Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 731: Grammy nomination



The crew filmed the domestic part of "Descendants of the Sun" in Yanjing, mainly concentrated in hospitals and nearby fixed neighborhoods, and the rest of the indoor dramas were concentrated on indoor scenes. The principle of the crew was actually very simple. Try to avoid street photography. No, it is too difficult to avoid.

It's not that there are no big-named cafés filming on the street. This is common in Xiangjiang, Yanjing, and the magic. It is also normal for a large number of fans to watch around. Variety shows such as running males, at most, are security in large quantities. All right.

When it comes to the TV drama crew, this cost is too high. Chen Hao ’s popularity is high. He is always the best candidate for hot searches and hot news. Every time he appears in public, the first is a large number of crowds watching and many fans. Most young fans are fanatical. Every time, the crew needs to arrange a large number of security personnel for protection. The cost is very high. The director Ma Zhong has the choice to cancel some unimportant street scene shooting or switch to some relatively remote locations. It is more arranged at night, which can also reduce some unnecessary trouble.

As for the hospital, the original subject matter was limited, and there was no way to cooperate with large public hospitals. Later, I transferred the script to it. After reading the script, I knew what kind of love idol drama it was. There is also an atmosphere of the main theme with high positive energy, such as the guards of the soldiers and nations, and detailed descriptions of two major professions. It is ventilated to the 301 hospital, and the crew cooperates with this army general to shoot this TV series.

In view of the unique nature of the hospital, Ma Zhong and Chen Hao adjusted the night shooting as much as possible in the script. In order to pursue the shocking feeling of the real scene, they did not choose to shoot in some scenes. They could cooperate with 301, and there was a way to bring the hospital through this film. The purpose of positive energy propaganda, the daytime shooting that can't be avoided, is also arranged as early as possible as early as eight o'clock.

There is a benefit to shooting at 301, the order is better, and the discipline here is also stronger. When the crew needs some coordination, the hospital can take out militarized management, and it is easier to cooperate between the two sides.

The most emotional, eye-catching, and b-best play in the front of the play is the actor played by Chen Hao. When he saw the news when he was dating in the hospital, he received an order and a helicopter came to pick him up. The picture is absolutely handsome, according to Ma Zhong, Haozi, Haozi, on this plot, your kid will let countless young girls fall for it.

And this scene is only possible in 301, and the rooftop here can land.

The crew is currently shooting some details in the corners of the hospital. Ma Zhong will try to complete the details as much as possible until the arrival of Chen Hao. The intensive shooting is about to begin. He got Grammena in the car. The news here, the crew also received the news, when he got off the car, everyone gave him congratulations.

Grammy, Sa Dingding has won some small national projects, and some Chinese singers have been invited to attend, but they are all supporting actors, not even supporting actors. They are purely enthusiastic. It may be a small invitation on the other side. If you come here for a bit of fun, it will be a very good thing to come to us. I do n’t know if you went. There are a few people who do n’t know you, it ’s your own country ’s. The media takes this seriously and shoots you crazy on some occasions, creating a look that you are very good over there. In the real scene, no one knows who you are.

Chen Hao this time was not enthusiastic, nor was he an invited guest performer, but a strong contender for two big awards, the song of the year, the best pop singer of the year, two of the highest gold awards. Little news came out, the former was almost left-handed and right-handed, the competition between "rollinginthedeep" and "hero", these two songs in the world's music scene last year, are the two songs sweeping the trend, in the field of popular music It is even more invincible. Both of these songs are in the selection. With a 90% chance, Chen Hao at Grammy can get a real heavyweight award for the Chinese music scene. This is better than Chinese who are not Chinese. Li An won the Oscar's best director and attracted even more Chinese attention.

Nomination, it is already worthy of someone to celebrate him.

"Thank you all, I'm late, starting today, I will pack all the fruit and drinks for the supper." Chen Hao expressed his thanks again and again.

"There is a box lunch and vegetables." Yang Mi was holding her arm, but she hadn't seen it for a while. Her hair was long. The doctor in a white coat was very temperament. At first glance, you ignored her face with a big power, and took her Thrown in the doctor's pile of this hospital, there will be no sense of violation.

"No problem, no problem." Chen Hao nodded with a smile, this is nothing.

In the crew, no one dared to joke with Chen Hao except for the big power. Both Gu Zhixin and Wang Likun respected his identity as the director and also knew that regardless of the director Ma Zhong, the crew really said it was Chen Hao. Every decision he made was the highest order of the crew, so don't watch him smile all day long, everyone still has some unique awe for him.

"Everyone has worked hard this time, there was still some time ago, and there were relatively few patients in the hospital during this time. We are trying to finish the filming here. Maybe everyone will stick to it for a while. If you have any needs, you can Just mention it. "

Chen Hao, who has come back, has the ability of a senior director. Ma Zhong is not enough to look at him. There was no big celebration that night. According to his request, he started shooting directly. Ma Zhong's level of guidance was in Chen Hao's. It ’s worse in the eyes. The gap between intermediate and advanced, if not the division of Chen Hao ’s ability, would not be perceivable. It ’s like a director always questioning why his work ca n’t be selected as an award. He does n’t think What's wrong with your level of coaching.

Chen Hao can see clearly. Compared with the past when he saw Ma Zhong, the difference lies in the sense of picture and texture. The good director filmed a play. This play was directly implanted in the screen after editing the script in his mind. Instead of shooting a large section of material to pick the good ones; as for the texture, the same drama, the same two actors acting burst out of the film, some directors made it feel fake, some directors shot It can make people cry. In the public perception, the failure of such a drama will be placed on the actor, but I do n’t know. You put the same actor and the same performance there, or it ’s different. The difference lies in the director ’s. On the body, how to use the art of the lens and the adjustment of the actors to form the texture of the picture, conquer the audience's eyes, and directly hit the audience's heart.

Tonight is the first time Jiang Hanyan promised to return to Captain Liu. He came, but because she was in an emergency, she showed the kindness of a doctor's doctor in the face of the emergency patient, and the actor helped him in the back. Push the stretcher and push the rescue room all the way.

The crew of the crew was well prepared. Before the leisure time, Ma Zhong passed it to everyone. When Hao Zi came back, the crew would enter a period of high-speed operation. At that time, don't try to rest.

I was mentally prepared. When I came back, I didn't say a few words and started shooting directly. This style of painting is real and unique.

He does n’t do it now, and he ’s busy again after the year. Grammy has to prepare carefully to participate, and there is also the Le Tang ’s “The Great Tang Shuanglong Biography”. Is there any theme song that he also wants to write? Did you write it? A very busy man is really busy, and being able to see the schedule has left him with little time before and after.

"A script created by yourself, made like this, you Haozi can be regarded as the first person in the world." Yang Mi's evaluation of Chen Hao, for another person, took out the film of the idol drama pk made by a large number of Korean stars. It will definitely be 200%, but look at this one? You have to say that he doesn't work hard and doesn't work hard. He keeps improving the shooting of each scene; you want to say that he works hard? It took me twenty days to shoot, and it was a month away, and I cut the filming of this play into three sections ~ ~.

Chen Hao watched the first cut, and the stuntman came up and went through the shooting sequence first. He pulled Ma Zhong to the side and quietly talked to him about his ideas, gained new abilities, and the level of directing Up, he took care of the authority and inner feelings of Director Ma Zhong, and then elicited his thoughts privately.

Ma Zhong filmed Chen Hao's mv at the beginning, and when he was defeated by the cruel reality, he walked up one step at a time. He still knows Chen Hao very well, and he can be ordinary. Faced with some things, patted Chen Hao's shoulder, and smiled easily: "I already said, I'll give you a hand in this play, just say anything directly."

Chen Hao handed a cigarette and said nothing. The respect should not be frustrating. When it was euphemistic, it was still euphemistic.

According to his ideas, Yang Mi came on the court again, the position of the camera changed, and the way of shooting changed slightly. It was not a big change, but it was a small change that made her feel different immediately. She I also know what all these changes are, and there was a little more curiosity in the eyes of Chen Hao. It was rumored that his learning ability was super strong. This followed the film crew of "Certificate of Appreciation" and took a lap. Did you learn so much?

"Everyone come again, ready to make a real shot." Ma Zhong clapped his hands, he is also a potential director, otherwise he would not have been titled as a talented person. Looking at the arrangement of Chen Hao, his eyes brightened, he could not wait to want See the effect.

First shoot Yang Mi, a corner, and the stretcher was pushed over. Yang Mi had blood on his body and blood on his hands. He could see blood on his white coat when he was far away. She sat on the emergency patient's leg and controlled him. As the wound bleeds, it is pushed towards the rescue room as quickly as possible ...

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