Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 308: Break the rules under the rules

Seeing everyone's sadness, Chen Hao couldn't help it. If he didn't say the following words, he would feel that the next journey would be very embarrassing. He also tried to look at the material shot, to be honest, the real There are not many wonderful places, and a lot of trivial materials have been left. Although it has not been finalized yet, it can be seen from the editing style of the current program group that the probability of retention is high, which means that So far, the quality of the material shot cannot be considered high.

Then if your own words are recognized by everyone, it means that there is still a lot of material for the program group.

"Everyone, I think you seem to have entered a misunderstanding. We are here to participate in the show. But the show team has never said that we must complete the task in their way. As long as we do the task within a fixed time The task that Carne let us complete is not good. Why do we have to follow the arrangement of the program group because they helped us to complete trivial city affairs such as air tickets? It is not necessary to use them, not to fly, or even to Sit, what time do we choose to sit? Although there may be more things that need to be resolved, but we have eight people, let's solve them together. Anyway, I think so, I'm tired today, so take a good rest Why do you have to get up to catch a plane tomorrow morning? "

Chen Hao ’s words ca n’t be said to be deafening, but also to make everyone ’s eyes shine. Sometimes dead ends are not crowded in. Maybe you look up and find that you are not walking in a dead end, but what you have The direction to look is just ahead.

In view of Chen Hao's sturdy life before exile, everyone has an inexplicable trust in him from the heart, and he feels that what he said and what he did must have some basis, and it was by no means unwarranted, nor would he say Some words that can't be done on the margins.

Chen Hao spread his hands and signaled everyone to think about it. He doesn't matter anyway, he has been considered as a player with unlimited energy. He has enough energy to support how to play.

Seven people, you look at me, I look at you, and occasionally look at the members of the program around you, these people try not to contact your eyes as much as possible, or they lower their heads or focus on shooting with the machine, they are actually in their hearts Going down the river, I feel that someone suddenly came forward and said that I want to be my own. I do n’t challenge the rules of your show group, but I also wo n’t let myself follow your rhythm easily. I ’m physically and mentally tired, and sometimes I ’m more than waiting. Some things are even more difficult to accept and persist.

"I think Haozi makes a lot of sense. We are out here to play. Everyone is more casual. It is better to have more autonomy. If it is for me to choose, I will choose to be more comfortable. Even if it is more troublesome, it will take our time. Our schedule is our own decision. "Yang Youning said first. He was the most adventurous one and also eager to try new things.

"I just want to know, if we play by ourselves, what tricks can we play?" As the youngest sister, Guan Xiaotong doesn't talk very much on weekdays. She is like Naza because she can't bear so many responsibilities Do not speak easily. The difference is that she is more in line with the positioning of the show. The things arranged by the show group need to be displayed by the stars. She has shown it carefully and played very well. Before coming to South Africa, she was with Yang Youning and became Hi point very low duo, you can enter the state in advance without almost warming up.

Zhang Ruoji also nodded aside, Guan Xiaotong also expressed his thoughts. The two of them thought about the same, that is, we must pay attention to the effect of the program. Of course, it is best to not need too much physical and mental fatigue. , Still have to relax a bit, the atmosphere is a bit too tense, neither of them like it.

Everyone followed their two questions, and they looked at Chen Hao. He shrugged and looked like he had no plans: "I never thought of where to go and where to play. Who stipulated that we must only be here Stay for a few days, as long as we have enough money, then we can play for two more days and leave enough time to complete the task. In fact, it depends on everyone, in the final analysis, to face the camera beautifully, or To be more arrogant sometimes, let ’s go to see what Africa has to offer. As the two countries with the highest security factors in Africa, there are also many people who come to travel now. I do n’t think you need to think too much about security ... ”

Chen Hao didn't talk much anymore, and it did n’t make much sense to talk too much. The trip was for eight people, and the show was for a group of people. How did you get it? Everyone has any last thoughts. He was holding the processed meat-eating sheep. , Set up a bonfire, not to stop participating in the discussion, no matter how much dinner is always eaten, even if you decide to follow the footsteps of the show group, you will not go to bed at six or seven o'clock, and now only five o'clock, slow roasting for two hours is enough Already.

For example, Lai Yumeng, Nazha, and Jing Bairan are actually hesitant. They are not the type that can survive in the wild. To speak and play, this mind is estimated to have not even one tenth of their inner desire, most of them are For the TV show, now they are suddenly challenged to the established game mode. They are a little embarrassed and they are initially resistant. However, after seeing the three of Yang Youning opening their mouths and feeling their ideas, they will not express their ideas directly. , But euphemistically asked some questions about what would happen if we did.

Yang Youning: "Is it interesting because I don't know what happened?"

He said this truth that everyone always feels is not free, not because travel has financial restrictions, not because someone is photographing himself 24 hours, not to complete the task according to a fixed task flow, but from himself The original heart, never thought of giving myself some freedom within the rules, thinking that since I have made rules, I am not free, and just follow the rules.

This is the misunderstanding of human thinking. As human beings, billions of humans are living within the rules, but they have billions of lives. The difference is how you choose how to fight for them.

The word "fun" moved everyone, and the smiling faces from the camp staff and the landlords gave them motivation. Yeah, we are here, not passing by, no matter what flight, let alone, let ’s go with you today Carnival, as to whether to change the way the program is played is not important, at least to change my departure time, this point of the courage to change and the ability to deal with change.


"You want to bake, okay, you just do it, every few minutes, just sprinkle a little less seasoning, it's easy."

Guan Xiaotong wants to try roasted sheep, and Chen Hao does n’t care if she can control it, even if it ’s roasted somehow, the purpose of coming out is to make everyone as happy as possible, living and working in the city are depressed every day Your own personality comes out to release.

Perhaps it was because everyone felt for the first time that they had broken the small rules in the big rules. The feeling of ecstasy made everyone feel a sigh of relief, no matter what decision they made, there was no show group beside them. Word blocking, which also allowed them to taste the joy of release, and they also began to feel that the camera next to them is no longer a bondage. You shoot and slap. At most, I do n’t do some indecent things. What is my personality like on weekdays? Then it works well. I ca n’t cook. Can I wash vegetables and fruits in the past? Try to cut some greens and fruits, right?

Anything, I am afraid of an attempt. As long as you dare to try, there is a possibility of success. Even if it is not very successful, it is exactly what the crew wants. For example, Jiang Shuying and Naza went to cut vegetables. Let everyone laugh, this laughter is contagious, and the emotional release from the heart, even if what you do is ridiculous, it falls into the eyes of the people next to it, and the laughter is also goodwill. This is the joy of everyone preparing dinner together, including the people here. Even if some people can't communicate with each other, in this atmosphere, the communication of eyes and some simple body movements is enough.

I really feel a lot happier ~ ~ Is it because of an afternoon break?

Or is it because of the successful accomplishment of escorting the giraffe?

Or did you finally choose to do it yourself?

I ca n’t say the road is unknown, but everyone likes it. This dinner is really everyone ’s hands. There is no Chinese or Western food. It can even be said that there are no meals. Everyone stood casually, the beer turned on, the coolness of the hot summer cold beer permeated everyone's pores, the lights turned on, and the center around everyone was the roasted lamb that had exuded the aroma.


They have a dinner together, and the show team is also discussing over it. Do n’t look at them on the surface they are all wooden people not talking, but suddenly there has been such a big change in the show. The team in Africa and the team in Yanjing must gather together. Discuss together, will they play like this? Is it dangerous? Is there anything to watch?

OK, why not, viewers watch outdoor reality shows, don't they just watch this feeling? Wouldn't it be interesting if everything was arranged in advance and all were fake?

Is there anything to watch? A picture emerged in the minds of every participant, but they could not really freeze the picture completely. They did not have an accurate positioning on what this group of people would play, and they shot it like this. The effect is unknown. However, because of this, the program team is willing to increase investment when there may be some dangerous situations, and let them play, secretly, in Africa, contact regular security companies to organize a security force for a small team.

Hao Zi, you used to be the black spot we thought was going through the back door.

Midway is an uncertainty we feel may be out of our control.

Now you will be the one who stirred the show.

I count on you.

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