Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 588: DJ pan

In the era of happy gatherings, we now have a special office, a small department with five or six employees, which is under the dual management of the Ministry of Network Industry and the brokerage company.

The main responsibility of this department is to serve Chen Hao and help him deal with all kinds of online and offline matters. Tian Ge specially digs a relatively senior broker to the company to supervise the company. This is also Chen Hao's. Broker, except that he is talking to the company, and Chen Hao directly tells the company to deal with anything. This is also the privilege that Tiange gave him.

Chen Hao took the role of the dull three children in "Old Cannon", and the crew asked him, and he also told the company, such as how to cope with such incidents, how to coordinate the shooting schedule between the two crews is a It is not huge but it is difficult to calculate. Professionals need to do work schedules to meet the needs of the crew on both sides, and also to meet Chen Hao's work preferences and rest time.

Many people say that his debut on the Internet is a relatively poor choice, that is, to go out as a draft singer with a good voice, and his talent and image can also quickly become popular. What these people don't know is that there is the benefit of online debut in the network debut. When you meet a good big brother and good company, what you have is the treatment of the emperor. In the era of reunion, he paid for loyalty and dedication, and got the corresponding In return, is there any newcomer who can get full autonomy in a brokerage company and allow the company to cooperate with his ideas and make any decisions himself?

Chen Hao is deeply convinced of the four words of thick accumulation. One step at a time is not only stable, but the key is also comfortable. Look at the current hometown, the relationship network that he has laid has been fully developed. How, but at least no matter who is jealous and jealous of the money made by the star, he dares not step forward and try to get a share. When I go to work, I have a live broadcast to ensure that I have no so-called gap period in a year. I do n’t need to worry about being dissatisfied with the next job but I will take care of the job in order to get exposure. I like to be busy. I do n’t like it, then I go back and open a few more live broadcasts, and I have a reasonable explanation for myself, the company, and the fans.

There are tens of millions. When you look back at your guild, you will naturally have a feeling of looking down. It is not crazy. It is an inevitable reaction after the existence of your life form. Chen Hao is not a person who knows business or investment. Therefore, he is very rude to make himself a digital growth user of bank cards. He never excludes himself as a rude, and he also likes this feeling.

He has two cards and no credit card. He does not feel that he may need to overspend, so he is not willing to add another card thickness in his thin wallet.

A card is a fixed large customer gold card, which is his asset card. Most of the money will be collected and concentrated in this card. Today, this card has 3,000 after repaying the sunny borrowing. Seven million personal deposits, the final revenue share of this year's "Resurgence of the Second Dragon Lake Hao", several big single endorsement contracts, crazy income from several super live broadcasts, income from song copyrights, etc. Let him have the current deposit figures. It ’s okay to look at the short messages. It is a very self-styled way of self-promotion. When he is alone, he will occasionally look at these figures and snicker.

Another card is a bank card bound to Lele, which is also a bank card bound to Alipay, and it is also a private account for all his company's remittances to him. There are always two or three million in it. Chen Hao will not go. moveable. The industry in the house is enough to circulate funds, and the profit can be divided into three parts. One part is for the house, another part is invested or transferred to the small loan company, and the remaining part is transferred to his account.

How do you feel when you have free time and see that the bank card information that comes in your short message is all remittance information? What is your mood when you suddenly feel that with your own consumption philosophy, the money you are making now has a feeling of not knowing how to spend it?

And this mood, when I turned to work, it became a very relaxed state of living. The work I do is my favorite job, and it can still bring me a lot of benefits, even if the benefits are small one day. As long as I like it, it's still better than forcing myself to do something I don't like to do.

He refused a few idol dramas that just made money for him a few days ago, and after consulting with the company, he refused two endorsements of products that were a little different from his image. The working group feels that he is too willful, and only he knows that this willfulness is a reaction to his happy state of existence. I like the role of boring three children, then I will take it, and you will coordinate my time; I think To win the world championship once as a professional gamer, then I will participate, and you will coordinate my time.

Chen Gang clearly conveyed his meaning: "You don't need to ask why, you just need to tell me if I can coordinate it?"

Chen Gang didn't say the following, but the meaning is very clear. Yes, you will continue to have the job. After a long period of time, except for the company's income, Hao Zi has never been a person to the staff below; no, then Speaking out, I immediately changed people, a group of people who can faithfully start work and complete the work as I think.

At 10:30 in the morning of the s7 World Finals, Chen Hao started a live broadcast, playing games with two masters in the Jedi survival team, plus a Chen He, lively and lively at such a supposedly tense moment, still Easily play games.

Landed, started, searched, there were no enemies around, and the relative atmosphere was relaxed. Chen He chatted with Chen Hao, and was very envious of him: "Do you know how many people admire you? I said no one in the crew. No one cares about you in the company. Whatever you do, you can take the drama or activities according to your preferences. When you want to make yourself relaxed, you can play games at home when you are not relaxed. It ’s not like me. It ’s because I have no work and I worry about what to eat. When people compare with people, the gap is wide. "

Chen Hao smiled and did not go into an in-depth discussion on this issue. No matter how you talk, some people will think that you are showing off on this topic.

"You're complaining to me, came on my show, did I not pay you? A 98k, can this matter be resolved?"

"Haha! Yes, absolutely."

In the first game, we ate chicken smoothly.

In the second game, the King is still invincible.

In the third game, Chen He watched the war and watched the three eat chickens.

Chen Hao's live game show was presented to all the fans and visitors of the live broadcast room. It was a wonderful game viewing experience and a relatively funny game self-explanation. After playing four games, the time has been a little bit longer. Yanjing audiences began to shout in the live broadcast room. We're going to eat, then we set off for the bird's nest, we have tickets.

Today, no one will ask Hao Zi whether you are nervous or not. How confident are you in Hao Zi ’s finals tonight? Hao Zi did you formulate any special tactics? He can broadcast live in the morning, which is an attitude in itself. It ’s passed on to my fans, but also to all the game spectators who hope that the Huaxia team can win today. It also tells the rng teammates who have some insomnia. You are nervous, there is me, what are you afraid of, ssg group stage is It's not about saving power, even if he doesn't save power before us.

In the Bird's Nest lounge, many celebrity guests came today, all of whom liked lol, and Chen Hao looked like a host, except that they had only two things to entertain all of them.

Mine watermelon, holding a watermelon knife, hands-on, showing real knife skills.

It ’s still early to treat female guests like baby, and you keep your figure. That ’s okay. Let me show you the real skills. I have fresh vegetables here. I ’ll cut them. Now, you're welcome. Today I'm a waiter.

Chop melon and cut vegetables.

Many people slowly interpreted these four words. They couldn't help but smile. The nervousness in their hearts had long since dissipated. Looking at Chen Hao in front of them, it seemed that he was there, and there was nothing to worry about.

Nearly all well-known professional players have arrived, including those who have retired as anchors, Ruo Feng, gogoing, etc., as well as some domestic players who are currently in active service. If this day is less than ~ ~, it is easy to miss the hero The game with the most Chinese characteristics in league history.

At six in the afternoon.

At 4 pm, there is already a crowd of people outside the bird's nest. This year's unique cold spring has not consumed any enthusiasm of everyone. You can't sit early at home. It is better to arrive early on the scene. You don't need to know anyone. You can talk about any topic. stand up.

Because today's theme is lol, which is rng.

Today, it is the festival of all game fans, and it is the largest festival. A game game can drive the oxen out of the field early, and the ticket price also has that kind of big singer concert ticket all the way. Soaring posture.

"Come and come, today is so lively, we once again occupy the Lele hot, let the major game channels also lively and lively, you should record, so many stars here, recording is hot." While there is still time, It ’s boring for so many people to just chat, Chen Hao turned on the computer used for practice, and did n’t go to play any League of Legends. One person, eating chicken alone, did n’t I say I opened gua? Did n’t you say that we play weird games? Today I will give you a game witnessed by many star guests.

The process and results of playing the game are not the most important. During this time, a person in the house can easily drink tea and coffee drinks, eat fruits, look at the projector connected to the computer on the wall, and watch Chen Hao. Playing the game, and the video posted on the Internet is an attitude in itself.

After so many people watched playing the game by themselves, Chen Hao was also intrigued. After a flash of light, he entered the game and waited for 60 seconds. He suddenly turned on the public microphone, ran the character and ran, and suddenly squatted in the crowd: "Hello, Radisson and the station are very stuffy, and they are familiar voices. Your good friend dj pan is standing in front of you to guide you ..."

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