Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 598: Best Newcomer Award

Chen Hao is very fond of the style of the university student film festival. The film festival adhering to the purpose of "passion for youth, academic taste, cultural awareness", adheres to "college student office, college student watching, college student shooting, college student review", which is different from other film festivals. With the development of the unique character, more young people participate in it. The films selected by it are a few film festivals that can create a sense of balance between business and art. Generally speaking, the awards selected by this film festival , Relatively few scolded. Especially the most popular actor and actress voted, basically you will find that he or she must be the most beautiful actor last year, the actor with the most pictures, whether it is the work or the popularity, or the popularity that fans like, it cannot be said One hundred percent is the first place, but at least, you will feel that the other party is worthy of this award, and the role he plays and the popularity of himself are undoubted.

Don't look at the university student film festivals that are not as good as many film festivals in terms of specifications, but the number and quality of celebrities and guests present at the scene alone can also be counted in many large-scale film and television awards ceremony or film festivals on the two sides It's a big scene.

Feng Xiaogang, Guan Hu, Wu Yifan, Li Yifeng, Dili Reba, Zhao Liying, who have just met with Chen Hao, are all guests and nominees for this film festival. A small red carpet, in order to give new films To build momentum, the three brokerage companies have been in contact for a long time, and the three played together, and the two beautiful women are holding Chen Hao around, and the three walk side by side on the red carpet to get the biggest picture tonight.

Today, Chen Hao is a hand-made slim flower suit, showing the advantages of tall stature and long legs. Dilireba and Zhao Liying are today in black and white-temptation-confusion. The color of the two is exactly in the middle. Chen Hao was neutralized, and his color was also black and white, which felt like it was the middle ground between the two women.

Dili Reba black dress-Yan-Makeup, hairstyle is also slightly fluttering, it feels very very-妩-charming-demon-Yan.

Zhao Liying was pure white, showing the goddess Fan Er.

The costumes of the two are in line with the most popular contrasting heroines at the moment. The ratio of a virgin, a demon, and a witch and a goddess. The middle of Chen Hao is equal to temporarily separating water and fire, and also separating the two. The hedging gas field neutralized him.

The three were riding in a Mercedes-Benz business car. At this film festival, which did not pay much attention to the red carpet, the three screamed and flashed the scene as soon as they came out.

Zhao Liying was a hit, and the TV series was the last one. Dili Reba relied on the springboard of the running man and repeated the baby road of the year. Without telling how many works are worth counting, just ask you if this person is popular.

How about Chen Hao?

Needless to say, in the first half of this year, his pictures are more popular than last year ’s Wu Yifan and Lu Han. His new drama, written and directed by himself, is not expected by professionals, but it is expected among fans. It's amazing. If you think about the popularity of the three starring actors, you can predict the awareness after the start of the propaganda offensive. There can be a wave of conversion into the box office. This movie, which has invested more than 10 million, seems to be difficult to lose money.

The three are the group that took the reporter the longest time to take pictures and asked the most questions. Most of them are about new dramas, but there are some gossips. Fortunately, Chen Hao is no longer a new one, and the three support each other. Lifting, it can be regarded as free to cope. From the enthusiasm of the media on the spot, the assistants and agents of the three of them looked really well on the side, and told the three to enter the market to continue to perform well. In addition to the news of the winners tomorrow, the picture is the most sufficient It must be us, fighting for a red carpet headline.

Each large-scale event is a place where artists compete in dressing up appearances and even attention, etc. How the media's attention can be gained during the event is even calculated into the special formula of artist exposure.

What is a star? While your work provides you with the heat, the activity heat is what 90% of artists must fight for and must compete for.

Chen Hao liked this feeling, or just like all the teenagers who admired the stars when they were young, they liked their attention. When I grew up, I had the opportunity to experience this feeling. I really enjoyed being the focus of the spotlight. I walked through the interview area to enter the awards scene. Suddenly, the scene changed, and it was no longer the college students and the media who were screaming at themselves, but everyone was smiling at each other and embarrassingly expanding their connections.

This is not the first time that Chen Hao has participated in the awards party. As a host, she won the top ten golden songs of the year on the Chinese charts with her songs. Since then, there have always been some awards in the singing industry. At Lele's events or awards ceremonies, Chen Hao is the focus of much attention no matter where he is; in the art world, he is a small character and has experienced the situation of being a marginal figure on the scene more than once.

All in all, it is not enough to be experienced and not to be familiar with light cars, but it is not to be overwhelmed by a newcomer. A mature newcomer knows to keep himself in an unembarrassing position as much as possible in such an occasion. New people chat with many people, so that people will not feel that you are outside the scene of the entire scene; for example, to find a seat in a marginal area, you can sit there with your assistant to pretend to chat and wait until the front begins When someone is seated, get up and sit down on the seat with your name tag.

Today's Chen Hao doesn't need to choose this way. There is a most popular actor award voted by college students. Those who come to know it in advance. Moreover, whether it is the relationship between Tian Brother or this time it is almost zero. In the film "Friendship of the Old Cannon", Wang Erlei, the second brother Wang at the scene, was very much carried by him, and a small steel cannon was next to him. After entering, he was called into his circle.

Chen Hao adheres to the principle of speaking less and listening more, listening to everyone as much as possible, not asking yourself to avoid speaking, and trying to end his discourse in the shortest possible way even if he speaks, a tepid introduction He doesn't need fame, and everyone knows him. Such an introduction cannot directly change everyone's perception of him. In the end, it depends on the appeal of the work, so it is enough to leave a good impression.

As a winner and one of the most popular awards, Chen Hao qualified to sit in the front. Zhao Liying was on his side, Dili Reba was behind him, and the other side was also an acquaintance, Chaoge. The atmosphere was more active after he sat down.

"Keep smiling and try not to reveal your true inner thoughts. You are not a newcomer who needs eyeballs, so you don't need to use exaggerated to intentional expressions or behaviors to win the live camera."

Before this came, the special person from the company gave Chen Hao the appearance and appearance to participate in various activities. He did not lack exposure. Therefore, on such occasions, it is good to go without any mistakes. This is also a successful newcomer. As standard, the company's people also specifically listed the names of super-high-profile newcomers in recent years. Each one is a popular young star. The central idea of ​​the development strategy centered on Chen Hao during the whole gathering is to create a red star.

The awarding guests of the University Film Festival are relatively satisfactory. It can be said that the three places in China and the Mainland are still relatively free of the Golden Statue and Golden Horse Awards. At present, the awards on the mainland are slowly integrating their advantages, and they are beginning to have some. The award-winning guests who can control the rhythm and atmosphere of the scene will also make a noise on the stage, but in the end it is a minority.

"Best Newcomer Award at the 25th University Student Film Festival ..."

"War Wolf 2", Chen Hao. Congratulations! "

In terms of music, Chen Hao developed with the name Hao Zi as a singer. In terms of actors, he used his own name. Confident people do n’t think this is a loss of people. On the contrary, he believes more and more people know When this is the same person, he will only bring higher popularity to himself ~ ~ Chen Hao stood up, the college students at the scene issued thunderous applause and shouts, just think about it and be able to vote for him Becoming the most popular actor must have a very high degree of recognition and popularity in their hearts. At this moment, they have won a selection award. The best newcomer, an award that an actor can only get once in his lifetime and misses it. No matter which film festival you get it from, it's worth putting in a prominent place in your home display cabinet.

As a big brother, Deng Chao first gave him a strong and firm hug, and was very happy for him. Chen Hao also responded enthusiastically. Facing the other party's blessing, he also responded: "Thank you Chao."

As a partner, sitting next to each other, Zhao Liying and Dili Reba behind him hugged him one after another. This picture is enough. No matter how much, it must be the length of time that the big coffee actor can celebrate at the big awards. Now at least tell this Everyone, Chen Hao is not a newcomer with good luck and no foundation. They also have their own connections in this circle.

The award was given by an old-timer actor. Chen Hao respectfully bowed to take over the trophy handed by the other party. Facing the enthusiastic college students under the audience, this felt stronger than some of the awards he had participated in before, even in some sense. It ’s going to surpass the best Lele annual awards stage he thinks, because at the moment, not only are the fans and audiences sitting under the stage, but also a group of stars, who can take a step forward among them, this feeling It is just like the feeling that he was recognized as a front-line anchor overnight. It is dreamy, but he does not feel soft under the feet. Although the award is heavy in his hands, he is confident that he has roots under his feet and has worked hard. And sweat, to win the respect I deserve, I stand here, though excited but confident.

"I remember Director Feng said a few years ago ..."

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