Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 516: Game king

> Oh, very strong!

What is suspense? This is called suspense.

The partnership between He Yan and Chen Hao left a suspense for everyone at the scene, hello, hello everyone, so that this Lele live broadcast has a relatively high-end stage dialogue, which is equivalent to doing "Happy Base Camp" on Lele once Propaganda, don't say who doesn't know the quick copy, now quite a lot of people don't watch it.

Many people, including some at the scene, saw this section of Taiwanese books as if they had been prepared in advance. I did not expect that all this was a temporary cooperation on the spot. If you knew, it would not be too much to give the two people a thumbs up. A wonderful conversation, so that everyone will look forward to the edition of "Why Sheng Xiaomo" in the future, and will look forward to it. In a few words, it will be watched by nearly ten million people and people will continue to watch the video in the future. At the awards ceremony, it was tantamount to promoting Lele, Kuaiben and "Why Sheng Xiaomo" at the same time.

He Yan and Keer came to a concluding remark, and then the sound of music sounded and stood in the center of the stage with a microphone. He Yan and Keer separated his left and right. At this time, on both sides of the stage, from the anchor area below, there was work in advance below The staff has arranged the order of thirty anchors in the shortest time, so that everyone can step on the stage in an orderly manner, standing in the first row of the stage, and then the second row and the third row are all waiting in line. How many pictures will you have in the back? Sometimes it depends on luck.

"Gently wake up the sleeping mind and slowly open your eyes."

"See if the busy world is still lonely and non-stop."

Chen Hao held the microphone. His "Tomorrow Will Be Better". With the passage of time, the influence is getting greater and greater. The more plain the tunes and lyrics, the more blessed it will be. The thickness of the song, this song, began to have a considerable number of people, put it in the top 100 Chinese music, to go side by side with the best music in Chinese music for more than 30 years.

The guest Zhang Xiaobei who came to watch the ceremony sang the second sentence. Everyone felt that it was time to sing the third sentence. As soon as she sang, the new five gods officially recognized by the dust will be settled by the time. Then the direction of the official guidance will come out. The entire Lele's public opinion orientation will also change, and it is difficult to distinguish between them. If there is official approval, it will really be settled.

The official wo n’t do this stupid thing. Although the sunny day, East Brother Keer and Cai Huaze are in the most central position, the third one is Jiang Meiyan who sang aside. After that, the anchors in the first row near the central area will sing a single line. By chance, when the chorus was over, Chen Hao handed his microphone to the second row. Behind him, there were two anchors of the Sunny Society. They took the microphone. Although the voice did not stand out from the crowd, at least the scene Camera, willing to give them one or two more pictures.

A big chorus, the audience in the audience also stood up and sang along. In this kind of singing, this year's drama is one after another, but the actual content has not changed much. The annual ceremony was announced, and it is commendable that The various hardware conditions at the scene provide the best audio-visual experience for anchor guests, live audiences and all the live viewers on the Internet, and the makeup team for the makeup are all domestic first-class teams.

All the machines were closed at the same time. The official Lele 99 channel also stopped broadcasting at this moment. After such a big event, really few anchors could catch it, and the official would simply not accept it. Lost, while others are watching, let the official selection of the best quality new anchors, at this moment, channel 99, for live performances.

In view of today's big show one after the other, the official canceled the dinner party after the year. This big show was Chen Hao and Xiao Xiao, and there were Chen Hao and Hua Ze before, as well as Lao Cai and Dong Ge, and ...

A throne, after the annual competition, played very thinly, now it's hard to pass the annual ceremony, there is no major event, many official staff breathed a sigh of relief, there is no activity, and everyone should not be free Let ’s go back to the hotel. The official will arrange meals for you at the hotel. I ’ll order it at the hotel and deliver it to the room.

Tonight, don't go out. Tomorrow morning, the official staff will take everyone to buy plane tickets, moving tickets, train tickets in turn, and send everyone to leave. If you drive, the official will send your car to the highway.

Until then, the year is truly over. Anyone who wants to do something with each other, then go back privately after you go back, do n’t make trouble on the Internet, whoever troubles and cleans up, if you are not afraid to go to prison after you go back, Big trouble.

What ’s so great, is n’t it just talking in front of fans? Now the official has given you the best excuse, that is to say, the official will not let the trouble, but they will leave Yangcheng under pressure. You bragging anchors can also give the fans an explanation, it will not be embarrassing, let alone worry about trouble It's not good for myself.

This piece of cake on the Internet is so big that you can eat it, and you can eat it safely and securely. You have to occupy more while you are eating, isn't it uncomfortable for yourself?

Chen Hao and Zhang Xiaobei accepted the official invitation, accompanied by several high-level officials, to have dinner with He Ye, in order to avoid the jealousy between the anchors, and to prevent fans from making another trouble because of this, Lian Keer this The host's partner didn't invite, just these two anchors, accompanied He Ye to eat together.

Chen Hao took the change of clothes as an excuse, and the nanny car that she was sitting in went to the restaurant where she ate. After getting in the car, she didn't change clothes first, but she sat down first, closed her eyes to feel the system prompt sound from her mind.

"Congratulations to the anchor for completing the main task, receiving the Lele Best Male Idol Award, rewarding the anchor ’s ability-the game king (the highest level in the world of various computer games). In view of the anchor ’s completion of the main task, the king ’s spirit is displayed, especially Reward, comes with the best-cheat-cheat-device to adapt to various games when playing games. "

"Publishing the main task, achieving Lele's grand domination, and having 100 million Lele fans' attention, it may be one of the ultimate rewards after completion."

Before looking at the specific rewards, I first saw the new main line task. Chen Hao didn't know why, knowing that this task would be difficult to complete, but there was a very confident feeling coming from the bottom of my heart. After so long, It is not impossible to complete any task, as long as I continue to work **** the road of anchor, one day or another will be completed.

However, it may take a long time to get back to the main task reward time again, but this time the reward is the ultimate reward. Ultimately, what kind of reward will it be? For a moment, Chen Hao really couldn't guess. The so many anchoring abilities he had were already very powerful. I really didn't know the ultimate reward, and he would develop the ability to fight against the sky.

Closing my eyes, leaning back, leaning back, and receiving the ability this time, he knows how powerful he is by looking at the name, looking forward and excited.

Every young boy has a game heart. Before, I just did n’t have time to find one of the most important pleasures of an ordinary young man—playing a game. Now with such an ability, the game is a competition that can take the lead Go play, it will definitely feel extra sour.

After a few minutes, Chen Hao opened his eyes. He knew that even if he was not a video anchor now, he could become a video anchor, and he could easily go to some professional games in competitive games. It's not just talent and understanding of the game, but also experience and understanding of the game.

Strong, extremely powerful comprehensive ability, just like the original "singing god" ability. If you use a lot of ability to compare recently, it is the sum of these branch skills of guitar master, piano prince and master saxophone. Masters can be compared to this game king.

What is a cheat-trick?

In addition to excitement, Chen Hao first changed a set of clothes, a simple pair of white sneakers, a pair of jeans, a white T-shirt, a thin and thin translucent casual jacket, basically just for decoration, at best Just wear a T-shirt to be more resistant to the wind.

While changing, check the additional rewards in his mind. Others did not compare and do n’t know. If he plays this game, the cheaters who adapt to this game are the full-picture perspective, which is also commonly known as the 'God perspective. 'Although Chen Hao has only played a few very low-level occasions on this game before ~ ​​ ~, but also knows what it means to have God's perspective in this game.

"I'm going, this is a big cow." After receiving the ability, from the perspective of the world's top professional players, look at this trick-cheating device again. It is simply a blast, no matter where you play, having this ability is equivalent Win a game before starting half.

Some are eager to try, every time, this is the case, getting new abilities, just like children get new toys, can't help but try it.

When Chen Hao got out of the car and ate at the restaurant, he felt extremely happy. The bad mood that Xiaoxiao and the fifth brother had brought to him was swept away. He was not the first to go because of traffic jams and traffic lights on the road. But it was the second one. Zhang Xiaobei was already sitting in the box. He was watching the video by himself while holding the mobile phone. When Chen Hao came in, the two of them waved their hands and said hello. He also Seated next to Zhang Xiaobei, "What are you looking at?"

"Eating chicken. This person is so good, everyone says it's outside --- hanging."

Eat chicken. Anyone who knows a little about the game knows what it means. It is not traditional eating anymore, but the alias of one of the most popular games, Jedi Survival. Zhang Xiaobei is watching some popular videos of the game online. Obviously, he is also a loyal player of this game.

"Oh?" Chen Hao also glanced over, looking at the game interface in the IPAD. At first glance, he took a breath of air, and then a smile that he couldn't even say.

He asked himself to focus on the game and see the pictures. If it was told to others, it would definitely make all the games in this game high and completely lose the courage to continue working hard.

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