Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 747: We also pass positive energy (Happy Valentine's Day!)

That night, Meng Mengqi and Xiao Yuyu sat at a table to eat. Chen Hao did not give them the opportunity to justify each other. They simply ate meals, and then they were prepared to prepare for the storm on the Internet. Xiong Wazi. The previous guild was cheap. Who knows if the guys will be shameless and sell cheaply when they get cheap. Wait for them to tear and stand on the side of the word "ration". What will we do when we fight back? It will not look excessive.

The news from Kang Yan also came over at night, confirming that Liu Zi's injury was okay. The previous external injury meant to publicize the intention to aggravate. In fact, the injury was very good, mainly skin trauma.

He also caught the people there. A few children also wanted to mix this road. Despite the network purification, they still intend to use the hype method to make themselves red. Taking the voice of six sons as a springboard is also an inevitable choice. He is the hottest influencer in that small city.

The previously recorded photos and videos were only the first step they thought, and they did not achieve the effect. Who could have expected that the six-sounding voice with a small eye that looked like a broken mouth held up at a critical moment? After he still gritted his teeth and did not give in, there was a strong force. The goal was not achieved, but the shots were not enough for hype, and these guys were still holding back again.

In the face of Kang Yan, all their means were explained in less than half an hour, and they were punished one by one by Kang Yan, giving them a bit of hands and feet in that split way. There will be reactions, no major movements will not be shown, that is, you will feel sore and tired, once you have a large amount of exercise or a large amount of physical movements, then you are unlucky, the pain of the pain It ’s far more serious than the skin trauma suffered by Liu Zi, and the means of Kang Yan, even if you rely on recovery or some massage techniques to alleviate this pain, there is no way to heal, it is tantamount to Jing Wei Kang The word damage is a little bit, a difference of one millimeter, the tendons will bring your body incurable pain for a long time, a little uncomfortable, that is pain that is comparable to gout. If you ca n’t move, you ca n’t move, like Hemiplegia is the same. It can be alleviated by painkillers and massage. You think it is cured, and you may not get sick again.

After listening to Kang Yan's report, Chen Hao was clear on his chest. It was not a conspiracy to design together. It can only be said that a few apprentices were too smooth. The frustrations they encountered happened to be brought together, and they were indeed consistent. They are temperamental-the trouble they may suffer.

Mengmengqi and Xiaoyuyu are both young and their minds are not yet fully mature. That careful thinking and careful eyes have also been used on the live broadcast. In terms of dealing with the relationship between the two, they are still young and young. The problem is Sooner or later.

As the anchor of gossip, it is common for words to offend people on the Internet. Such people must advertise themselves as a man in reality. Otherwise, when you go to gossip and hack others on the Internet, you will not have credibility. Throughout all gossip The anchors are all of this type. In reality, how much they love who they are. Encountering troubles in reality is something that will happen sooner or later.

Xiong Wazi, a 'over-breathed' anchor who once sat in the position of a sister, now worships at the front line of the web anchor under Chen Hao's door. In the past, no one came to help her out of the trough, and now she is back again Well, those people have popped up again, and they claimed that they were not bad at that time. Are you going to bring an old friend with you now? If you do n’t mention it, someone will broadcast you immediately.

The four apprentices were all related to their personal style and experience. One came out and no one would be surprised. Three things came together.

Chen Hao is very fortunate to keep calm, otherwise he really wants to move a lot, but instead makes people look at the joke, let Chen Gang prepare the car, everyone happens to be unable to sleep, then go to Liuzi's hometown overnight.

He didn't let Direzhba follow. She didn't understand the Internet. She took a few days off and was busy with her work.

Xiong Wazi is in a car with Chen Hao. She is in a lot of mood now, but there are still some girl's perseverance that she feels very useless. If something goes wrong, she needs Master to help herself to solve it. From the beginning, I did n’t give the insatiable group of guys a chance, even if they wanted to be dark, and they did n’t have to say, I have been decadent for more than a year, who cares about me, then why did n’t I see the guild to support me? Now I change the gate, and when I reach His Majesty, with his help, I re-glow a new light of career, but you are here.

In the car, Chen Hao talked to her a lot. About herself, in Lele's acting circle, there are more things that hide dirt and dirt, and more things that can't be prevented ...

"It doesn't matter if you have the ability to handle things, so do I. There are professional people who do professional things. All we have to have is a big nerve that can resist pressure to face anything. To be honest, I just heard you In a few incidents, my subconscious reaction was that someone was behind the scenes, and there was an urge to do something, and then I resisted. I first asked Kang Yan to go to the six sons, and then called you all to Yanjing. Prove that if you are intolerable, you will see different scenes after thinking about it, and I have never felt that this is an amazing and unsolvable thing from the beginning to the end, because we believe that even the most important thing, we, The collective strength can solve it. Now we are very powerful, aren't we? "

Xiong Wazi listened carefully, nodded frequently, and worshipped a person, so that she no longer needed to distinguish between right and wrong in Master's discourse. No matter what she said, it was all right. She carried it herself some time ago and did not want to give it to her. Master is in trouble, and there is no time for the New Year to have a good rest at home. Watching Master play freely on the Grammy stage, watching Master ’s domineering in the All-Star Game, I feel that the gap between the master and the apprentice is infinite. To enlarge, what she wants to do is to work harder. In the past, when she was the hottest, she did not have a good goal. Now her performance is better than that year. The goal of hard work is also a type of dead horse. Willing to die.

Last year and this year, two years to go home to celebrate the Chinese New Year, his parents said a little bit more firmly Xiong Wazi's determination to treat Master as a lifelong idol and target.

"Child, you have been independent early. When our parents did not help you much, we also have a generation gap between age and time. At that time, we wanted to persuade you that you would not listen. It's the same today. "

"Your master is a young man with a positive energy. When we look at what he has done, we ca n’t help but praise it. If you can follow him, you can learn and develop well. Ask your master when you encounter something. "

Every year, the parents of several apprentices come to Meicheng to meet Chen Hao at least twice. There is a gap in age and the same age. Sitting together, they don't feel that they are facing a young man, calm, Unconsciously create a sense of trust.


When he arrived at Liu Zi ’s hometown, he saw Kang Yan and did not continue to stay in the hospital. He knew that the problem had been solved. He had seen Uncle Kang ’s strength. He said that the other party would continue to suffer for a while. Liu Zi believed and learned that Master Already on the road, when he got home, he made his family ready for the Master's arrival.

Arms are strapped, walking is a little bit embarrassing, and there are still a few marks on the face. Although the other party did not send photos and videos, the news gossips will be processed through the mouth of some witnesses through the corners of the Internet. The mouth of the anchor, upload on the network

"The six sons of Haozi's apprentice were beaten in his hometown."

"Six Voices offended people in their hometown and was beaten."

"Voice Six is ​​seriously injured."

"The Sixth Voice himself responded, and the other party asked him to record false advertisements. He threatened not to do so. He did not agree to death and was beaten."

Chen Hao arrived here. The law firm cooperating with Meicheng ’s studio also sent two lawyers and two assistants to the small city to formally handle the matter. From the police station to the case, it started a comprehensive follow-up. The hospital The injury report was also obtained ~ ~ The meaning of Chen Hao is very simple. The secret means of this matter is the secret means. Kang Yan went to see the few little-little-rogues. For the simple and easy to understand, his public face looks, and even if he stood in front of the other party, the other party couldn't imagine that the evil **** he met that night would be him.

On the bright side, since it has spread on the Internet, he told Voice Six to seek truth from facts, what to say, not afraid to be known, and then the lawyer will make the other party pay the price that he will never forget, and public opinion will let them know what is wrong. What to do, what you will regret when you do it.

When Chen Hao arrived in the small city, the outside of the courtyard of the Voice Six son's house was blocked by reporters. It was difficult for them, and he waited in the car for a night. Finally, he didn't boil, but Chen Hao was blocked early in the morning.

"Haozi, are you here to handle this?"

"Yes or no, we will take the arms of the law to protect ourselves. The lawyers in the studio have arrived to start intervening. We will come to the end. Isn't the media paying attention now? I want to make everything transparent and caring. This is a fair answer for the people. "

"Haozi, we all know that you have encountered similar things before. Why did you treat them differently from you now? Are you red?"

"Yes, in the past, I was an unknown soldier. I was impulsive, but now I am a public figure. No matter what I do, I have to consider whether it will have a negative impact on people who care about me. We must pass positive energy and encounter things by the law. Protecting myself and treating this matter is simple. I will not tolerate it. Seek truth from facts. "

PS: Happy Valentine's Day to all couples in the world. This chapter is released regularly, and people are on their way home for Chinese New Year.

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