Read All The People of the Kingdom: Chapter 84

And everyone present silently admired Gu Yuan’s method of manipulating people’s hearts during this time.
Gu Yuan turned his head neither fast nor slow.
Looking at the imperial court most corner position. Hoang Trung stood there.
“General Huang Zhong, I gave you that task before, how did you complete it?”
Gu Yuan opened his mouth in a low voice.
Hearing that, Hoang Trung took a step forward without hesitation.
“Return to His Majesty! You entrusted the task, the final general has been completed perfectly!”
“A few days ago, Master Cong Thu had completed three thousand Divine Martial Arts Crossbows, including 100,000 arrows, all entrusted!”
“The late general is also meticuloustrained out of the three thousand famous khans and generals, each individual is extremely proficient in handling Than Vo Lien Cross, without any problems.”
“Those are the soldiers of the Divine Consortium, each one of them waiting to fulfill His Majesty’s will!”
“Very good.”
Gu Nguyen gently tapped his head.
Both Huang Zhong and Lu Ban’s performance made him very satisfied.
This kind of Huangzhong can enhance the entire army’s accuracy and powerful Buff population, and when combined with Lu Ban Chu’s meticulous creation of a powerful Crossbow.
Forming Shen Ji Camp, it will be the most terrifying army in the world! Enough to let an enemy whatever, become afraid of losing the secret!
And the Huainan Dao family will be the prey of the Shen Co camp showing the sharpest tip! Immediately after, Gu Yuan’s eyes flashed a cold intention.
The sound of ice and coldness was extremely loud, and in an instant, the entire court exploded.
“Raising soldiers for a thousand days, using them for a while! Now is the time when you want to be effective!”
“There is a special situation on the other side of Huainan Dao, the other families will not be regular, and will definitely take action.”
“You immediately lead Shen Co’s camp, rush to Huainan Dao, and wait for Pham Lai’s command.”
“Anyone, as long as there is a change, can kill, no need to save!”
“Understand ?”
Hoang Trung agreed without hesitation for a moment.
There was also a hint of excitement in his eyes.
He twisted a fist, and his whole body radiated a strong killing intent.
“Major General obeys the order! Please rest assured, Your Majesty, of course, will not be entrusted by your majesty!”
After all, he just hurried out of the gate and left.
The rest of the courtiers looked at each other with cold eyes. They are very clear, Gu Yuan’s temper is also not good.
The places where the world is against the new style 233 scienceWell, the price of behavior has gone up and down, has reached the final boundary of Gu Yuan! There is no action ahead, just waiting for the right opportunity.
Now the time is ripe, then all the families will welcome Gu Yuan with no mercy for revenge! In the Huai Nam Dao family, it is unfortunate to become a chicken.
One was only used by Gu Yuan to kill chickens to scare monkeys and millets!
It is conceivable that after the Shen Co business reached Hoai Nam Dao, this battle was aimed at Vu Hoai Nam, who said that the hunting family had just begun. Suppose if they properly accept reality, let the court buy people’s hearts, that’s okay.
If they really dare to have anything different, the one that welcomes them will be the bloodthirsty massacre at Shen Ji Camp! For a moment, everyone’s hearts were somewhat sympathetic to the Huainan Dao family!
His Majesty the Emperor has a wicked heart, a wicked hand, a long gaze, and can be patient, truly an extremely terrifying political master. Opposing him, I am afraid that even the broken bones will not be left behind!
Very fast. The dynasty ended.
The courtiers all had their own thoughts, and slowly dispersed. Such a large Tuyen Duc Palace inside.
Only Co Nguyen and Vo Tac Thien remained.
“It seems that the empress dowager seems to have some confiding?”
Gu Nguyen looked at Vo Tac Thien, keenly seeing through Vo Tac Thien’s face that was not right. He also smiled and opened his mouth to ask.
Wu Zetian’s brows slightly furrowed.
A moment of hesitation, then a low voice opened his mouth.
“Ai Gia is curious, how do you plan that Huai Nam Dao will have a big disaster?”
“Ai Jia knows, in your hands you have Dong Xuong, this is a very secretive, powerful intelligence organization that spreads across the world.”
“However, even a powerful intelligence organization can only findThere’s been an intelligence report!”
“For the predicted drought, it’s obviously not what Dong Xuong can do!”
This is Vo Tac Thien in the deepest curiosity.
As intelligent as her, she naturally realized that in Gu Yuan’s hand, there was still a terrifying card that had never been revealed! Gu Yuan smiled faintly.
It’s just that he lives here in the game world with the greatest amount of money. Naturally, it was impossible to tell Wu Zetian.
Facing Vo Tac Thien is very good at questioning his eyes. Gu Yuan just smiled softly and said.
“Mother, the drought really doesn’t matter.”
“I know furniture, there can be a lot!”
“Just like …”
He slowly advanced, approached Wu Zetian in front of him, coldly opened his mouth and smiled.
“I know, I’m not your blood.”
Hearing that, Vo Tac Thien couldn’t help but tremble, his pupils instantly widened!
She seemed to be strange, staring at Gu Yuan, her eyes filled with this look of horror. Absolutely can’t believe his ears!
This matter, the matter related to the royal face, the more related to the orthodox Huang Wei, the stable Vuong Trieu! Up to now, it’s all Wu Zetian’s biggest secret!
Knowing this, only Immortal Emperor, Wu Zetian himself, and An Vuong still! There are only three people in this world!
Because of this, it is directly related to Immortal Emperor’s physiological inability. The reason why Immortal Emperor absolutely won’t reveal half of it!
Jing’an Vuong has been annihilated, and the entire Wangfu has been killed. When a person dies, it is naturally impossible to transmit that event.
As for Wu Zetian himself, he absolutely did not talk to anyone about it! Theoretically speaking, this should be completely destroyed in the new moon in the new wind and ceilingi’m right!
Where did Gu Nguyen come from? Could it be, is there really a god who can help? Seeing this kind of reaction from Wu Zetian, Gu Yuan was very satisfied.
The smile on his face became even darker. He put his mouth on Wu Zetian’s ear and did not move, but continued to speak in a low voice.
“Is the queen very surprised?”
“Other than that, I know that the Immortal Emperor has never touched you.”
Clear information!
Vo Tac Thien’s heart trembled, as if in an instant he realized that Ngu Loi Oanh Dinh had reached him.
She couldn’t stand anymore, her whole body was soft, and she directly fell on the expensive chair. The original face with red cheeks, has also turned into this kind of pale color without a trace of blood. Everyone, was completely confused!
Even this kind of secret room, Gu Yuan actually knows? This, tmd, is too unreasonable!
She looked at Gu Yuan silently, for a moment, she only felt a little strange and mysterious! This man in front of her, did she really know that Gu Yuan?
This part is a clever trick, so that people’s hearts are shocked!
Gu Yuan smiled, straightened his eyes, and calmly opened his mouth to speak.
“You can rest assured, mother, this matter, I know that it is broken in my stomach, I will never say it.”
“Anyway, this kind of thing, if it’s publicized, it’s all trouble for you and me!”
Vo Tac Thien also made clear what he meant.
The identity of Gu Yuan’s bloodline directly determines the political legitimacy of this emperor!
If he is not the bloodline of the Immortal Emperor, then sitting in this position, he can’t help but feel a little forced. It will definitely cause those things to be fiercely opposed by Huang Wei, who has a bit of a dream!
This is also because the Daigan dynasty divided and buried the seeds of disaster.And she, the position of the Empress Dowager, was directly tied to Gu Yuan.
If Gu Yuan Huang Wei were to be questioned, her status would also fluctuate drastically!
Moreover, in comparison, Gu Yuan now has real power, if anyone is questioned, that Huang Wei will definitely suffer some damage, but the overall situation is still fine!
Maybe Vo Tac Thien can’t!
The story of that year, if hard to pursue, she only committed a great sin!
Until then, don’t say continue to enjoy happiness as the Empress Dowager, I’m afraid I want to stay in the lonely palace of Japan! This type of fear fell directly from the cloud, she didn’t dare to think!
“Ai Gia knows, His Majesty is like that, he must be transparent and correct.”
“However, His Majesty deliberately mentioned these things, shouldn’t he simply want to waste his saliva?”
“Whatever your majesty wants to do, just say it, don’t be shy!”
Wu Zetian’s face was cold, and he opened his mouth in a low voice. Gu Yuan smiled gently.
As the smart people of this kind Wu Zetian said, it is lack of discipline!
There are a few things, he doesn’t need to break it at all, and Wu Zetian can easily comprehend it. This is also saving him a lot of saliva!
“Empress does not need to be so urgent!”
“If I wanted to touch you, then that chair under you would have long been gone!”
“This is the Great Gan, I am the Emperor, I think what to do, no one can stop me!”
Vo Tac Thien’s face was dark.
But neither admitting it nor admitting it, said Gu Yuan, is exactly the truth! If he decides on one thing, no one can change that!
Regardless of whether it is the old Lam Quoc Thai, still the great marshal of Lam Phong, or the Hoai Nam Dao family.
If these things want to compete with Gu Yuan, they will all be forced to grind into a fine powder! Co FemaleIf he really wanted to rob her of power, take her to Leng Cung.
That woman doesn’t have half the ability to resist at all! Gu Yuan opened his mouth neither fast nor slow.
“I have also said before, I am very clear that the mother is not an ordinary woman, but a noble woman who loves power very much!”
“It’s just a pity that I, the Great Gan Dynasty, do not allow women to display space ambitions!”
“However, I am willing to give your mother this opportunity to let you realize your political ambitions!”
“However, the royal court’s demise may still take longer, but all the prerequisites are that your mother must be loyal to me, the master of this Daigan dynasty will forever be only me. one!”
“Assuming the mother has a streak of excess behavior, then thousands of times should not be disrespectful to the child!”
This is also the true purpose of Gu Yuan!
In his eyes, Wu Zetian was never a mere Empress Dowager. It’s a god!
He wanted to suppress all of Wu Zetian’s pride and arrogance. Make the real Wu Zetian for him to use!
Vo Tac Thien can marry his daughter, become the only female emperor in history, and politically control Thuy Binh himself, naturally not ordinary! Such a person, hidden in the harem, is a kind of waste!
In the court of Tham Chinh to discuss politics, this is the best ending for Vo Tac Thien!
She was able to help Gu Yuan handle the political case, relieving Gu Yuan’s pressure to admit. It can also help Gu Yuan suppress his subjects, forming a magical restriction!
Moreover, Vo Tac Thien was speaking in front of the stage. Can become Gu Nguyen with a pair of white gloves.
Help Gu Yuan go to work, he’s not very good about things!
Just promise yourself the mighty Emperor, can be tall at the top, pillow scene No Worry.
“After I say this, I’m recruiting to return to Tu Ning Palace to enjoy old age, still stay in the court of Tham Nghi, and invite the mother to be a scout!”
Pamper yourself after a moment.
Wu Zetian finally nodded arduously.
After all, she really still has no way to resist this kind of desire for power!
As long as you can stay in the court, you must have the right to speak, and you can exert influence on politics, that’s enough. Even if you want to obey Gu Yuan’s orders and become the son of Gu Yuan, you can still accept it!
Anyway, from the front, Gu Yuan announced all kinds of policies to come and see.
In politics to create art, this is Co Nguyen’s desire to not be able to win against Vo Tac Thien!
“Good, Ai Gia has responded!”
“However… Ai Gia has one condition!”
“Please speak to the queen mother.”
Gu Nguyen opened his mouth to smile.
Vo Tac Thien took a deep breath and spoke in a low voice.
“Ai Gia hopes from the folk to recruit a few literate and intelligent women, to make them enter the palace to become female officials, depending on the court in Ai Gia’s perimeter.”
“They can help Ai Gia to trim the main court, and can also stay with Ai Gia to comfort people.”
Gu Yuan nodded without hesitation.
As long as Wu Zetian is loyal to him, all the extras are insignificant!
Summoning a few female officials to come over can indeed be enough for Wu Zetian to have some support! More.
There are a few rich female officials in the harem, perhaps Gu Yuan can also discover a new sense of interest in the famous concubine from there, that is also incorrect!
Demonic Fairy Religion
UNIQUE-Strange-Strange, warning: Entering the hole is easy to go crazy!!!

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