Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 579: Budding

Hao Zi is live!

The news spread through various channels. Nowadays, Chen Hao's live broadcast in Lele is equivalent to a small-scale event. People who get the news are not afraid to talk about each other. Some negative effects are mentioned. Watching sneakily during class, college students are more free, some courses fled directly, returned to the dormitory, and relax in bed to watch Hao Zi live.

Today ’s live content is very attractive. After starting the broadcast, there is no need to say anything. Chen Hao took the mobile phone and gave him a close-up first, adjusted the angle and the feeling of the nearby light source. Two new heroines not far from him.

"Zhao Liying."


"Hao Zi's new play really looks for both of them."

"More than that, I heard he has to be a director himself."

Chen Hao coughed twice: "Come, two big beauties, say hi to everyone."

I ’m no stranger to webcasting, but as a public figure, I have considerations from brokerage companies. Generally, I wo n’t leave the country easily. When I was in the crew of "Charlotte Trouble", I was facing a younger age than myself. Director, the atmosphere of the whole crew can be imagined, Zhao Liying and Dili Reba are also happy to relax in a comedy.

As for Chen Hao, both of them have already despised their contempt. Whether in acting or in the ability to direct as a director, they are very skeptical. Isn't this guy just admitted to the Film Academy? At this level, where are the students? In all fairness, some of the film and television dramas that the two participated in, some of the highly qualified and well-known directors, may not be as good as the guy who always smiles and welcomes in the ordinary ability.

"Hi, everyone." The style of Dili Reba in the play, that is, beauty, first applied Shi Fandai's seemingly no makeup school day school flower, then the famous star woman, and briefly a bride style, No matter which one is, it is necessary to bring the beauty of her body to the limit. The primary role of the vase is to be seductive. In addition to seductive eyes, this role has a play to dig and perform well in order to achieve the success of a supporting role at the fastest speed.

"Beauty, come, let ’s look at another one. Do n’t be surprised, and her fans, do n’t run to scold me. I really do n’t mean to pretend to be ugly. There is no way. A girl born with beauty must think Becoming a passerby, not only is a female man with outstanding acting skills, it can only be in the image, haha, you see for yourself ... "

The phone turned to Zhao Liying. It was a little far away before. You can see that it was her. It turned out that on the face, she did not say that Zhao Liying had to be made into an image other than her, so there was no need to find her at first. Chen Hao never felt this. The film relies on stars to support the scene.

Close enough that everyone found out that this is Yingbao we are familiar with? She's still her, and she doesn't have any strange feelings in her attire, but the two are put together, and the chemical reaction is too strong to be seen from close range.

This Zhao Liying is facing up to the sky, her eye bags are coming out, a sun hat on her head, her hair tied into a pony tail, but her hair is messy, and she is wearing a very ordinary and ordinary T-shirt on a hot day. Wearing sleeves, the lower body is a pair of washed white jeans with worn edges, corners and corners, and a pair of sneakers under the foot, it is difficult to imagine that the edges of girls' shoes will have obvious dirt marks.

Holding a mobile phone, Chen Hao gave Zhao Liying a close-up from top to bottom. This is exactly the middle-aged woman of 40-50 years old in the streets and lanes. She is very hot and has poor family conditions. Gao, constantly working hard and struggling to change the image of women, they will have a little bit of body in them, trying to make themselves slightly beautiful, Chen Hao set the point on the role of Ma Dongmei, she thinks it is beautiful The point-a touch of red lips, and the rest are all the vicissitudes of life. All you have to do is not to let yourself be side by side with the downturn, and dress from top to bottom. It is slightly worn in general, but Efforts have not brought you into a state of disappointment, and those who work hard will never be disappointed.

In this character setting, Chen Hao used the setting of the role of Ma Dongmei to conquer Zhao Liying, the two heroines. With regard to the role they played, Chen Hao fully solicited and affirmed in the detailed discussion. They have their own ideas and positioning of the image.

It is said that Qiuya is a pure vase character. After carefully reading the script, Di Lierba also has some opinions about this character, especially in the later dress and dress, and there are some tips.

This is even more so when Zhao Liying is here. Ma Dongmei should have four images in the play.

The image of the years before the wedding banquet, the image of school days, the image of another ordinary woman who married other people in space and time, and finally, at the end, Charlotte returned to her image.

Chen Hao made Zhao Liying look at her. In this Ma Dongmei's image, first of all, her red lips, he told Zhao Liying bluntly. When it comes to women, no matter what kind of occupation you are, no matter what your image is, there is no beauty in the bones Maybe objective external conditions do not allow you to spend too much time and energy and money on the road of beauty, but after getting up and washing a little in the morning, embellishment in the mirror, any woman will need it, just like a woman needs a The concept of a dresser, at least a small mirror, is the same.

Scorn is gone here. When Chen Hao mentioned the image in Ma Dongmei's fourth play, Zhao Liying gave him a thumbs up and really admired her. She never looked down on the director of this crew any more. Feeling the production specifications of this comedy movie, I went back and watched the script many times after I returned, and I really saw something other than funny.

"Hugging left and right, brothers, being an actor is very happy." Chen Hao deliberately placed the mobile phone in the middle of the two makeup tables, then left and right hands hooked their necks, let them lean over, Into a very intimate photo.

It ’s relatively easy for young people to communicate with each other. The crew just entered the preparatory stage. The actors also just started trial fitting after casting. In supporting roles, Chen Hao talked to Happy Twist, using some of their actors, and Relatively suitable, I also choose a role to play between my guild and apprentice, such as the role that promised Xiao Yuyu at first, although it is only a fleeting role, there are also laughing fruits in the current movie, shock Hung glanced at the role of a lot of fame, and see if your two shots are wonderful.

When Xiao Yuyu played as Charlotte and Qiuya confession, the girl in the school broadcasting room looked at Charlotte who played the guitar and sang, and also held an electric fan to blow him to create the effect of the wind.

In the play, during Charlotte ’s crazy theft through memory, as well as his dance team organized at the school, Monmond took his apprentice, put on school uniforms, and became a member of a group performance. He stood in a large queue at the school. As a student in the team, there are no close-ups, but the image of advancing through the lens is considered photogenic. In the plot, Charlotte will take them to a social shake.

There is also the teacher's very outstanding role. Tian brother, they really invited the director of the small steel cannon. This live broadcast of Chen Hao lived with the two heroines for a while. The director came to try makeup, and then the sister Ying came over for fun. In the play, in the version that comes with the system in Chen Hao's mind, the imitated actor was found. It is not necessary for him. It is a one-word thing, including using a good voice. On the stage, even Teacher Liu Huan can cooperate, that is, Jay Chou's is not suitable. He doesn't want to find actors who imitate the show, and knows that he can't come to Jay Chou.

Still Na Ying gave a plan, which Chen Hao liked. Everyone said that if Chen Hao went to participate in the good voice, it would definitely be a hit. Many anchors in the front do n’t have to go, and they have one or two original, good voices. Such a platform is enough for him to toss.

The script Na Ying was curious. She took all the script and she was not interested in acting. She also did not perform well. At best, the interest came at some time. ", A" Silent ", so that she does not need to rush out new songs for at least two or three years, she can sink her mind and choose slowly, and the heat will not diminish. The relationship is the better, the better, naturally please come to help, watch The whole script, the opposite side imitates the good voice, which is very touching, just as Chen Hao still reads, please do n’t come to Jay Chou to change someone, Na Ying blurted out: "What else do you change, do you not use your own songs in the movie? Right on the stage is Chen Hao, who hasn't become famous to participate in a good voice, just fine. You play yourself, hit yourself, and Charlotte hits Hao Zi. "

This idea, even the director of the small steel cannon who is full of face since the arrival of the case, is a perfect case, this idea is good, you can take your own songs out of the movie, without having to sing nunchakus.

"Director, what do you think of this?"

Xiao Gang can come to try makeup, Na Ying is here to make fun, she doesn't need to try makeup, just wear her own clothes, is he himself the big star sister? It was herself.

Zhao Liying and Dili Reba also looked respectful when they saw Xiao Gangpao and Na Ying. They only discovered after starting more contact with Chen Hao that this guy is actually in the circle and really has a good interpersonal relationship. I heard that In this play, he also specially prepared a star guest list ...

"That's good, it's good, it has the characteristics of the times, and I don't have much to do here, that is, to have fun with your young people."

"Director, this is the first time for me. If you have time, listen to me whisper, is it worth the junior to learn from you?" Seeing the small steel cannon did not show a resistive expression, let me make up here The teacher stood back. He played this role. He didn't need to figure it out. He just came out on the sofa and drank tea and talked.

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