Read All People’s Kingdom: Cui Yan Ci Khoi Loi Emperor To The Ancient One Emperor – Chapter 684

“You even hurried to find the cause of change. »
“Originally, when you were cultivating, you took out the Legend of the Jade Emperor and checked the truth of the Great Gan National Luck. »
“You were overjoyed like crazy, hurriedly holding Truyen Quoc Ngoc Ty, heading to Phong Trieu to explore. »
« you playNow, within one mile of Truyen Quoc Ngoc Ty, all the strong winds will turn into normal wind, no longer threatening! »
“You take the Truyen Quoc Ngoc Sister, let everyone follow your side for a mile, and continue to penetrate deep into the abyss of Tianyuan. »
« With Truyen Quoc Ngoc Ty suppressing the hard wind, you and the gods, without loss of hair and hair, overcome the wind tribulation. »
« You come to a place, the passage is narrow first, there is no strong wind inside the passage, you collect Truyen Quoc Ngoc Ty. »
« The widest passage, only 100m, reluctantly allowed the army to pass. »
« just penetrated the ten-mile passage, a mutation arose. »
«In the passage, countless chaotic spaces appeared, most of the gods and generals, could not dodge, and died tragically. »
“You are also covered by the collapsed passage, overlapping with space turbulence, making your Law of Space lose its effectiveness. »
“Your spiritual power is exhausted, Than Tu Dao Tieu. »
« stop acting, this time stop acting, you survived 0 8 time four months. »
“You have nothing to gain. »
This time, she stopped acting, even though she didn’t achieve anything. But Co Nguyen knows.
Using Truyen Quoc Ngoc Ty, you can suppress the third Dao of the Wind Tribulation. Gu Nguyen touched his chin.
“Passing the next wind life, the other way inside, must be the Fourth Tribulation, the Earth Tribulation.”
“It’s just that this Earth Tribulation is the only way inside, it’s very troublesome, it must be there once.”
“I don’t know how to overcome it, but with the power to stop acting, there can always be a solution.”
Gu Yuan opened the board again.
After consuming 100,000 achievement points, the show stopped again.
If it weren’t for him with millions of achievement points, he would have stopped acting and couldn’t get up.
« stop acting begins. »- ADVERTISEMENT –
“You bring Daigan’s elite gods and soldiers, enter the absolute center of Tianyuan, search for Cang Lam to return to the family. »
. . . . .
« You have overcome the Fire Tribulation, the Water Tribulation. »
« Use Truyen Quoc Ngoc Ty to suppress the Wind Tribulation, you have come to Earth Kiep’s residence through the passageway. »
« You stood in front of the passage, giving orders to Bach Khoi, leading an army, and entering the Earth Tribulation. »
“You are here waiting outside the passage, Bai Qi enters and enters the next moment, in the passage, space turbulence erupts. »
« The passage is in front of your eyes, pressed by the power of space into a whole, if it were not for you to order it yourself, seeing it with your own eyes, Bach Khoi led the generals and entered the passage. You don’t believe it either, there used to be a passage here. »
“The gods and the generals all fell into silence, they knew that General Bach Khoi might not be able to return. »
“After a while, the turbulent aura of space dissipated, and the passage opened again. »
“You once again ordered Xiang Yu to bring his army and enter the passageway. »
“Xiang Yu did not hesitate to lead the team into the passage. »
“A moment later, the passage once again erupted in space chaos, the passage merged, Xiang Yu and the generals abandoned themselves. »
« waited an hour again, the passage opened again. »
« You ordered, Zhao Yun led an army, entered the passage. »
« A moment later, the passage closed once again. »
“You know, inside the path of the Earth Tribulation, someone needs to enter before it can be opened, saving people safe time, only an hour. »
« You give Truyen Quoc Ngoc Ty black hair, and then bring it, Dai Can General, the fastest speed, Bach Ma Nghia Tong, enter the passage. »
«Just entered the Earthly TribulationThrough the passage, you will lead Bach Ma Nghia Cong to go at the fastest speed. »
“In the last moment, you will find the exit, but this time, the Earth Tribulation begins again. »
« Bach Ma Nghia Cong and you, both died peacefully in the middle of the Earth Tribulation, Shen Xing asked to die. »
“Stop acting, stop acting this time, you have a month to live. »
“You have nothing to gain. »
“Earth Tribulation, it is also considered passed.”
“When I finally entered the Earth Tribulation, I didn’t bring the gods, otherwise the speed could be a little faster.”
“I don’t know, this Earth Tribulation, is already the fourth tribulation, there is still a tribulation behind.”
Gu Yuan let out a long sigh.
Because of Thuong Lam’s crime, if he didn’t have the power to stop acting. How many people should be sacrificed here?
Thien Uyen is a great place, it is not a shame that it is famous for death.
Even the Nine Dragons of the Saints, all died in it, it was indeed profound and unpredictable. No hesitation.
Gu Nguyen once again unleashed the power of acting.
After consuming 100,000 achievement points, the fifth showdown begins!
« stop acting begins. »
“You lead the elite great minister of Dai Can, the generals only choose, the fastest speed, Bach Ma Nghia Tong, enter the absolute paradise of Thien Uyen, search for Cang Lam to return to the family. »
« You lead your people through the Fire Tribulation, the Water Tribulation, and the Wind Tribulation, to the first Earth Tribulation through the passage. »
« Standing at the import passage, you tell the ministers and the generals, you must use the fastest speed to go through the passage. »
“You are properly assigned, let each of the gods, help some Bach Ma Nghia Cong team, improve speed. »
“I have completed my orders, you bring a group of people and enter the Earth Tribulation channel. »
« One second passed two thirds of the time, you successfully led the people, running out of the Earth Tribulationpassage. »
“Here, is Tianyuan in the depths, you wear a mountain range, you meet Cang Lan’s guilt. »
. . .
« stop acting goal accomplished, stop acting finished, congrats, you’re alive. »
Gu Yuan withdrew his gaze.
In the end, in the middle of the powerhouse, he met Thuong Lam, who was guilty of a single clan. Gu Yuan hurriedly put these details in detail and recorded them.
These things are also a show of power, the generals use their lives in exchange! In front of Gu Yuan, was a white jade card.
In the jade slip, it is Huyen Bang who clearly entered the formation of the righteous law. Can be used, ie Thien Uyen is the absolute best in the Fire Tribulation.
On the other side, is a teardrop shaped like an ancient war design, a pile thick. This is the key to overcoming the Water Tribulation.
Bring these to 940, check them all once. Gu Nguyen called an eunuch.
“Communicate, summon the female duke of heaven, Lu Ban Than General, Zhuge Liang, General Bach, General Zhao, general class to come here.”
The eunuch directed the ceremony to Co Nguyen and retreated.
Soon, these gods and sons all reached the Ten Thousand Sword Immortal Palace.
The gods directed the ceremony to Co Nguyen.
“Peaceful Ai Khanh, you see!”
Gu Yuan supported the crowd using the power of space and brought out six murals. The courtiers looked at the mural, at the top of the Graphic, not knowing what it meant. Only black hair, the front was informed by Gu Yuan.
Just found out. Above this record. The four great historical crimes.
Seeing that Gu Yuan produced a mural with black hair, there was speculation.
“Your Majesty, you know the clues of other criminals?”
Black hair is super fun.
The Sin Clan could have had the effect of Dai Gan, but it was the same as the Sin Ho clan and had deep roots. If possible, save a criminal.But it’s a good thing!
However, the black hair was worried.
The local four great criminals are also all kinds of dangerous places.
If because of the sin of the race, falling into a dangerous place, then it is not worth it. In the past, even the time of the Sinhu clan, it was all the time of the Nine Deadliest Life.
More or less Co Nguyen, entered a breakthrough battle. This is the time to save the entire clan.
Black hair was his own life, and it was also Gu Yuan who saved him. .
Demonic Fairy Religion
UNIQUE-Strange-Strange, warning: Entering the hole is easy to go crazy!!!

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