Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 551: I'm coming

Chen Hao was very clear in his heart, referring to how many people were waiting for the results of the cultural lessons from his college entrance examination this year, waiting to use this as an essay, and waiting to laugh at himself.

After unraveling this big heart, his heart is much more comfortable and he has confidence. According to the standards of previous years, the score line of the art test culture class will basically not exceed 300%. At three hundred percent, it basically doesn't matter if there are some deviations, and the language can be supplemented.

The heart disease was expelled, Chen Hao was intrigued, went out and drank Chen Gang, Kang Yan, and Qiu Yu. Four people opened the full refrigerator. The four grandfathers were busy preparing a dinner together. Western food cold fight, Chinese food stir-fried, Northeast food. The stew, like the type of wine on the table, is a variety of dishes.

Red wine, white wine, beer.

Busy for a while, it ’s rare to relax. Do n’t watch Chen Gang and Kang Yan not filming every day, and they are not as busy and busy as Qiu Yu, but they also have a lot of work every day. From the year after, several people are almost in common. When I went in and out, I did n’t take a break to take a good rest. Today, it ’s rare that Chen Hao is so excited, and even the mood of the three of them is rising. First, a round of white wine, then a round of red wine. Finally, open the living room with interest. On the TV, I watched Mengqiqi ’s live broadcast room. After I went in, I found that he did n’t have a live broadcast. On the homepage, I saw Xiong Wazi ’s avatar in the top ten in real-time data ranking, and clicked into her live broadcast room.

Holding a can of beer and a piece of grilled fish fillet in his hand, Chen Hao, who is enjoying this way of drinking, frowned when he came in the live broadcast room. As a TV user, it is not possible to change the user name, but it is not casual. Can be used to flash data, all signals are bound to one data.

This made Chen Hao come in, and did not cause him a sensation throughout the live broadcast as he opened his own account.

After he came in, he found that Xiong Wazi was in Lianmai, and the object of Lianmai was Monmenchi. Since Lele implemented two-way Lianmai, the soy sauce group has been completely reduced to the product of history, and you do n’t need to go out to the big anchor live broadcast company Mai, you are on the live broadcast. If someone recommends you, you can also connect to the big anchor live broadcast room. If everyone thinks you are interesting during the process, you will naturally click your avatar to your live broadcast room to see you. In this way, the promotion effect of the small anchor is better, and there is a loss of humanity for the large anchor, so if the current anchor Lian Mai is the one with a newcomer, basically you have to pay a very large price.

Either you are a master-student relationship or a guild relationship.

Either you have local tyrants and go crazy to buy gifts.

Or your talents and talents can really give back to the big anchor as a new anchor.

In addition to these, if you want to go to the live broadcast room to connect to the wheat, the ideal way is to go up step by step. If you have 300 people, you can go to the live broadcast room of one or two thousand people to connect to the wheat.

Meng Mengqi did not broadcast live, but here the video is linked to Xiong Wazi, which is very rare in Lele today.

As soon as I heard the content, Chen Hao could not drink this wine, but he was not urged to immediately take his mobile phone or enter his room to open his own number into Xiong Wazi Live Broadcasting Room. Sitting there, drinking beer with a small sip, he didn't move, and the three of Chen Gang wouldn't move, turning the chairs one by one, drinking wine silently, watching the live broadcast.

Monmond: "Sister, I haven't offended anyone, now what technology is Lele, and where is the agreement dummy?"

Xiong Wazi sighed: "The tree is so attractive. Are they overdone, as for the name and surname?"

There is no Lian Mai, but with a yellow vest, Came can speak six voices: "Who loves others, isn't it just to see Monch's popularity is high, envy, jealousy and hate? It's okay, you two don't care, they will be the anchor, I don't mean They, Monmont, you should broadcast live, don't care about them, our company's management field control is so professional, you also have to be bold, like a master, dare to come and play with rhythm. "

Xiong Wazi, as a master, waved her hand and held down the sixth son of voice. Kamai refused to let her continue: "Lao sixth, Master is not here, let's not get in trouble. It's a short time for Monmond to play. You and I have been playing for so long. I have n’t seen anything. The uncle is right. The popularity is now with us. Just broadcast live, do n’t worry about that. ”

Uncle Chen Er.

Voice Six did not speak again. He also knew that the war was not so easy to fight. Once the fight was up, the mutual attack between the fans was likely to cause damage to both sides. Where were the winners and losers, all of them were in the end? loser.

Monmont frowned. He really cherished everything now, but since this time, the pressure from the surroundings has been too great. Every day, there are gossip anchors and even 100,000 anchors. He has changed his cynicism and even ridicule. Sometimes I simply call the name. In addition to saying that I ’m hanging up the agreement, I also say that my apprentice is harsh, and that I ’m playing Xiaoyuyu. In short, what can be disgusting to discredit yourself, there will be someone to pass it on. When you broadcast live every day, There will be some people on the public screen with a rhythm. Sometimes this rhythm is really overwhelming, and his mentality will also be out of balance. I really want to find a professional management team in the studio to control a large area of ​​kicking people. He still has no such confidence. Many of the lively tourists are not fans. They really want to kick in. They do n’t have the confidence of Master.

Chen Hao turned down the volume with a remote control, took out her phone, dialed Chen Er, and asked what happened.

"Brother, Monmond is very popular recently. The inevitable result is that if he is not your apprentice, he is your apprentice. Then the big anchors feel that they let such a little guy step on it, and they feel uncomfortable. They have a chance to push the boat smoothly. I am also happy to kick myself and let him adjust it slowly. This level, he always has to pass, and now there is us, as well as the side of the happy age, Tiange is very upholding him, is His own mentality is not strong enough, isn't he watching Xiong Wazi live now? "

Chen Er's answer was to make Chen Hao's eye-catching look. The old sayings of the old people are not deceiving me. God has deprived you of something and will definitely compensate you elsewhere. Chen Er is a wise man in his bones. He He can see things that others ca n’t see clearly. He just asks what he asked, and he directly informs the ultimate answer. He even tells the attitude of the party in the era of gathering together. After all, Monmond was a fancy to Tiange. One of the anchors also wanted to hold it, because he played for himself and died for himself. At the moment of the year, Tiange had the choice to give up.

After giving up, Chen Hao suddenly brought the fire. This fire doesn't matter. It has set off a wave in Lele. The society has become the most powerful talent at present. The alternative shouting Mai Mc also has to retreat. The year before last year, Meng Mengqi's popularity has always achieved 400,000 daily, that is, Dongge occasionally broadcast live a little earlier, which can overpower his live broadcast. The former beautiful man Huaze, will start broadcasting again, let alone talk to Chen Haopk. Even Moncchi couldn't match it. The rest of the sunny day and Ke'er were in the afternoon, and they wouldn't grab popularity with a junior.

Both the master and the apprentice are popular kings, Hao Zi we can't hold back. That is a brother. You are a anchor with more than 20 million attention. He has a sharp-eyed monkey gill. Why is it a popular king? You are not your own daughter. My friend, I sent you the master's bed. This is the ending that is being favored by Hao Zi today.

It ’s really omnipotent to stigmatize someone on the Internet. It ’s even more terrifying than the media. At least the media has to catch the wind. The Internet does n’t matter that much. As long as they want to arrange you, they There must be many ways to arrange you. True or false is not important. Not many people care about true and false at first. As long as the rhythm is brought up, even the fake outrageous things will become half true and half false.

Chen Hao smiled: "But my apprentice, I can do it ~ ~ For others, it can't do it. Since you are not a king of popularity, what about the two?"

Hanging up the phone, Chen Hao prepared for it, entered the room, turned on the computer, and logged in to the account.

In the five live broadcast rooms, in the days without Chen Hao, it will still not be silent. Chen Er will still take out a certain amount of time every day, come here for an hour or two, chat with everyone, and keep this live broadcast room. Some temperatures.

When Chen Hao came in, it happened to be a public venue control that wanted to transform into a host. Here I sang to everyone. This is also the benefit of Chen Hao to his employees. In his live broadcast room, he may not be popular in real time. High, there are thousands of people hanging here, and most of them are contributing, but the traffic between the live broadcasts is there. Even if they do n’t live broadcast for a few days, many people log in to Lele and go to the first five five turns. Haozi is not here, and he wo n’t go to another live broadcast room. If he happens to have a good field controller chatting or singing when he arrives, he will be attracted to him. These intentional anchors who control on the spot on five or five days will be spared. Publicity at anchor time.

"Welcome to my boss, Hao Zi, who you have been waiting for a long time, can go to sleep!" The girl's sharp eyes, when she saw Chen Hao, immediately stopped singing, and then clicked on a hi song, if someone is at this moment Hanging up in this live room to increase the contribution, and listen to the girl's sweet singing by the way, the attention is that switching the page while playing the game, the sudden change of the volume of the hi song is enough to startle him.

With the sister shouting Chen Hao's name, his number has reached No. 1 Mai, and then the entire live broadcast room belonged to him alone.

"Ahem, here I am!"

I just coughed twice, tried the microphone, and said three words. I came here. This live broadcast room was calm like a lake, and it exploded directly. The giant waves hit the shore like the Qiantang wave.

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