Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 519: High-profile work, low-key flashback

In the face of the bodyguards around the five bosses, Kang Yan is not polite to start, and the other party is also a professional bodyguard who can play three or four. He passed directly, shook out a swing stick from his cuff, and directly smashed the other party. The side window of the driver ’s seat, the two bodyguards in the car, were downplayed by Kang Yan, divided by five, divided by two, knocked out, and pulled out a very thin rope from the belt. Put your hands behind your back and tie your knees backwards, throw them in the back seat, and start the car across the back of the group.

Three surrounded by more than a dozen, the surrounding public audience was full of sight, which is much more exciting than the TV show, three people, less than three minutes, except for four or five run away, the rest were all brought down And before the arrival of 110, all the fallen people were **** without injuries, and their murderous weapons were also summarized, and they were placed beside the green belt on the edge of the road with them.

I did n’t know who called out first, and then everyone ’s applause rang out. Many of them recognized Chen Hao when they saw the excitement. This picture gave them a very exciting feeling. The star encountered a small street in Yangcheng. The siege and siege were counterattacks, and the opponents were all brought down. The star's sturdy and **** fighting power made the adrenaline secretion of the audience around the table burst, and there was applause and applause.

When the police received the report, they arrived at the scene as soon as possible. Those who were not much slower were journalists. There were quite a few people at the scene who started recording videos. Since the media era, any ordinary person can become a news carrier. And creator.

The 110 policemen who arrived at the scene looked stupid. Some of these gangsters who were **** and injured were registered in the area of ​​their police station. They looked at the tragic situation of more than 20 people lying on the ground. 120 first aid The cars all drove up, and the crowd around me was increasing, and the people who were talking about it were getting more and more dense. It was clear from word of mouth what happened. Look at the five people on the opposite side, and one of the drivers was still suffering. After the fight, one who did n’t do anything at all, that is the singer Haozi, rushed up with two bodyguards around him, grabbed the opponent ’s weapon with bare hands, and knocked down the group of people in just a few minutes, running only four or five .

"Haozi, hello, please come back with us to take a transcript."

"no problem."

While the media carrying the camera didn't arrive, everyone left the scene, leaving some lively audiences on the scene, and interviewed by media reporters after the interview.

In less than fifteen minutes, there has been online news about this matter on the Internet. In less than twenty minutes, the video version and photo version have been released, and the same is true on Lele. Several short videos have made this happen. It's not easy for anyone who wants to erase this matter.

As soon as Lele came out, the entire Haomen was completely blown up, and the entire Guiyang Times Guild did not do it. Tiange called the official as soon as possible, and was anxious: "This is your arrangement? Let a staff member Take Haozi to the airport, if he didn't bring someone himself, how do you explain this? "

All official reception and complaint reporting telephones were blown up.

The official opinion complaint website accepted more than 24,000 complaints and suggestions in less than half an hour.

At this moment, in the live broadcast room with more than a thousand people, the band was crazy. The most resistive and annoying thing for all anchors is that when they live, someone comes to their live room to bring who, who, what, or the rhythm of the live broadcast, but facing With the violent bombing of Haomen brothers and sisters, all they can do is cooperate, or I can't afford to hide if I live off.

An annual event finally established Chen Hao's supreme status. His presence can already affect the operation of the entire Lele weekday live broadcast. Whether you want to or not, you must acknowledge the fact that his influence has reached the past. All anchors have never reached a height. His every move will get enough attention on Lele. Even if you do n’t want to follow, you must admit that his news is really everywhere.

All short videos have got crazy click-through rates. In the past, people who struggled to get their own videos could get hundreds of thousands of people. Now they just need to watch thousands of clicks going up. Comments are refreshed one by one. .

After the first four-minute video appeared on, Lele not only missed an opportunity for promotion in related departments, but also caused ’s traffic to be abnormal on this day. Fluctuations, similar fluctuations only appear when there is exclusive or network-wide solo premiere content. The website technicians and related personnel are sure that there are no similar big promotion plans today, and there are still a few popular on the homepage. TV series.

A check, a four-minute video, in the previous hour, received 10 million views, especially nearly twenty minutes. When the news of such a full video spread on the entire network, from Lele Millions of people have come, and this video is still being repeatedly played and reposted by many people.

"I'm going. Is this a movie?"

"I'm not mistaken, that person is really Haozi, or should he be so cruel."

"is this real?"

Immediately afterwards, news from various portals and entertainment media also came out, with corresponding clipped videos, and many of them are being further investigated for reasons, and will continue to follow up on the report. The video clips are taken out first, which is objective. Describe what happened in the video, let everyone see the celebrities and the little **** fighting, what happened before the fight, why there was such a fight, without mentioning a word, they are also very clever to know the explanations on the Internet The sound of what happened can't really affect the majority of people. Everyone still hopes that you can understand what happened through the reports of the regular media. This wave of appetite is very successful, but the more successful one has never thought about using similar things. The hype Chen Hao has once again become the 'hype-dog' in the black powder-mouth-.

At first there was a hook machine smashing into the room, and then there was a big dogfight at the door of 'Candy'. Now it is another three to twenty. Chen Hao's sturdy name no longer needs to rely on scolding. The highway intersection is waiting for you and other things to publicize. Those who feel that he is acting can also shut up this time. A deputy of the police-Fang-interview accepted an interview with the media. The media made a brief briefing on the results of the investigation. The facts are clear. The specific deep digging still needs to be investigated, but it can be determined at present: "This group of small-mix-mix have accepted the employment of others, and have already The confirmation is that the two men in black were caught. We also investigated the two instructors and will continue to follow up. This time the incident is very bad in nature. We will definitely do all the bad things and will give the public an explanation. . "

"Excuse me, is Haozi a victim in this incident?"

"We can be sure that all his actions belong to proper defense. As for whether there is excessive defense, we will continue to investigate. At present, we can be sure that there is no intentional harm. The live video is very clear. He and he All attacks by bodyguards around you are in a state of protection. "

"Excuse me, why did you catch the two behind-the-scenes messengers, did Haozi get the news in advance? Only then let his bodyguards catch them. Or is this a deliberate revenge incident, we all know Haozi came to Yangcheng and offended People. "

"Uh, we will follow up the investigation and handle it impartially. OK, thank you all!"

After taking a transcript, Chen Hao can stay here for a while. At present, there are dozens of outside media gathered. Although most of the online media, but he can have this card, it shows that his influence is enough, and he has also received A call from Na Ying.

"Brother, as long as you do n’t suffer, listen to your sister, and deal with it in a low-key way. You must personally keep a low-key and let the company handle this matter in a high-profile manner. Make sure to establish your image in a positive way. Tell your company this time. No matter how much money you spend, you must also pave the way. Your personal image of this matter determines your popularity in the next few months, as well as the Spring Festival Gala, you should know that once your image Damaged, that's not the one who can put it flat. If you take down your show, you will definitely take down ... "

"I see ~ ~ sister, rest assured."

Na Ying said a lot of words, all of which are heartfelt words. This kind of thing has a great impact on Chen Hao's Spring Festival Evening. You must not see all the artists who have produced too much negative news in the spring evening. It ’s not small, it ’s high attention, it ’s a big event, and now it ’s too high. It ’s only been more than two hours since it happened. The major media are paying attention, and the major websites ’entertainment news has it. The live videos of the major video sites about this incident are the hottest. Even several search engines and the hot search of the day only took more than two hours. 'Hao Zi was chased and killed by rivers and lakes in Yangcheng'. Similar Searches are the most popular searches.

After receiving Na Ying's call, Chen Hao asked Qiu Yu to communicate with Lele, arranged for the car to pick it up, and left the first time. Facing the blockage of dozens of media, he didn't say a word or respond. Surrounded by Lele's staff, under the personal **** of Kang Yan and Chen Gang, they boarded and left.

After getting on the bus, I first called Tiange: "Brother, I need a positive image this time. I personally and the incident itself should be handled as low-key as possible. As long as the incident can have a large area of ​​positive approval, we will let Let's end it low-key. If the demands of the Spring Festival Gala are negative, if the negative news artist is involved too deeply to make the streets heard, even if it turns out that I am innocent, it will be easy to be disqualified from the Spring Festival Gala. "

"Rest assured, we're already doing it, and your brother Jing also said hello to you. My brother and I, you have invited the teams of two well-known law firms at home and abroad to give you a positive public relations case. We are still anxious, such a big scandal-what they want is to resolve it today and let the whole news heat down in two or three days. "

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