Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 607: On stage and under stage

The process starts, collect mobile phones, allocate travel expenses, issue air tickets, conduct separate interviews ...

Seventeen-day journey, seven people, a total of 15,000 euros, almost one person is about 120 euros a day, this cost is not the cost of poor travel, the program group has conducted special experiments, specifically for people to travel in groups However, this cost is a normal travel expense. Basically, you can eat what you should eat. You can play if you should. There is no problem if you do not deliberately pursue some large-scale consumption.

"Two lads, one tour guide, one account manager, young Wu Lei, you are young and clear-headed, is there any problem with managing your money?" Sister Dan Dan was the head of the older sister, and she just clapped. With her personality, she is indeed very pretty. It's hard to talk to others.

After seven people gathered, Chen Hao rarely spoke again. He even had a hunch that his own arrangements could be criticized, let alone the big one, the young Wu Lei who had just passed the age of 18. There is also a sense of arrogance deep in the bottom of his eyes. For the so-called travel, it is estimated that he has never made any preparations to cope with difficulties.

There is only one reason for him to have such a cognition. In his eyes, he never felt that such a trip would encounter real difficulties. The examples in the previous three seasons are still his cognition shows, and members of the show group around him. So many, where will there be any difficulties, no cars, no meals, there is no car, there is a car in the show, there is no car to eat and eat, it's all for shooting shows, outside of filming, who knows what will happen, to no avail, around The assistants are still following them. They spend some money to prepare something. Can the crew say anything without filming? Therefore, the poor travel of the previous three seasons, you can't eat a whole meal, or you are too scared to spend money, that's all for show.

With this knowledge, Chen Hao knows that in the end, the other party will let the other party really eat. Otherwise, what he says will become a deliberate manifestation of his own existence, and it is certain that he will experience resentment. It's not scary, it's really unnecessary to justify them with such a thing, it's meaningless.

"I have an international driver's license. We have a lot of luggage, so I called in advance to rent a car. Road information and language are not a problem here. We rent a car to the corresponding hotel or tour, according to the corresponding industry in Europe. We saved more than half of the fee. "Everyone was ready, and the interview was finished. The shooting was finished after boarding. Seven people were in first class.

Chen Hao was a tour guide, but from the beginning it was very low-key and did not speak. Song Dandan directly clicked his name: "Hao Zi, you were the top pillar in the previous season. What happened, is it a bad mood or something, you are ours. Tour guide, don't leave everything alone. "

I can't wait to talk about what Song Dandan said from the beginning to the end of her character. At her age, she won't carry it deliberately like she did when she was young. I want to say what I say.

With the roll call, Chen Hao just said the above words, and at the same time distributed the selected hotel information to several people, and let everyone save each other's phone numbers, WeChat plus, the mobile phone provided by the program group, he just watched Several people rushed into their pockets directly, and did not want to contact after accidental separation.

"I have looked at these hotels, and they have a high praise rate in this price range. Let's take a look. If there are different opinions, we can still adjust."

Wu Lei interjected: "Is there any problem with the language? There is no problem with the text?"

Although he is the youngest, he is not the type of Hua Chenyu in the first season. He is quiet and listens to everyone's arrangements. He says everything to everyone. This Wu Lei obviously has his own ideas. From his frank acceptance of the position of finance and accounting to his seemingly Chen Hao knows how well the guy is prepared. It ’s hard to say, at least to create a good image in the show is sure to be well prepared. Just like Liu Tao in the first season, he packed his luggage at home. Before she set sail, she was already the one that attracted the most attention.

Chen Hao smiled, and was too lazy to argue with him: "Try it first. If it doesn't work, then we hire a local driver. Even if we hire a driver, we own a car, which is a convenient premise."

He can understand Wu Lei in his heart. One is to show himself in front of the camera, and then there will be more pictures. The other is to be unconvinced by the director. It is estimated that starting from the first place in the art test performance at the beginning of the year, With the mustard; the rest is purely unconvinced. The youthful vigor in the sky and the only self in the world are the heart of most people.

"Okay, it is good to have an idea. It seems that we have enjoyed the blessing this time. The tour guide and accountant are both serious and responsible. Once it is done, I will follow the team to listen to the command." Life experience created a more acute observation, Song Dandan will blanket Covered, I am completely assured, and she agrees with Chen Hao to make arrangements in advance. Regardless of whether the arrangements are proper and arranged, it is better than doing nothing. As for the pinpoint Mai Mang in this small team, it still needs a sense of picture, so take a look slowly.

Wu Lei wanted to express, and Tang Yixin did the same. After entering the state of shooting the program, there was a lot of talk. Even the seemingly simple Zhou Dongyu still attracted the attention with a dull and slender image. As young people, they have to get out of the place, and everything is normal. Song Dandan and Xu Fan both really look at Chen Hao's low-key. From the heart, they are more optimistic about Chen Hao in terms of pure behavior. In other ways, Song Dandan has not contacted Chen Hao. I think if he is like him Everything looks real, with too many hearts, this kind of people are not easy to contact, Xu Fan's ideas are simple, many people praise her husband, as far as people are concerned, ten of them are not as good as small steel cannons.

The most funny thing is Xu Qing. She really didn't pretend, she didn't observe the interpersonal relationships at all. You can say that she has a simple mind, or that she is so thick-headed and simple. In short, she enjoys it very much. Where you live, set your own area, adjust the chair to a comfortable sleep state, cover with a blanket, put on headphones to watch movies there, see what she means, the blindfold is placed on your forehead, and I feel sleepy anytime, anywhere. As soon as I put on the blindfold, I took off the earphones and went to sleep.

Immediately after the shooting, the plane was about to take off. All of the team ’s interest in living was gone. Everyone was resting. No one paid attention to it.

Chen Hao saw this scene and smiled, realistically, really realistically.

Turning on his own reading light, looking at the travel atlas, and comparing the search results in the IPAD, he is not for others, and he can even earn the 20 million effects without the effect of the show and the conscience. I do not bear Any responsibility, but he can't be sorry for himself. In these 17 days, he can ignore the awkwardness and other things in the small team, can't waste his journey, travel here with high notice fees, such a good opportunity, no It ’s sorry to have fun. Just like last year, one of Chen Hao ’s favorite reasons for participating in this show is to be able to play.

He did not specifically design what day to do, but just designed some things that must be done according to the requirements of the show group, and designed some play lines and projects, not all of them, but when no one in the team took the initiative to think about it At that time, I have a complete plan here. If you still want to have ideas and actions as before before boarding, okay, no problem, I totally and sincerely cooperate with you, the program is not my own, everyone can take the initiative Performance, of course, I was in favor of both hands.

After more than ten hours of flight, everyone was not familiar with it, and all the participants took the effort to prepare in advance. After getting on the plane, they quickly took a quiet rest. Chen Hao fiddled with it for a while, went to the toilet, After returning, take off the jeans outside, lay down and cover with a blanket, adjust the entertainment equipment, pick a disaster movie, and start a quiet and constrained long-distance flight.


When it comes to sleep quality, Chen Hao, who has been taught that special posture by Chen Gang, can guarantee 100% rest quality for four hours a day.

To talk about the extent of sleep, Chen Hao dared to shout to give him a bed. He could sleep for a week, he was too busy, and the rest of the journey was the only time he could indulge in rest, ten hours, until the turn of time in Paris Before, he woke up and slept very well.

For more than an hour from Paris to Lisbon, everyone has been active, starting to put on makeup, adjusting themselves, getting off the plane will start a new round of shooting, it will be dark when you leave, and it will be dark after you arrive at the location. No matter what the jet lag is, everyone is full at this moment ~ ~ Eat something, pack up, and arrive in Lisbon.

Shooting, from this moment officially entered the whole process without dead ends, the artist will also enter the identity of the artist, starting a 17-day European tour, the first season of European tour seems to be in a hurry, this season the show group will have all confidence It's all on Chen Hao's body, rather than amplifying the uncertain factors, rather than temporarily changing the mind, the shooting team will temporarily find a way to follow the difficulties of customer service. I also hope that this season's programs will no longer be criticized for being new.

After getting off the plane, Wu Lei asked to finish his luggage, change his clothes and start shooting. No one rejected his opinion, all five women loved beauty, and one or two or three large boxes were almost all clothes for the purpose of showing a multi-faceted self in front of the camera.

Chen Hao still didn't speak. He just took advantage of this time to let the crew of the show help to take care of the gathered luggage. He went outside to get the car rental deal. Brother Hua and Qiang followed him to shoot. Just cut it into the next screen.

I have been with Chen Gang for a long time. To the car, Chen Hao is not a layman. The car ’s guarantee and some late returns are the management of the show. He checked the car and started to feel it. The condition of the car is very good. The procedure went smoothly and the car was parked to the parking spot closest to the exit.

After returning, six people have already come out and saw him return, Wu Lei said: "Brother Hao is back, we can start filming."

This made Chen Hao frown secretly. He had a good impression of Xiaofeiliu in the Langya list. After the real contact, his impression was overturned. I tolerate that you are too lazy to care about some sesame and garlic. Do n’t overdo it. When it really hits your face, no one is here to protect you.

Seems to be greeting everyone, but there is a faint voice in your tone about how you came back. We are waiting for you to start shooting.

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