Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 211: Piano prince

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"Congratulations for completing the daily tasks and getting the reward for the piano prince."

"Post daily tasks, host a fan party offline, give back to tourists, and all expenses except travel expenses will be borne by the anchor, at least one hundred people."

Piano prince, as soon as this skill appeared, Chen Hao knew what it was. There was a guitar master in front of him, which had made him famous in the field of pop music and relying on a guitar, even if it was harsh. People criticize his songs for not being deep enough, and they all admit that his guitar is really good.

Regarding the newly acquired skills, in fact, one word can describe its power and function. For Chen Hao, he is a anchor, he can play rock wildly, or he can sit in white elegantly by the piano. Like a prince, presenting a new attitude to others.

More skill possession and reasonable matching will enrich your live broadcast content, make the entire live broadcast more changeable, and make your own image more diversified. As a result, the picture sense will be more strong.

After a brief moment in my mind, all the attention was still transferred to the scene. He delivered beer and fruit plates to the audience, and he also conveyed a kind of awareness to everyone. You hold me, I thank you, and I will give you back from time to time. I am a performer, and in your heart are all the gifts that are respected for my performance. I am glad to accept and sincerely thank you, but if you feel you have two money and want to find some pictures here, you will never give them. Any chance you have, you are the customer is God, but I will also have a way to make you back.

The bottle was raised in the audience, everyone drank a glass of wine, and along with Chen Hao's slogan, there was a very neat slogan on the scene. Everyone followed his rhythm to make the scene more crazy, and cooperated with Chen Hao The dj Tommy is completely stupid. He doesn't believe there is such a crazy scene. Even if there are many fans who like Chen Hao on the scene, there are still a considerable number of guests. Their madness is hi. It was brought up by Chen Hao. This evening, Tommy had a feeling of being of little value to himself, even if he was the most proud of scratching the dish, there were many people at the scene to support it on weekdays, but today all of a sudden It becomes insignificant, even if there is no serious dj, there is a novice dj who can cooperate with his scene, it can still be this effect.

In awe, it ’s easier to have the idea of ​​persuasion. Now Tommy ’s state is like this. He is quite convinced of Chen Hao. People in the local area are quite powerful and capable. They must be here in Meicheng within three years. Boiled rice is the best choice.

Thinking of this, Tommy's cooperation is even harder. Chen Hao also felt his hard work and pushed Tommy when he was about to leave the scene.

"Let's welcome dj Tommy to bring us more wonderful midnight. Good time. Now, time is Tommy's. Don't stop your body. Let's follow Tommy together and move."

With regard to Chen Hao's words, Tommy almost shed tears. He wanted to yell at this time. Whoever said that the current oxen figures have eyes above the top, whoever offends others must be humble and kneel. Being trampled, look now, this is the atmosphere.

Tommy worked hard to show his skill of scratching the disc. Chen Hao's microphone hardly sounded again, and he didn't try to grab his personal show time, but at a very important point, with a few sounds, the whole performance was even more Complete, until more than three minutes later, Tommy completed the talent show, entered the scene to play the dj time, the whole dance time, Chen Hao exited, and rested in the back.

The sea man was still there, and pulled him directly to his office, giving him a thumbs up. It was awesome. At this scene, compared to Xiangjiang and Yanjing, it was not bad. It can be said that he had a full set of audio on site. The equipment is not as good as the big investment night markets in those big cities, but to say that Hao Zi is not as good as those well-known djs and mcs in the night markets, he definitely dares to bet something with the other party.

At this time, Chen Gang came in holding the notebook and returned it to Chen Hao. In fact, the mobile phone can also be used, but if you want the best live effects to be passed back intact, or the official equipment equipped on the notebook will have a lower quality. It is said that Lele is currently cooperating with well-known international computer brands to prepare a fully integrated Lele exclusive notebook. From what I heard and heard, there is no need to make a lot of equipment.

The sea compared to Chen Hao with a gesture to signal you to broadcast you, I will not bother you here.

A waiter brought hot towels, warm water, a fruit platter, and a box of golden throat throat treasure. Chen Hao nodded with a smile and thanked him. He wiped his face and neck with the hot towel, and smiled at the screen of the notebook: " Comrades, how are you going tonight, it ’s almost a little bit, why are n’t you going to sleep? ”

His unquestionable tone, that was meaningless, and some points became the exclusive mode of live interaction. For example, when he said this, the public screen immediately took off: "213"

This is the way that tourists interact with him, make fun of him, you know why we do n’t all sleep, and you say it on purpose, do n’t you let us mock you? Isn't it because your show is wonderful, don't you just want us to praise you? No, we don't brag about you, just to say you 213, this is also a way we love you.

"Okay, everyone is scattered earlier. Do n’t take any change in anyone ’s pocket. Just leave it here. I'm afraid you are too hid to go to sleep. After going out, this change may mean which one is small. The girl teases you, just you, I know so well. If the little girl shouts a few brothers, you can't control the brush for others. Hurry up, don't control it, brush it out quickly, and finish it. Go live for supper, no matter how, no response, brothers, do n’t cancel your attention, who is taking the rhythm, I ’m wrong, I should n’t pretend to be b, everyone forgive me, and reported me the late-night money. Hurry up, I'm going to broadcast ... "

He likes this kind of interaction. He likes fighting more like friends than idols and fans. Everyday, everyone jokes. They run to ridicule themselves when they encounter something wrong. He feels very good, and he wo n’t Kindly ridicule these tourists, like a family.

Mangong screen, no one brushes gifts, tourists are happy, I think this is another counterattack against Hao Zi, let you know, talk about how many gifts we are willing to brush for you, and threaten us, do n’t brush Here you are, mad at you, please, please, we will brush it for you.

Just then, the mess came.

In the past month, Yaer, who had brushed various gifts here at random, always spent it in Chen Hao, and one or two months ago, there were also two or three hundred thousand gifts, which were broadcast live on any of the anchors. In the meantime, they are all tyrants worthy of hard maintenance.

She never had any pictures when she was presenting gifts. It was just a show of mood. When a song Chen Hao sang well, she would sing a song. When a story was told with laughter, she would balloon. One thing was moving. , Will brush out to hug ...

Brushing a few will never produce the effect according to the number of gifts set by Lele. It is to brush according to your own mood, and you do n’t fix the number of brushes every day. Such a local tyrant, although some neurotic, sometimes looks strange. Talking is different from ordinary people's thoughts. For the anchor, it is still necessary to take good care of it in the palm of your hand. Who can give you two or three hundred thousand a month. When you encounter such a person, you must be an uncle to coax of.

In other live broadcast rooms, she can hardly see her figure. Sporadicly to some live broadcast rooms, everyone knows that this is a great way to spend money at Haozi's house, and they want to win over and get some benefits. This is still the neurotic Gao Lengfan'er, whoever loves you, if you do n’t care about you, you do n’t care about you, if you leave your live studio, you leave, do n’t you have any fans scold her, close private chats, close friends. I never look at the public screen. Maybe what software is used to do other things to block the public screen.

Until now the TV came out ~ ~ This Yaer gameplay is even more TV-based. Don't play bar screens or watch other people typing, just watch the anchor live.

No, everyone is enjoying the embarrassment of giving Hao Zi there, this one comes up again, and the small gifts are still so casual, sometimes a dozen, sometimes hundreds, it feels like she is casual Get it, after a while, brushed five or six thousand. Chen Hao laughed. He knew that Yaer did n’t seem to like joking, and he could n’t help making fun of it, so he did n’t say anything. Wave your hand: "Tonight's live broadcast is over here. Thank you Yaer for the supper. I promise to eat more than two or two. I stay in shape tonight. If I don't do it, I will definitely eat something. Do n’t control everyone who is hungry. In this good season, it ’s time to relax and find a few friends to enjoy the happiness of the year before. ”


After eating supper, Chen Hao couldn't bear this supper. He had a mirror in his heart. Most of his current physical change was his own effort. A small part of it was relying on the potential of physical fitness to develop the diet. The effect of ingestion was avoided by the small half of the physical fitness dan, which was left well, and the impurities were not directly absorbed. Occasionally eating such a meal in a hatter would not have any impact on Chen Hao.

Homecoming Chen Hao, full, comfortable, and not hungry, this is to go online to look at the piano, ready to pick a good one, watching and watching, he began to have a new environment for the current live broadcast Ideas and requirements, if you do that, the space here is really too small, and you will get more abilities in the future. If you have the ability to occupy more places to display, are you still trying to solve it instead of directly Is there a solution?

: Just arrived at home, take a day off, and give everyone the peace of mind to code, and more. To read a refreshing novel, go to [Netio]

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