Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 761: Let you watch the movie twice

If you have to make an accurate positioning for "Certificate of Appreciation", at least the people who have just watched the movie now have no way to extract a word from his mind that he thinks is appropriate. The main line of this movie is clear and single, seemingly informative. The amount is not large, but in fact it has a very large amount of information. The epitome of the background of that era is fully shown in a movie.

This kind of film can make the audience enjoy it and not feel boring at all. This is success. It also allows the audience to applaud the actor's performance frequently.

The second audience, the best time period, more than 10 o'clock in the evening, can be counted on the theater ticket sales situation, can hardly see the theater with empty tickets, movie theaters in major cities in the country, all in line to check the way , Forming a rare long queue for watching movies.

The audience after the third game received feedback from the premiere audience. Some of them decided to wait until the zero time to watch it, while others got news outside or at home. They rushed to the theater to buy movies and waited. After zero o'clock, watch this movie which has been well received in a short time.

The main creators followed Chen Kexin on the small stage in front of the screen. The applause and applause on the scene gave them the most authentic answer. In Xiangjiang, such a scene is sacred, especially Chen Kexin invited a lot of eloquent film reviews this time. People and reporters just want to recreate the effect of the premiere of the Xiangjiang film in the 1980s and 1990s. Fortunately, it ’s good. Do n’t let this happen, then I ’m embarrassed if you are embarrassed.

"Thank you, thank you all."

I have said everything that I have to say, and now there is nothing to say, just simple thanks, the stars who came to support each other, came forward to shake hands with Chen Kexin and the creators to say goodbye, and also familiarized and hugged, congratulations for this movie Ushering in success, and among them, everyone will give a thumbs up when facing Chen Hao face to face.

The last part of Ling Chi's performance was too exciting. It can show the characters in such a monologue. In the standard configuration that everyone knows, it is after the film emperor. This is a unicorn show that lasts a few minutes, a long shot. Locked on the close-up of the face, without the assistance of sound, no other actors to set off, no other story happened, just this scene, balanced advancement, supported by Chen Hao's performance, and finally the camera opened to reveal the mystery Everyone is not suddenly realized, but there is an inexplicable sadness. Jiang Wuyang is the biggest portrayal of the victims of that era. The character and characteristics of his body are a very iconic group of people of that era.

Such a young man, it is no wonder that Chen Kexin dare to present the play on the supporting cast, although it has the meaning of being noisy. Throughout the film, Chen Hao has always performed exceptionally well and successfully assisted the two brothers, no matter how much No matter how outstanding the performance is, Jiang Wuyang's entire character, even if it was freed and merged from Zhao Erhu and Pang Qingyun, so no matter how brilliant he is, no one will think that he is the protagonist of the show, only think he is two Derivatives supporting characters.

The film critics, filmmakers, media reporters, and senior movie viewers at the scene, everyone felt that they had something to say, and they couldn't wait to pick up the pen or tap on the mobile tablet. Spit out all your brains after watching the movie.

This is a rare and wonderful film with actors in place. The appeal of the entire story is secondarily. What makes the professionals comfortable is that everyone understands it. It did n’t deliberately cater to overseas because the film has the concept of overseas distribution. The audience ’s taste, in the face of the rich history, although the film is only a small area to perform in a city, one place, but did not lose the richness of history, this change is most recognized by everyone, for the crew appeared in the middle of this The discussion and changes of the problem have also been heard by the outside world. Now it seems that the group of directors and actors has won, and they have got the insistence they want. Let this film be based on the richness and historical facts of history. Really present everything.

In fact, in another theater, the publisher ’s investor also specially invited a group of foreign audiences to watch the English version of the film. The changes in the shooting method and content at the time put a lot of pressure on them. In the end, it depends on domestic box office support. It doesn't make a lot of money. After all, there are only a few billion or two billion box office movies. You can't expect each movie to come up and target yourself more than one billion. Even higher.

The overseas market has always been a strategic aspect of this film's future profit system. The story does not cater to the overseas market, which in itself has created tremendous pressure, for fear that this film will not eventually get the value it deserves in the overseas market.

The premiere field arranged a special audience for foreign audiences. During the watching process, some people observed it in secret and found that they watched it very seriously. The subject matter of the action has always been the expertise of Huaxia. This time, the three protagonists and all the action scenes in the war , All are simple power, speed and explosive power, this method is more in line with the tastes of Westerners' appreciation, and it is very enjoyable, especially the display of several weapons, each of which has a different feeling, and it is a great admiration for foreign audiences , The advance of the entire plot did not make them feel boring. Although there are some things that they ca n’t understand, it does n’t matter. They do n’t understand history. They only look at the story of the three brothers. For domestic audiences, this story is a remake. Everyone knows that the main line is also clear. But in the eyes of foreign audiences, everything is fresh and looks very enjoyable.

By the end of the film, the applause was also very enthusiastic. A woman between brothers killed a sister-in-law and killed a brother. These stories have their unique appeal to foreign audiences, and they feel very novel, especially in the end of Chen Hao. The performance made them feel shocked. Chen Hao they knew each other. They had just won two awards for best pop singer and best song of the year on the Grammy shine stage. I didn't expect him to perform so well.

They are not very familiar with Ling Chi. In the foreign version, after a preview of Jiang Wuyang being Ling Chi, he added a subtitle and a side to explain what Ling Chi was executed.

Even with the explanation, foreign audiences did not expect that Chen Hao would have such a large section of monologue performance. In their cognition, the **** picture classification is just fine. It can completely shoot cruelly and stimulate the adrenaline of the audience.

There is no choice here, just a close-up of the face for a few minutes. There is no language, no story, no barriers to Eastern and Western culture. It is simply a performance transmission. To be honest, this performance has the most deep impression on foreign audiences. They The resonance that can be produced is also the strongest. When the lens is opened, the previous explanation and the display of the iceberg in the picture are used to reveal the shock of the mystery. It is more shocking than foreign audiences in front of foreign audiences. The sound and admiration sounded too incredible, and the performance of Chen Hao just appeared in my mind, causing an inexplicable impulse. I want to read it again. After I know the answer, I will take a closer look Chen Hao's performance will definitely be particularly enjoyable.

"It turned out that his look was to express that meaning, I still misunderstood."

"He was crying. I didn't understand why he was crying. It turned out that it was just the tears that caused the body to react naturally after I couldn't stand it. I said why his eyes were so indifferent at that time. Crying was not his original intention."

Foreign audiences have recognized the film, and they have given more praise to Chen Hao's performance.

Although some statistics from the first overseas game were not available, the crew of the crew sent people to the North American market to observe. This time, the world premiere can be considered to have some aspects. It has also been screened in North America for 200 yuan. There is no screen for this movie in the CBD regional theaters in big cities, but in the Chinese area and some ordinary cities, there are screening halls to play it. If the ticket sales are not Chinese, there is a 30% ~ ~ Chinese, It can reach 80%, with outstanding results. Now it depends on word of mouth.

Domestically, it is the bombing movie market at the atomic bomb level. The performances of several protagonists have all exploded, especially Chen Hao's performance. With his age and seniority, everyone's awareness of him has been improved by this performance. This grade, if we only know that he was too talented in music to run a movie to waste talent, when this film came out, no one said that.

Earlier, Chen Kexin's interview at the Golden Awards was also taken out, and several interviews at the airport were also taken out. At that time, everyone's praise for Chen Hao was still confusing. Now it is different. See After Chen Hao's last performance, it really caused countless audiences to raise the idea of ​​watching it again, otherwise I'm really sorry for Hao Zi's performance in those few minutes, especially those who did not see that Chen Hao's performance in a few minutes was in The person who suffered the torture of Ling Chi felt why he was so awkward, and explained clearly before and after, and Haozi's acting skills were so good. He still developed the habit of watching popcorn movies, but he didn't take the movie seriously. You don't understand it, because you didn't take it seriously.

Four hours in the evening of the day, the box office in the mainland was 60 million and the box office in Xiangjiang was 2 million.

The next day, the first 24-hour box office day, the mainland box office was 120 million. Xiangjiang box office eight million.

On the third day, the second day of the May Day holiday, the mainland box office was 110 million. Xiangjiang box office is 8.3 million.

On the second day, everyone from production to distribution to the end of the production crew will no longer wait for the box office data from overseas. We, ourselves, digest it internally, and this film may get a box office that is satisfactory to all parties. data.

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