Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 705: Make the scene lively

The scene was aimed at four nominees. As one of the most eye-catching ones, Chen Hao naturally also received more attention from the scene.

Bald, muscular man, handsome sunshine guy, great talent, a movie with more than two billion box office.

These labels were affixed to Chen Hao, making him destined to be the most concerned one of the four nominees at the scene tonight.

After Shu Qi finished speaking, Li An also said a few words. Although the discourse of Zheng Er Ba Jing looks boring, his sincerity makes this award more unique.

"Every year, there are new people who appear in front of the eyes. Every year, there are also amazing new directors. The future of the movie belongs to young people, as Miss Shu Qi said, New directors have new ideas, they can always come up with things we can't imagine, and I hope that in the future we will have more new directors going further and further down the road. "

After the applause, everyone looked at the big screen and the shortlist.

"The winner of the Best New Director of the 55th Treasure Island Golden Horse Awards is ..." Li An read the front first and respected the status of the woman, otherwise he should be his last reading for his status, he put this The opportunity was left to Shu Qi.

Shu Qi glanced up, raised her head, smiled affirmatively, recognized and could appreciate her image, but that said, naturally I think she is a super beauty, her charm is the kind of charm from the eyes to the expression.

"Congratulations, the brightest man tonight," Charlotte Troubles, "Chen Hao!"

When Shu Qi talked about the brightest man tonight, the small steel cannon hit Chen Hao on the side of the leg below. He had worked with Shu Qi more than once. The meaning of this sentence was also very clear, except now a few Extremely special people will spoof on the stage and will not make jokes about this matter. Zeng Zhiwei's joke with Andy Lau was probably uncomfortable today. Still kidding, don't you know what the state of the person sitting below is?

Shu Qi said that Xiao Gang Cannon knew that Chen Hao had won the prize, and his bald head was the brightest. Tonight's two-game winning streak, after winning this award, Xiao Gang Cannon felt that Chen Hao was able to win three yuan today. Among the nominated awards, he thinks the most likely is the best supporting actor. Now the first two ...

Chen Hao stood up again, this time he first gave a courtesy hug with another new director candidate on the other side of the aisle, and then bowed towards the back. Several acquaintances also smiled congratulatingly at him. There were also a few frowning with him.

Chen Hao smiled brightly and casually, not a very formal smile, nor did he deliberately suppress his joy to maintain a smileless appearance, very casual, that is, the true state of his heart, nothing to hide. It is not necessary at all.

Once on the stage again, Shu Qi handed him the trophy. Chen Hao took the trophy while shaking hands with Shu Qi. The two sides were not familiar at all and the hug was avoided. The other party was very polite. Congratulations: "I watched the movie ,Interesting."

"Thank you."

After that, Li An. Facing this world-renowned director, when Chen Hao shook hands, the intensity of shaking slightly increased.

"keep it up."

"Thank you, director."

Li An and Shu Qi compared a gesture of asking, at this time they are supporting roles, are the people standing behind, the glory in front belongs to the winner.

Before and after not more than a few minutes, standing on this stage again, Chen Hao laughed, it was a kind of smirk that he couldn't hold back: "I suddenly didn't know what I should say, I just said what I had prepared just now. I'll thank you again, thank you, thank you, thank you ... "

Many people laughed at the scene. This guy really has control on the stage. On this stage, you deliberately make some stubborn laughs. The effect may not be the same, but if you inadvertently have something that can interact, often both Can have very good results.

"Thank you, or I will sing another song. I have created more than one song in this movie ..."

It is another stalk that continues the award-winning speech. Of course, it is impossible to sing. That is to say, the following people laughed. After everyone laughed, Chen Hao continued to say: "My next movie is conceiving a script. Everyone said I should show my strength, I think I should show my good figure ... "Then, I shook my hand at the collar and shook it, and then there was applause. This boy, he is not stage-frightened. This stage As if it was his.

"No, this film was shot by Brother Hua, Ah Hu." Raising his chin at Andy Lau, Andy Lau smiled offstage. This kid even dared to laugh at me, not that I was shooting " "Ahu" is to show muscles and good figure. This smelly kid, while laughing, raised his finger to Chen Hao, a look of your kid to be careful, interact with him, and make the award ceremony tonight more More selling points worthy of the media to explore.

"This" Young Tiger "has been filmed, I think it's fine, wait, wait, but it won't be too long. Next year, I still want to come, I just don't know if there is a Golden Horse Award. Best second director. "

The award-winning speech caused several spontaneous laughs and applause at the scene. So far, Chen Hao's award-winning speech is undoubtedly the most exciting today.

After stepping down, Chen Hao can breathe a little bit of relief. Andy Lau brought a makeup artist in there. She was afraid that a long stay would make her face oily, so the lens would be particularly unsightly in the light, little brother. This busy and busy, Andy Lau appeared in the background, and asked his makeup artist to give him a trick.

Earlier, the best supporting actress award is being presented. Andy Lau is the guest of the next award. He met Chen Hao in the background and laughed: "Hao Zi, I'll be polite when I get to the stage."

"Hua brother, just in case, I mean just in case, wouldn't there be another chance to speak on the stage at that time, then you will be gone." Chen Hao is not afraid of the old god.

Andy Lau smiled, and kicked him up to kick him: "Oh, your kid is pretty confident?"

Chen Hao looked up: "That is, it is necessary."

Andy Lau lifted his leg and kicked, and Chen Hao ran away. People in the background saw their familiarity. This is definitely not a pretense. Only very familiar people can have such a performance. They can talk to Liu Tianwang. It's so familiar that you don't need to talk about other backgrounds. Just this one is enough to make him star road and bright future.

Back to his seat, the winner of the best supporting actress has already given a speech. Chen Hao is actually a pity that Dili Reba. This time there was an opportunity, but this time there were a few films produced by Baodao. , The supporting actresses are all brilliant, so they have squeezed out the chance of nomination for Di Lierba.

Thinking about it, the applause has sounded. The winner is an old actor. Although Chen Hao is not familiar at all, there is a vague impression that the other party will appear in many Baodao film and television dramas. It is able to recognize the face but cannot name it. This is because the elderly are over sixty years old. They are very excited to get this award. There are tears in their eyes. The round of continuous applause was sent to the old artists precisely because there is such a life dedicated to the elderly of the film work. This is the result of today's film industry being full of flowers. Without their green leaves, where can there be red flowers.

Chen Hao is not absent-minded, the applause is very sincere, and the slap is more vigorous. He feels guilty and cannot be regarded as disrespectful, but always feels indebted. There are many people like them, even if I have not seen all their plays, at least I Know their names, know the good movies they have made.

At the award for the best supporting actress, Andy Lau and Fan Bingbing went to the stage together. They are also old acquaintances. After several cooperations, they are all old fritters. It is awkward to chat on the stage for a while. ~ After two simple greetings, Andy Lau deliberately issued an attack. In fact, he also passed Fan Bingbinggou in the background. The object of the attack was to respond to the ridicule of Chen Hao just now, but as an awarder, he could not play like this. The four nominees were evaluated one by one.

Fan Bingbing, two of the island ’s entertainers, were more polite. They were all Mandarin. The third was an old supporting role of teacher Jiang Zengjiang. The old man came to the scene, but he knew well that the probability of winning the prize was very low. Very low, not a big coffee star, I don't come without time without prizes.

Fan Bingbing has great respect for him, as does Andy Lau. The two said a few more words, and it is no exaggeration to say that to an old artist like Zeng Jiang.

It's the last one.

Fan Bingbing and Chen Hao were very familiar with Li Chen for a long time. At that time, he was not a formal debut, but he was a newcomer who appeared in the running man for a period of more than one year. His achievements could not be achieved in just one year. Contrast, few can compare with him, the gap is too big, compared with him too hurt self-esteem.

Because I am familiar with it, I will agree with Andy Lau's request just now and make a noise with him on the stage.

"This last one, I won't talk about it, to him, I have nothing to say, or Hua Brother you talk about it?" Fan Bingbing's face looked as if he was serious.

nothing to say?

What's wrong, is there a stage accident? Even if it is an enemy, it is not so indifferent.

The smile on Andy Lau's face was also closed, and he spoke into the microphone: "This last nominee, I have nothing to say. I'm not very familiar with it, I don't know much. Otherwise, let's award the prize?"

As soon as he said this, many artists on the scene laughed. Andy Lau was unfamiliar, and that was a joke. Obviously, the two were in good discussions and deliberately joked Chen Hao on the stage.

Chen Hao also cooperated very well and responded from the audience.

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