporting back to Lord, they seem to be members of Zhang’s Mansion. As for what they call like, one, two, one, two, one.”

“Zhang’s man?”


Zhangsun Wuji frowned, stroked his beard, and muttered to himself: “This Feng’zi is doing what the hell is happening again?”

Thinking about it in his mind, but to no avail , Had to wave his hand: “Let’s go, Attending the Imperial court.”

servant nodded, took a deep look at the back of the distance, and ordered the bearer to walk to the Imperial Palace.

There was no hindrance along the way, Zhangsun Wuji soon came to the Imperial Palace.

At this time, many emperors and Ministers were already waiting outside the great hall door. Zhangsun Wuji went up and exchanged a few words with Wei Zheng and the others. After a while, the door was opened and a strong man stood. At the door, he shouted in a sharp voice: “numerous officials will see you.”

The officials did not hesitate, and all walked towards the great hall.

Just standing still, Li Shimin dragged Dragon Robe out. He sat on the Dragon Throne and looked down at the officials: “All Officials, something is coming.”

A Taishi Ling bowed before him: “His Majesty, the supplies in the army have run out recently. He also asked His Majesty to allocate the supplies. In addition, the soldiers still have a lot of equipment damaged. Please His Majesty to send someone to repair it.”

Listen When it comes to these things that cost money, Li Shimin is very big. Originally, Great Tang is also rich, but once the money is used in the military, it feels that the amount of money is not enough, such as food, clothing, use, etc. , Everything is several times more expensive than ordinary people.

However, if this is not given, it will not work, so he had to brace oneself replied: “You will find the household department for materials and equipment, and the Ministry of Works…”

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