Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 483: Old saying, early

With Chen Hao's shout, the live room flew in a big rhythm. Almost all those who can brush gifts in Haomen do n’t want any pictures of themselves. All of the money in their account is swiped out. What we want is a collective picture. Let the entire network know what the true king is.

Even if Haozi was embarrassed to say that he was one step away from the Five Gods, then we are among the five gods, and they stand proudly.

The key is that these five gods are too good. They can't stop brushing, and everyone else is dizzy. The five five live broadcasts can be used for 30 minutes to get 30 million votes. In previous years, they can get the most Any award other than the best gold medal and best idol, this posture is too fierce.

At this moment, the most unlucky and unlucky picture on the entire network is Huaze.

All Chen Lele knows about Chen Hao and Hua Ze. The previous entanglement has continued to the present. It is rumored that Hao Zi was almost pitted in his hometown. One behind the scenes was Hua Ze. The two later declared war on the Internet. It was Huaze who took Dongdong together to become popular and failed to surpass Chen Hao. Chen Hao's momentum soared into the sky was too fierce. The reality was too busy and he did not continue to entangle with him. However, any activity after reading the ruthless words occasionally blocked Huaze. At that time, not many people took it seriously, and felt that Chen Hao was a kind of flinch to choose to avoid follow-up trouble.

Times have changed, and no one will remember the vows in the past, but when the battle really came, everyone found out that it was not evasion, it was accumulating strength, hitting you with one punch, there was no need to play any combination punches.

Thirty minutes, Huaze's guild began to enter the field to brush gifts in about ten minutes. Crazy brushing. All the big brothers that Huaze could find were brushing crazy. It took only half an hour to brush more than 10 million. The gap was not large. To the ridiculous. The feeling of tiredness has let Huaze's strength of speech fade away. The rhythm of this brushing has been in the last major battle phase in previous years. This year, it has just started for less than an hour. The so-called hole card no longer exists. The advantage of the so-called preliminaries accumulated results also disappeared.

Many people scold Chen Hao in their hearts, but dare to scold them in their hearts. On the surface, everyone keeps the humble smile they deserve. Whenever they talk about Chen Hao, they must respect each other as a happy brother. Lele's boss.

You are used to your routine, I ’m sorry, now I ’m here. I ’m going to follow my routine. It ’s not important whether you want to play or not. It does n’t matter if you do n’t want to enter the field. I'd like to come up with a figure that makes you totally incapable of resistance.

Chen Hao rarely had a frustrated canvassing. Today, he took the momentum that was unique to him, facing the real-time live broadcast of 1.7 million people, and led them to shout out the classic slogan belonging to him: "Big Do it, break up early! "

After that, he stood up and adjusted the camera again. At the angle of the stage, he stood in front of the microphone stand, held the microphone, said calmly and imposingly, "All the siblings in the live room, want to give Hao Zi swiped the ticket, now you are welcome. I know that I may not be able to thank everyone, but I hope that tomorrow, the entire Lele ’s front page big picture news, we Haomen has its own picture, so that all Everyone can see the picture. "

Fast-paced music, a long period of fast rock fast song, microphone stand and guitar have become Chen Hao's best helpers and props, the performance of the concert is comparable to the concert performance and sound quality, you must know this section At the time of Chen Hao ’s six concerts, the number of paid video clicks on the Internet has always been on a large curve, and has been popular in the industry. He has never had a singer. In a short period of time, a concert in a touring sequence can be online at the same time. Pay-to-order is welcomed, and Chen Hao is also the first person.

Although there are many **** fans who repeatedly charge for clicks to brush data, but many people admit that his six concerts are very exciting, a theme, the content is completely different, there are surprises.

In the industry, besides the main reason of good singing and talent, there is also the live performance of this concert. Everyone knows that it must be a concert plan. At most, there is an alternative, but these six shows Hao Zi didn't follow the routine at all, but adjusted it according to the mood of the scene. The benefits of using the band's soundtrack are here. I can come whatever I want to sing.

Chen Hao's concert is not afraid. He can play the vocals by himself. In the big problem, he can dance for five or six minutes to repair the problem.

Even if something good is being scolded by madness, it will show its brilliance sooner or later. At the beginning of Lele ’s year, the praise of Chen Hao ’s concert is getting more and more. This praise is fed back to the annual competition. Once Chen Hao started singing In the link, the number of people in the live broadcast room will also increase. Many users and players who have just registered with Lele may be familiar with what it is, watch everything fresh and go around, and come back to Haozi to sing.

1.85 million people.

In the middle of the live broadcast, Ye Zi and Yaer stopped, and one person brushed several million. Watching the number of votes passed 50 million, the three big brothers were still brushing, and the rest were basically finished. Some people felt that the atmosphere was recharged and brushed up. After passing the 50 million threshold, there were only three older brothers.

Haitian has prepared 20 million yuan, but he has n’t finished it yet. In fact, he still has it later. He does n’t dare to say that he has no selfishness when he is presenting gifts. Fans of the door will do shopping in their own physical stores. This is the Haitian brother's company. We have to support it. If you have similar ideas, you may generate similar consumption and then create profits.

Brother Tian has also been brushing, not to mention that he must give support to Chen Hao. Now the guild's commissions are all over five million, and he only brushed a little over ten million, and he couldn't talk about desperate support.

The most incredible thing is the red maple leaf trumpet. The hero's fighting power was reflected in Jiang Meiyan's body, creating a generation of electric mothers. Today, I went to Chen Hao to prove once again that the two people have been interacting. True love relationship, there are more than 10 million brushed over here, and 10 million brushed over here, it seems that there is no meaning to stop.

"Okay, everyone has to listen to something different, that's no problem, one by one drunk for everyone."

There are more than 50 million here, and it is still rising. All the best male idol groups have become supporting roles in the supporting roles. In addition to Hua Ze still insisting, all of them are based on the kind that I do n’t give up but just want to prove myself. The actual attitude towards the result of the game has been completely disappointed. Some simply shut down the live broadcast, some opened the live chat with friends in the live broadcast, and some are still insisting not to achieve results but to continue to pit a little, this group Third place, it seems that there is no need to spend a lot of money to grab it. Even if you walk to the scene of the annual awards ceremony, there is no picture, don't expect everyone to know you, mention the best male idol, this year is destined to Only one person's name Hao Zi will be mentioned.

A little more than an hour, more than 50 million votes, now is the first day of the year, and the time is only more than 9 o'clock. It is the most golden time period. In this group, what you see is not killing each other, but A bully that makes all visitors enjoyable.

It is bullying.

Even Huaze, after brushing 20 million votes, the overall rhythm has slowed down. It is not slow or not. The guild also realized that this brushing would not work at all. To surpass Hao Zi, it requires more preparation, more cost, and The guild where Ze is located is a well-established guild with Lele's strength. It can also come out with tens of millions of support for Huaze. The key is whether this support is valuable. If there is not such a large value, it depends on what Huaze wants to pay. How much is the price, such as the number of years of the contract, such as the commission of the offline contract, such as the percentage of the commission commission, such as return ...

These all need to be re-negotiated and re-signed. If you dare to play, face or money, face to win the picture to get more fans, or completely surrender and leave the battlefield early and wait for your **** to be shaken by others or even kicked aside.

Huaze has received a private chat from the guild. For the time being, you have to play. Let ’s talk. The guild has sufficient funds. It will be fine for you to chase back tomorrow ~ ~ Today you bring The old irons who are in their own house continue to play. How many votes can be drawn? It is estimated that we stopped the other side and almost stopped. The number of 50 million is not the other party's limit, but it is not far from the limit. Then, we stop first, they will be very fortunate to maintain a winning victor posture to show off their strength and leave a state where they are at ease.

Huaze could only stop. With more than 2,000 votes, he dropped the third place far behind, but this did not make him feel any proud. The little fresh cheek was full of haze. The smile on my face is no longer the glory of the past, but I still continue to take everyone to canvass, but the spirit of canvassing to catch up is no longer in my heart. This is only an hour away. I have to take out all the cards and pay my own. Is it worth it to fight for face and popularity with a lot of money?

After nine o'clock, Huaze also stopped, and the best male idol group left Chen Hao alone. The senior executives of Gaston Mountain and River Guild analyzed it correctly, which is the normal thinking logic of most people. It ’s already overwhelming, and I ’m sure I wo n’t do it. If you have money and no place to spend it, you ca n’t do it like that. With that number of votes, give out millions of dollars to others. No.

At 9:30, it turned out that most people's guesses were wrong, and Haomen's brothers and sisters held up the banner of victory. The live broadcast room exceeded two million people, and the atmosphere was bursting with popularity.

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