Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 171: You are mediocre without being jealous

Send me an EP?

Chen Hao stunned. He never thought about this. He has always been full of confidence in the way of his anchor, but he can transform from anchor to release singer. He didn't dare to think about it. Someone suddenly told himself , Lad, you are doing very well. We are optimistic about you. We want to increase your visibility and send you an EP to market you.

"Manager Niu, I've been practicing dance and filming promotional videos recently. Isn't the dance picture the best? Don't you expect me?"

Hao Zi has always been famous on the Internet for surprise tourists. The manager Niu also took a few seconds and glanced at the time: "Since you insist, try it, ugly words are in front, this is not yours You also saw it during the live broadcast. They are all big anchors. Time is short and tasks are urgent. I will not give you more time. You must understand this.

"I know."

Soon, everyone knew what Chen Hao was going to do. In spite of surprise, some people were curious, some were disdainful, and some were sneered at the heart. Isn't this arrogant?

Like MISS, Meimei came to walk with her and showed her unique temperament. She also prepared some photos and videos, which were cut from her live broadcast. Some pictures are put in.

Like Yeye, just put two POSS. Give him twenty seconds and don't know what to do.

It ’s enough for a small person to completely show her bubbling image, how to be tender and how to make people ’s hearts ripple, and when you are done, you will succeed.

Dongge wants to take a shot of Mai.

Kerr has to take a shot of the host.

Everyone showed their strongest place and cooperated with the prepared information videos and photos for the editing of the director. Chen Hao suddenly changed here. If he did n’t have to stand alone, it was the official first place today. Asked him once, before the official thought that everyone would take out the best talents, how can there be a guy who is against the sky, can bring out new talents in such a short time.

"Then jump, then? What will you do?"

"Just give me a rhythm."

Chen Hao really wanted to say, I can do anything, the truth is the truth, he was terrified immediately after speaking, he became an image that you are too brave, even if it turns out that he does jump everything, it will leave no Modest image.

What dance can catch everyone's attention in the shortest time, no doubt, the popular street dance, the most difficult version, has the most visual effect.

A piece of rhythm music appeared. When Chen Hao first came out, it only took ten seconds to conquer all the people on the scene who knew a little dance. People who do n’t understand quickly take it. They do n’t know professional, but they understand what the visual sensory stimulus looks like. The other person ’s body is completely like a machine with oil applied. The movement completely violates the conventionally understood limb movements, and it is so smooth to do.

After a few handsome moves, Chen Hao was also the first time, and the desire that he showed in his heart came out, not to show it to others, just to show himself and let him feel the charm of dance.

Thomas spins.

An eighth-level action, Chen Hao's body warmed up, and he played directly. There was a burst of screams on the scene. It seems that ordinary people can come a few times in a row. That is too great. The strength of the wrist is stronger, and the physical quality is better. You can do the tricks on the ground for dozens of seconds or one minute just like the hip-hop masters in the videos on the Internet.

After getting up, Chen Hao didn't forget to take a few very handsome ending moves. Finally, in the act of a sister-in-law, he was walking a Jackson's space slide, approaching Kerr, holding her chin, head He looked in the past and seemed to kiss her.

At half-time, he signaled the music to stop, and then the whole person suddenly seemed to be approaching a robot without electricity, and made a set of intelligent robots that were about to run out of electricity. This was too high-end, and everyone around him was stunned. When he finally seemed to be completely dead, lowered his arms, lowered his head, and the whole person stood still. Everyone applauded him, even those who had other ideas in his heart. The wonderful performance applauded. Eighth Lord also directly came to a finger whistle with a loud voice, which gave cheer to this applause.

The director, manager Niu, and all the corresponding personnel at the scene were all foolish. Good is good, and good or good.

"Sunny day, are you two together, is there a problem?" The director thought of the main rhythm of this promotional film as sunny dance, mainly street dance, accompanied by modern dance.

A sunny day glanced at Chen Hao, his eyes were full of attractive brilliance, and signaled to the scene to give her the music she needed for a while, raised Chen's chin towards Chen Hao, greeted Chen Hao with a kind of street dance, and saw whether he was A set of actions is still really integrated, and it can be played well by giving the rhythm completely.

Just one minute later, Sunny knew that he didn't need to prove anything anymore. This guy was good enough, nodded at the director, and felt a little bit more in this heart about Chen Hao. This guy said he was the official The real son was really overwhelmed. He cooperated with the running man yesterday, and the baby also came. Others became the backdrop. He Haozi became the protagonist of the night.

Today, this promo is mostly talented. She is the protagonist on a sunny day. She kicks off the curtain and ends it, and then the final lock screen of the group photo. Now that Chen Hao has the ability, she does not mind the identity of the protagonist. Give him half.

This is also a man and a woman. It is absolutely impossible to change to a man and a man, a woman and a woman.

Chen Hao took a break, drank a bit of water, and dissipated sweat. He could feel hostility and be mediocre without being jealous. With the perfect anchor system being developed a little bit, his ability was getting stronger and stronger before the people. There are more and more opportunities, like what the system says. It ’s all like this. Are you still step by step? Still not domineering to say that I am the best? You have the arrogance and the strength to match the arrogance, and the rest is to fight with countless opponents, cut down one by one, and let everyone recognize your strength and your domineering.

Now Chen Hao needs time to prove his excellence. What is Lele's trick? Do not fight each other, it is more popular than gifts than offline development, you are popular 100,000, monthly income is over one million, you have an endorsement contract offline, regardless of how you and the guild and offline brokerage companies are divided, on the table You are enough to be happy, your excellence, I can only be jealous in secret, on the surface we must work hard to make progress, and strive to ensure that everyone is always on the same level.

But if you are not enough on the front line and do not reach the level recognized by everyone, you will show your excellence, and will inevitably be secretly blocked by some villains to prevent you from developing, even if it is harmful to others. Not to mention harming others and selfishness, I stepped you down completely, and I will have one less competitor in the future.

Fortunately, today is only ten people here. The real direct competition with Chen Hao in the future is Dongge, Huaze and Yaoye. The rest are almost female anchors. The popularity between them will not be too serious. There is a male Zhang Xiaobei who is so busy working offline that he can't finish the job, that is, to take time, while on the road or during breaks, start a live broadcast to chat with you, who is the best on your music? It has nothing to do with me, not to mention having an interest relationship.

Because Chen Hao ’s 'Birth in the Sky' made the director very happy, this time there are more choices for shooting, but for others, it is bound to his time will be compressed, and the emotion of shooting is not too high. Over and over again.

The boxed lunch came and took a short break. Sunny and Keer sat beside Chen Hao left and right, gave him the meat clip in his lunch box, and chatted in a low voice: "See if you see it, everyone looks at your eyes, ready to meet Is the storm going? The year is also over, and the competition for the new year has begun. Are you still preparing for 6pm? "

Chen Hao said, his tourists and fans are used to this time period.

Kerr: "There is no dominant anchor in this time period, it's up to you, but the time period from five to eight is the most chaotic time period ~ ~ Reality artists will occasionally broadcast live for a while at In this time period, some activities will be around 7 o'clock, and some birthday parties will also be in this time period. I have tried this time period, which is the most unstable time period for live broadcast throughout the day. You were not so popular before Fortunately, after the year, you have to think about it. "

But Kerr saw the performance of the two people next to him, rolled his eyes, lifted his hand and grabbed Chen Hao's ear, and dragged it directly: "Hey, if you two can't bear it, just tonight Make an appointment in the Eight Scriptures, and have a deeper understanding of each other. But now in public, don't make two people look hungry and thirsty. "

After showing the ability to dance, Sunny became interested in Chen Hao, and kept staring sideways at him, trying to see what else he liked about this guy. The temper, the style of acting, the ability and talent, are all their own dishes, this man is a bit interesting.

"Okay, come to my room at night, let's talk in depth."

In a sunny sentence, I directly sprayed Chen Haogan, and I still got it. I coughed continuously, and my face became red. I patted him on the sunny day, but he opened the mineral water and handed it to him. "You too This is a good point, or I'll be there in the evening. Let's have a good in-depth talk together? "

"You two, stimulate me again, I really did you."

"Rinse mouth and take a picture."

The previous words were in Chen Hao's heart. He really wanted to grit his teeth.

The latter words were what he said.

He tells himself this way, real man, no fight, real man, watching action, two stinky girls, at that time, don't hide, I will let you really know how real your brother Hao really is.

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