Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 402: Haozi is hot

The car has not yet reached the main entrance of the hotel. Fans have already blocked the car, holding a mobile phone to take pictures, and shouting: "Haozi!"

The official Lele official has been fully prepared. Yesterday the day before yesterday was called a lively event. It is almost impossible to get in and out without security to support the way. From the day before yesterday to today there are always about 30 security guards. Three shifts It was on standby at the temporary chair on the side of the hotel lobby. There were ten people in one group and one group was on standby. The other two groups were resting behind.

Out of this chaos, the ten security personnel inside rushed out immediately. With yesterday's experience, they were already familiar with it, but it was obvious that after going up, they found that today is a little different. The power of their ten people seems to be insufficient. Even the ability to "rescue" the car was not available. Several times, urging everyone to let the road out did not work. At this time, everyone's enthusiasm reached a high level. It seemed impossible to separate without physical contact. Prior to this, the security was issued a death order and must not have any physical contact with any fan.

Some people say that Internet celebrities do not match this group of people who like them. They are fans. No one can argue and right or wrong, but one thing is recognized. This group of tourists on the Internet is also very fanatical in reality. They I feel that I have the opportunity to get up close and personal with this group of netizens, take a picture or record a small video clip, so they are even more fanatical, and this fanaticism is also fragile. Very easy thing, it is very likely that because security has physical contact with several fans and expelled the fans, a big rhythm will be formed on the Internet. A good thing is likely to be caused by a small thing. Bad thing.

"Hurry up, the people behind will come out quickly. The situation in front can't be controlled. Hurry up, all come out."

Through the intercom, while calling the security behind, interspersed and shouted everyone to make way for the car to come in.

"Everyone please let me know, thank you, let's get the car over, okay, you guys have to see and take a picture, and wait for someone to get off the car first?"

Twenty people in the back came over. Thirty people wore uniform black security clothing, which formed a relatively large deterrent, and what they said was very reasonable. The car could n’t stop without stopping. How did people get off?

Chen Gang has never honked his horns. He knows his brothers and knows that Hao Zi cherishes everything he gets today. He cherishes these brothers and sisters who brought him so-called Internet celebrities, public figures, anchors, and entertainers. Maybe he He can't know everyone, and can't take care of everyone's emotions on some occasions, but he will draw a line for himself, and he will never allow himself to cross this line for all those who support him.

The car slowly got on the gentle **** at the entrance of the hotel, reached the entrance of the hotel, Chen Gang stopped, got out of the car, saw him, and the voice of shouting Haozi was even louder. Qiu Yu took Chen Hao ’s mobile phone and wallet. When Chen Gang and Anbao opened the back door of the car, Chen Hao got out of the car. The voice of the scene shouting reached the boiling point. He heard it on the street dozens of meters away. When I went to the cafe on the first floor and a half, they all really heard it!



Exciting shouts at the scene and a high-rise mobile phone formed a very typical picture of a star playing. The security on both floors failed to support Chen Hao with a wide passageway enough for him to pass. I walked four or five steps forward. Before I entered the gate, stood still, turned around, bowed his hands to everyone, bowed, and spoke so loudly that no one could hear him.

Once, he raised his Namaste hands high, expressed his gratitude to everyone, and bowed, thanking everyone for their enthusiasm at this moment.

Another time, Chen Hao bowed to everyone three times, and the sound of the shouts at the scene increased by several stops. Passersby who had bypassed in the distance started to move closer to this side, thinking What big star is coming, and beside Chen Hao, the sound of everyone pressing the camera shutter is synchronized with the shout.

The security at the scene is under tremendous pressure from the crowd. They hope that Haozi hurry in, and they will not stand up when they stop here. At that time, you will not be stripped away by the fans, even the best fans. It ’s impossible to stay calm under emotional excitement. Huang Jiaju that year ...

"Thank you, thank you!"

Chen Hao finally waved his thanks to everyone. The voice was as loud as possible so that everyone around him could hear it. He also felt that the gangsters had already been attached to himself. This meant that the pressure around him was increasing and he turned away. Entered the hotel lobby.

In the hotel lobby, there are quite a lot of people, assistants around the major anchors or some real friends, or some new anchors who have just entered the circle of anchors. You can see that there are still people Everyone was gathered at the gate while watching the live broadcast on mobile phones. They also saw the chaos outside before.

Hao Zi, who has been ranked No. 1 in the attention of Lele fans, did all this as a newcomer with less than one year of live broadcast. It really envied countless webcasters. In their hearts, they were envious, envious, and somewhat admired. , Take it as a reference for your own struggle, and do it all in less than a year, it is a miracle on the entire network. At present, the search popularity of several major search engines, Hao Zi is also a hot character, he came, everyone Also come around, if possible, it is ideal to be able to take a picture.

Among these people, one person took a few steps backwards and left the area of ​​the gate. Just a few minutes ago, he was still broadcasting live in the hotel lobby, watching the enthusiasm of this charity charity show, seeing Chen Hao appear, his eyes flashed With a bit of resentment, he gritted his teeth secretly, stepped back, and closed the live broadcast. He didn't want to explain to the visitors in the live broadcast why he retired and why the broadcast was closed, so he didn't have to explain his most painful place.

Once upon a time, I was the bearer of the era, and the soy sauce leader was a strong brother of the guild. Today, in just a few months, things are wrong, and I have to rely on what is called an over-anchor. Titles, continue to be mixed in the live broadcast circle, how many times have been stimulated and enthusiastically with words, think about it and get out of the net and not play, can not be stimulated by everyone every day, save a little money is enough to do a small business in hometown, but The magic of this network and even this 'pull' income make him reluctant to give up the career of anchor even if he is criticized every day.

In the face of Hao Zi, who has stepped on his feet completely online and offline, the once alternative little prince Guo Kai can do nothing but silently step back and find a corner to avoid the other party. Can't afford it, we can hide.

"Brother Hao, can you take a picture?"

"Brother Hao, can you take a picture?"

Brother Hao.

If half a year ago, this title was everyone's recognition of this online movie, and to this day, it is the achievement he has achieved in his own struggle industry, which has been recognized by everyone, and will be given a respectable title.

Laughing and standing still, it was ten minutes after Chen Hao entered the elevator to the floor where he was. After he took a shower and changed into a refreshing outfit, he just took a group photo to record a small video of his scene. I posted a popular work in Lele ’s small video area, and some people are still uploading it. The title is very simple. Either directly use Chen Hao ’s screen, or come up with a sentence: "I heard that Haozi can be popular?"

Below this type of video, someone is guaranteed to keep up: "Yes, sit down. If you have Hao Zi, I will send you hot."

The official report of Lele is located in the large conference room on the fifteenth floor. All the anchors come here for anything. The official staff is here, and the anchors' meeting is also here.

A pair of sandals, a pair of casual denim shorts, a black mesh vest, and a baseball cap. Chen Hao thus came to the large conference room on the fifteenth floor. Qiu Yu had just contacted the guild. At this time, there were at least half of the anchors. , There is still a simple rehearsal on site, charity charity performances do not have so many rules and tricks, the anchors who really rely on singing to eat or to go to the sound of the effect of the sound and live environment ~ ~ some funny anchors do not need Go to the rehearsal, the tourists they sing will not be deliberately chosen.

There is a passion called that you are really red, and you really have a status.

There are a lot of official staff. When they saw Chen Hao coming in, they all got up to say hello to him, and gave him sufficient respect for his identity now. Other data is not very accurate. The attention is cumulative and can be recognized by everyone. , The degree of attention has reached Lele first, no matter to promote you as a brother Lele, no one is qualified to say that you are bragging.

"It's not over yet? I'll check it out, too." Chen Hao heard that there was someone rehearsing at the rehearsal, and decided to go there and go downstairs, out of the hotel, to the scene, to take the stage to test Sound, back to the hotel.

After this lap, many people took a picture of him. The newer brother Lele also proved that he is worthy of his actual actions. In this lap, the people who took him uploaded small videos. The clear shots, at least Chen Hao's face, all appeared on the sequence of popular works. Open the Lele small video area, and the covers of the popular small videos you see are almost all Chen Hao.

From self-driving outdoor live broadcasts to active disaster relief donations for charity, fans paid attention to Lele first, disappeared for two days, came back, and directly occupied the popular area of ​​small videos. Even many gossip anchors live this night. In the meantime, the topic of chatting is also him, all the way through the experience, how to become a Lele brother, etc., talking about this, the live broadcast has become popular, good chat, in the words of black powder, it is holding Haozi well. You will see Haomen fans and tourists appear as presents for gifts. A fan of one person, who did not dare to say that they had fed a large number of gossip anchors tonight, also gave them a taste of Chen Hao's sweet words. .


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