Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 786: Here I conquer

In terms of production, "Landscapes under the Wheel" is not very detailed. Many of them are authentic filming content and have not undergone much editing. It seems that there is a little bit of crude production, but there are words that are good, we give more.

What fans want is to see Chen Hao for a long time, not those fine-cut versions. It ’s so good. It takes about an hour to record the life and schedule of a day. We only look forward to the broadcast cycle of this program?

The program group did not disappoint everyone, and at six o'clock in the afternoon, a program was officially updated.

In the second program, the convoy has entered the northwest uninhabited area. Those bad road conditions have not given much pressure in front of this convoy.

The night before, I was enjoying a tent. According to Chen Hao, there may be fewer such opportunities in the future. While the environment is good, try to enjoy it.

As a veteran audience, Chen Hao knows what people who watch this show want? The first is the living status in private of his star identity, the other is some basic knowledge of outdoor travel, and finally the life that cannot be seen in the city.

"Eat some noodles in the morning and set off in a short while. I slept very well last night. Without a computer and mobile phone, I went into my sleeping bag and emptied myself to think about nothing. I forced myself to fall asleep. It feels pretty good. "

"Clean up the garbage. The car behind us specially prepared a place for domestic garbage. At the beginning of this section, I will drive. This car, I will show you the console. All are military button designs. All buttons are individually pressed for convenience. It's quick and easy to operate while wearing gloves. "

"You also saw the traffic outside. It ’s not very good, but the atmosphere of our cars is pretty good. Lao Chen sang in the back car just now, which is pretty good. In the future, he will have the opportunity to sing live for everyone."

"We do n’t enter villages and towns, and the fuel tanks in the cars are still sufficient. You do n’t have to worry about our modifications. All of them have been rigorously reviewed, meet various standards, and have corresponding permits. Therefore, we do n’t recommend everyone to imitate our behavior. It is not allowed to bring an oil drum in your car. "

"It was very tired after driving all morning. Such a car cannot be considered too much in terms of driving comfort, but the driving experience is very enjoyable. You have also seen that the car will not have excessive bumps on such a road. , The impact of road conditions on us is very small. "

"I took a break at noon and made a pot of beef for a fire. I also fell asleep. See you in the afternoon."

If you do n’t like a similar style, and you do n’t like Chen Hao again, then this show is not attractive. The show is like this. Different scenery, different customs and customs, when the car returns after a few days of wild mountains, the car returns. In a normal state, enter some towns and villages, refuel and clean up the garbage, and introduce as much local food as possible. Chen Hao also became a food anchor and took everyone to taste various foods.

Before leaving the border, Chen Hao also took a few people on a trekking trip and looked at a snow-capped mountain. The professional level of the walk through, the members of the accompanying program group could only give up, and he took the DV camera for shooting. The remaining people circled the car around the Snow Mountain and waited for Chen Hao's arrival at the designated place on the other side.

Under the mountain, there is a lot of greenery, and it is just in late summer and early autumn, and the temperature is still above 20 degrees.

The mountains are covered with snow and cold winds are raging.

In addition to the necessary equipment on the body, there is not much food to bring, and several people rely on the strength of the body, and there is no need to reserve fresh water here. For many ordinary people, this is an unachievable difficulty. For professional Mountaineering enthusiasts are a kind of physically and mentally challenging challenge. It is a very unique experience to visit Chen Hao.

Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, close to the beauty of nature, every breath you can enjoy in the city, every bit of tranquility, you will feel the wind is the only sound you can hear.

There is no smoke, no worries, look back at the footprints that are slowly covered by the snow and snow again, look up to see how close it is to the sky, take a breath in slowly, there is a refreshment in the cold, and sometimes there is an impotence The urge to live is to yell at the snow mountain. Of course, this is just a matter of thinking. The cost of the avalanche is not forgiveable for a moment.

Eat some compressed food, find a windy depression or a good luck cave at night, open a tent, light a pile of flames that may not have enough burning materials, and use a cylinder to melt and boil some snow water. It seems that the blessing is gone It seems to endure the cold at night, but when you open your eyes the next day, you will have a very unique sense of accomplishment.

Here I am conquered.


"The landscape under the wheel" has a very high number of clicks on the Internet, and the subsequent advertising effect also appeared. For more than 50 minutes of the program, only a three-minute advertisement was inserted in the middle. The three-minute advertising revenue, although not Enough, but not enough for a show.

Works of conscience, billions of views, every day someone will talk to Lele and Huanju Times about the price of advertising, one price a day, constantly rising, if the product endorsed by Chen Hao has 20 seconds of advertising in these three minutes , Then the effect of sales is even better.

The badness in the country is artificially created. When you go abroad, you will travel through those really bad natural environments, deserts, and uninhabited areas. You will encounter storms, dust, vehicle damage, beast attacks, and lonely emptiness under physical and mental fatigue ... ...

The show is one episode a day. Sometimes the content is one day, sometimes it is two days. The production is relatively simple, keep the original taste of the recording as much as possible, but just cut out some repetitive pictures for a long time.

Suddenly the program was interrupted one day, and Lele officials gave an explanation that worried many people: "The team has been in a no-signal area for seven consecutive days, but just intermittently passed a phone call to confirm that the person is okay and that the recorded materials are not on the Internet. It ca n’t be transmitted. Please look forward to it. After receiving the shooting materials, we will produce it as soon as possible and broadcast it to everyone. ”

Because of the concerns of fans, Lele's customer service calls were all busy within five hours of the message being sent. Ten hours of calls were received in five hours. Ninety-nine percent of them were asking about Chen Hao. Expressing concern about his short-term loss of contact, Lele's senior executives specifically issued instructions for this. All customer service operators must maintain a good attitude and explain to the calling fans, no matter how many identical calls you make, and how many times you explain the same. Do n’t be impatient with your words. Be sure to maintain a good attitude and let everyone feel at ease.

At half past three in the morning, the team's phone came in, and at least four people were on the phone 24 hours a day, and someone picked it up the first time they called in, and immediately arranged a network transmission to receive data from abroad .

"We have just passed the no-man's land and are currently preparing for a break. We will rest after the data is transmitted. We will resume contact tomorrow afternoon."

Chen Hao was also anxious. Under the harsh environment, he was not worried about dealing with various issues, and he was never panic because of this, but he was anxious that he did n’t transfer the shooting materials to the country after time. He knew that there were at least three Four million viewers are waiting for the update of each issue. There are also more than one million fans who do not want to worry if they do n’t see themselves. He did n’t want to worry about them. On the last night, he was in a crazy hurry, never The edge of the human zone could have rested. For a few hours, in the dark deserted desert, traveled nearly 100 kilometers and came to an area that can receive network signals.

You have to know that on the way to the road, the four cars are traveling on traction ropes, maintaining a distance of more than ten meters. The front row is a raptor, and all the added lights are turned on, although it is not illuminated by large nails. In order to be safer, the big nail is still not at the front. Once there is any collapse or pothole, the big nail goes down. Even if the other three cars can be pulled, it will not be easy to pull up ~ ~ Raptor The light is slightly worse, but fortunately it is at the very end of the tonnage in the fleet.

Chen Hao ’s show is more extreme than the vehicle crossing of the husband and wife team in “Our Companion”, the equipment is better, and the staff is more powerful. It's even more aggressive.

"Our Companion" program is an exploration of the unknown. The entire team is relatively mature and will avoid danger to a certain extent. It is more a story on the road.

The show "Hua Xia under the Wheel" is a challenge to the unknown. Unless it is a natural and dangerous environment in which manpower is completely irresistible, the purpose of the team is to rush forward in the face of so-called danger and badness.

The repair of vehicle damage in the former program, with the addition of television, seems to have such a sense of urgency. It seems that not fixing the car immediately will have a great impact.

In the latter program, vehicle damage is also easily encountered, especially when a tire bursts or a car is trapped, or parts are damaged. It is common. Everyone's purpose is to carry out in an orderly manner. The car is fully equipped and everything is prepared. Complete, how can there be a problem, what you see is the normal shooting of the camera crew, everyone else reaches out to repair the vehicle, has some of his own works, in the lens you see that Chen Hao is not in a team "Uncle", it will not just stand there and direct the hands. Everyone faced with such a situation, no one was panic, and did not mean to make a show, so you do it silently, I do it, I do everything The emergencies are psychologically prepared, and the pictures that appear when responding make every viewer have almost the same thought: "It's okay, but it's a small thing, and they can handle it quickly."

This recognition stems from the trust in Chen Hao.

In the face of the show's picture, they have only two words-enjoyable.

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