Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 427: Beginning of Madness

The first anchor of 70 million followers on Lele appeared.

The fiery enthusiasm has transmitted the influence to the Internet. Throughout the film, Wu Jing, Chen Hao, and Wu Gang are ranked as the two most outstanding people in the film. What is the opposite and what is the heroine are not enough.

One night, Chen Hao broke through 70 million followers, and he also started the live broadcast in the studio's live broadcast room at 5.30 pm on the same day, the second day of the premiere.

Lele officials directly send big picture recommendations, from the beginning of 500,000 people to directly reach one million, and this number is still increasing.

The gap between 500,000 and 1 million is not a multiple. It is the crowning presence of the world, telling all visitors that the brother of the entire platform is me now. Do you guys just come and see?

"Did you go and see?"

In a word of Chen Hao, the public screen of the live broadcast room was fully scrolled for five or six minutes. I watched it. It was midnight when I bought the ticket. Some people were more interesting. They just hit one and watched it.

"A song for you, this is the first time I sing this song in the live studio. I will come up with an imitation version of the stars, imitate the MV, and the female part, I sing in my own voice."

From the beginning of his broadcast, it felt as if he had forgotten that some time ago he shouted that he wanted to do Huaze, which made some people inexplicable, didn't he? Hao Zi is not a whistleblower, why isn't there any movement?

Curiosity was quickly mimicked by Chen Hao's powerful imitation ability, and one person almost sang the level of the stars version of the public welfare song, which made old fans and visitors of the live broadcast room addicted and surprised those who just followed him. Subsequently, Chen Hao showed his talents in various aspects. In the end, due to the limitations of the live broadcast room, the piano display and DJ display could only be put in the future. The old fans felt the freshness was his rap. Ability, instead of wearing a hat and a hip-hop fan, is completely comparable to the top black rappers, so that many people who do n’t know much about this performance mode also feel the charm, and are willing to move their bodies to cooperate with his Rhythm and feel the charm of his music together.

On this day's live broadcast, all I want is to show Chen Hao's talents to all newcomers. 70 million is not the end, and 70 million is not a fixed value. It is difficult to grow, but not difficult to reduce. All he needs to do is make You can keep these people and attract more people.

The effect of the live broadcast was achieved. For two hours of live broadcast, his fans went from 70 million to 71 million directly. You must know that above 50 million, the number of fans can reach 2,000 or 2,000 a day. Now, what is Haozi doing? It ’s so much higher than hundreds of thousands. No one compares to us. We all think that the position of more than 50 million is very good. I think this is a traffic limitation of Lele. Wait until Lele is more. Fire, our attention will slowly climb up with the increase of users.

Chen Hao subverted this cognition. The first 60 million people still think that this is Lele ’s traffic. He is a new one. He must have paid a lot of attention. We can work hard as well.

The result is that Chen Hao's fans are still rising fast, and they are working hard to increase their attention on live broadcasts, which are still thousands or thousands a day. At this time, they realize that some people are making themselves synonymous with Lele.

Two hours after the live broadcast, Chen Hao brought in the four guild anchors who had been waiting for a long time, and played with them for another hour. Let ’s show the talents. Chen Hao showed you the sister-in-law and black-bellied torture. The people who knew him and followed him through reality through the variety show didn't expect him to be so hilarious in the live broadcast room.

During the live broadcast process, there have never been more than one million people. At most, it is close to 1.5 million. During his live broadcast period, all major anchors avoided the edge. At this time, even if they went up and grabbed some resources, it was worth the money. Visitors take screenshots of the popularity rankings of live broadcasts during the period. If the first and second places are a six-digit and seven-digit difference in the number of live broadcasts, and the six-digit value has not reached three, what will it be? Picture? Whoever broadcasts during this time will be trampled on, and this is not Chen Hao stepping on you intentionally.

Huaze didn't dare to come up with a strong confrontation this time. What he could do was to send a message: "Haozi is now offline, and he is afraid to do it online."

Did you forget it?

At the end of the live broadcast, Chen Hao seemed to think of something, and got to the microphone again: "I see a lot of people with rhythm. Since you want to know I will tell you, last time, I am too lazy to explain again, I I said, would n’t you stop me in the future? Do n’t you want to do me? I gave him a chance. As for fighting, I ’m just too lazy to waste time. Do you want to do it? Let ’s meet in the matter. Also, these in my live broadcast room Brothers and sisters, I will send you sixteen words. Just say it once, and it is our purpose. "

"People don't offend me, I don't offend, if anyone offends me, you will be slaughtered."

Having said that, Leng Leng glanced at the camera and turned off the live broadcast. This scene also satisfied the iron fans. They had been fighting in the North and South for Hao Zi. During this time, they also kept tearing B with the fans of the Huaze family. No matter where it is encountered, it will inevitably start to work. First, use the ID of each other's boss to broadcast the screen to see who can do the screen, and then they will talk to each other. The anchor will not scold others when they are broadcasting. Tourists care about you so much, we just want to be cool, what do you do, just do you, are you not convinced?

On his side, the live broadcast was closed, and 300,000 people began to impact the live broadcast room of the guild host of Huaze and the live broadcast room of his disciples. As long as you started the live broadcast, you will see tens of thousands of people come in and kill the screen. Typing on the public screen can stop these lunatics. They will turn around and leave. But when you think nothing is going to happen, you will be panicked. Beware of it all the time. There will be pressure when you start the live broadcast. The five or five lunatics came to brush the screen again, saying that they don't care if they are in a good state of mind, but there are several anchors who don't care about the word of mouth and image of the Internet. Does that mean that a lot of things have been traced before.

Before, Chen Hao didn't ridicule the other party. He broadcasted a live broadcast of 700,000 to 800,000 people. You Huaze ca n’t wait to call everyone who you know to pay attention to you. No matter how close to 600,000 people ’s popularity, why not today? coming? I've been broadcasting for three hours, and I've been waiting for you. Why, dare you even start a live broadcast with me? Is there just something behind it? It really makes me look down on you.

Yes, it makes me look down on you.

I wo n’t look at you anymore, let you play, play and bring the rhythm, and let you brainwash everyone, let everyone forget that I choose to trust you, and see if you can bring out a big rhythm. When I start the live broadcast , My middle typing public screen was completely killed?

71.11 million.

This card is not enough for a Lele and a brother, don't you always say that Lele doesn't have any brother or sister? I'm here now.

The live webcast let all new followers of Chen Hao know that this is a versatile and easy-talking anchor with an incomparable appearance. They choose to keep an eye on Lele and choose to set a mobile phone reminder. Come in during the live broadcast. Watch Chen Hao live.

The reality movie is hot, and Zhuo Yifan's role has become popular, and Chen Hao has also become popular. His Weibo attention has also increased rapidly, and more and more people know him. The movie ’s feedback for this role is excellent, Chen Hao Began to promote with the entire crew, covering the northern region ~ ~ 100 million on the first day.

Over 300 million in two days.

The legend is still going on. The number of viewers is increasing every day, and the number of films is also increasing. If you go to a theater and watch it from the morning until the middle of the night, this film has the highest number of films, and the ticket purchase is also the most.

Five billion, one billion ...

The box office went all the way, and there were more and more criticisms. What kind of Wu Jing alone was a superhero and what story could not support this film. There are countless ways of black, but the way of exaggerating people is the right medicine. Now, Ren As you screamed in the wind, I stared at it a little bit, and with that, I was enough.

At the box office, two days after the movie was released, the crazy box office passed a message to all the audience. Is our movie good-looking, right? We just want the word of mouth of the common people, we want everyone to shout, we want Not much. The box office is good enough. I have never thought that this film is good in all aspects. It has become the industry benchmark. Sorry, I do n’t have that much ability. I am satisfied with the box office. Others, you are here. Are you jealous?

Wu Jing has become the most popular young director and actor. He has been playing supporting roles for others since then, and now he has become the center of much attention.

As the biggest beneficiary, Chen Hao has increased his popularity, and also increased the attention of his fans on the Lele platform. In a very conscientious way, it has grown madly, with 70 million heads, and no longer an obstacle.

The breakthrough exceeded one billion, and the celebration party finally opened. It was also the last publicity of this film. After that, it was a long wait. Chen Hao had already booked an air ticket for tomorrow morning and flew back to Meicheng. Staying, everyone has been waiting for so long, I have n’t officially started it yet, I am really sorry for everyone.

come on,.

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