Read All People’s Kingdom: Emperor Cui Yan Ci Khoi Lei To The Ancient One Emperor – Chapter 57

Gu Nguyen also sighed softly.
That’s right, this game until now has not been anything in the golden color, the color of the dog.
It’s the image of the sword light, danger is everywhere!
He must have aroused twelve thousand parts of his spirit to respond.
“The newbie protection period has ended, the show must also welcome a new round of renewal!”
Gu Yuan’s brows began to wrinkle, and then his heart moved.
Turn off the chatter, turn it on, and stop acting.
« The Emperor of the New Game Protects the Periodend, stop acting innovating medium. . . »
« Retirement is complete. »
« Renovation of Content 1: Every time the show stops, there will be no more renewal of the national destiny, and you will not be able to continue to preserve the national destiny. »
« Content innovation 2: Eliminate the infinite number of stops, you can only perform once a month. »
« Renovation content 3: The longest deprecation time is because of 1 year. »
« Innovation content 4: In the process of stopping, you can interrupt the process at any time, proceed with storage, load operations. »
« Innovation content 5: Open an exchange shop, you can go through and get various emperor achievements, get achievement points, and exchange! »
« Whether or not to check exchange in store content ? Is there a selection to check the Emperor’s achievements of other types? »
A series of content, shown above.
Gu Yuan also looked at it very seriously.
Stop acting as he is in the entire people of the Emperor in the game of living in peace the biggest to rely on.
Regarding any rules of acting, he must study them thoroughly!
Anyway, it must be said that this time of renewal, there is weakness, there is also an increase.
Unable to re-innovate and also preserve national destiny.
For this time, Gu Nguyen was also fully prepared.
The National Transport was renewed and reserved, and he was a newbie to protect the welfare period.
Perhaps having possessed seven powerful national fortunes before, Gu Yuan was satisfied.
On the other hand, the number of rehearsals is limited to the maximum, and can only be performed once a month.
But at the same time, increase and decrease Load performance and storage function.
This also makes sense, Gu Yuan can aim at something, try a variety of methods, base on interpreting the results, and make the best choice!
ThingThis also causes a large-scale metallographic discontinuity to increase.
Sacrificing the number of times to change the quality, there is no loss at all.
There is also a bit that can’t be underestimated, which is the longest one, only one year, but not infinitely long.
This really has no effect.
Maybe one year in advance, knowing the changes inside, for Gu Yuan, this is enough.
The Emperor game is a completely real world, and any action will create an extremely intense spoof effect.
Gu Yuan is now at the center of publicizing policies, knowing that there will be drastic changes in the future.
After three years of acting, the same truth three years later, it is completely two races with completely different faces.
The reason why the online time is too long to say, stop acting to get information, and refer to the meaning is not great.
One year is considered a reasonable comparison.
In short, this time the renewal is considered an adjustment, and Gu Yuan can still accept it.
“Except for these things, the acting is related to changes in the outside …”
“Also appear new abilities, trade with the emperor and achieve!”
“This is the most important thing!”
Gu Yuan’s gaze shifted slightly, focusing on the last thing to change the content above.
For this time, he was curious.
Intuition told him that this so-called business exchange would probably be the most terrifying change this time!
“A little preview of the Emperor’s achievements ah!”
Before the words ended, the screen immediately fell silent while the transformation took place.
“The Emperor’s achievements list—-”
« Seeking sage and weakness (first level ): Under your authority, the total number of famous gods or generals is 5, you can get 100 achievement points! »
« Asking for gentleness, weakness and thirst (second level): Under the authority of peopleOh, famous god or famous general, the total number is 10, can get 500 achievement points! »
«. . . »
« Conqueror (first level ): You successfully conquered a city that doesn’t belong to you, you can get 100 achievement points! »
«. . . »
« Rich people and strong country (first level): If you have total wealth in the treasury of 100 million pieces of silver, you can get 100 achievement points! »
«. . . »
Various kinds of achievements crossed over it.
Almost covers the country side.
From famous gods, famous concubines, famous generals, to military, economic, cultural, people’s hearts, even Tran Bao collects, all can go to work.
Furthermore, the achievement is to expose a kind of progressive relationship.
Completed the first level achievement, there are even more difficult level two achievements, three levels of achievements.
However, the more difficult it is to achieve, the more reward points you will receive.
That’s how you think.
Other than that, Co Nguyen is still at the bottom of the Logo, seeing a hint.
“In addition to the above achievements, there are still some hidden special achievements, please actively explore, make hidden achievements behind, you will also get hidden rewards! »
Regarding this point, Gu Yuan is considered as invisible.
Hiding the key achievements in hiding, basically do not know which direction to try.
It’s like the time before the end of the show, the first time survival is five years ahead, and the same special reward is obtained.
So he can only wait there to gamble, see when he can get lucky!
Gu Yuan took a deep breath.
Move the pen in front of you to write down a few things that are easy to accomplish.
This is probably his next step to try to navigate.
« Asking for sage and thirst (first level): Under your authority, the total number of achievements is under your authorityc 5, can be 100 achievement points! »
« People’s Mind Center (first level): Nationwide, within the average population of 60 above, you can get 100 achievement points! »
« Ky Tran Di Bao (first level ): You can plunder up to the blue color of quality above Tran Bao, the number of 5 is 5, you can get 100 achievement points. »
“These are achieved, as long as I have breakfast, and add a little time, I can easily achieve them.”
“Especially the first thing is to pray for gentleness and thirst, there are five famous gods or famous generals that can be achieved, I currently have four of Wei Qing, Huo Khum, Trieu Van and Thuong Uong.”
“As long as we wait for Fan Lei to reach the capital and subdue it, it will be easy to complete the achievement!”
“Next is the most important thing, that is to see an exchange in the shop!”
“Hopefully, won’t let me down!”
Gu Yuan immediately opened the trading interface.
Eyes filled with hope.
. . .
Demonic Fairy Religion
UNIQUE-Strange-Strange, warning: Entering the hole is easy to go crazy!!!

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