Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 167: I have enough time to roll over

At the end of the award ceremony, Chen Hao did not go out to eat with Lao Cai's bureau. Instead, he brought the more than forty fans to support himself. He found a better restaurant and invited everyone to eat. After the meal, there will be a return from the city. At home, let the drivers brought by Chen Gang and Ye Zisan bring them to the car respectively, and leave the phone number of each person, and they will contact to confirm that they are home safely.

No one left, I went back to Yeziu Express Hotel to rest. I will be out again early in the morning. It ’s all scheduled to arrive at 9 o’clock in the evening. But Keer and Sunny call me and invite the three of them to go to steaming, beauty, Massage to dispel the tiredness after a tiring day. The two will participate in the shooting of the promotional video and the exclusive interview tomorrow. They did not play with Lao Cai's gang tonight.

"I'm not going, you guys have a good time, I will be broadcasting live for a while."

Back at the hotel where he lived, Chen Hao gave Qianer and Jiang Meiyan separate information. Both of them did not leave the house. They came back to live after eating dinner. They brought fruit and some snacks. Chen Hao first sat in Qianer's room. She While the live broadcast is on, the arrival of Chen Hao makes the public screen a ghostly wolf again. Men and women, when these two words appear separately in a space, no matter whether they are in that state, everyone will do the same.

Are you two, hiring from the facts?

Qianer's live broadcast is basically playing music and chatting with everyone in a soft voice. She has just taken a shower with a faint fragrance. In fact, there is one of her girlfriends in the room. Chen Hao is broadcasting live. After a brief interview, I left politely after a few words of conversation, and told Qianer that if he was going out tomorrow, he would need to say hello in a car. The two girls went out of their lives and were inconvenient.

In Jiang Meiyan's room, he said the same thing, but he turned shopping out into a drop-off. The little girl was seen today. At the annual awards ceremony, she still met a lot of people, and because of her cuteness, It is the anchor in another country that will get such attention. How many anchors have no pictures in the annual awards ceremony. In fact, there are only a few shots that have not been edited. She is considered good. According to Chen Hao's view, she is definitely in the guild. Can be regarded as a potential new anchor, he felt that wasting time and resources on Guo Kai, is not as good as cultivating Jiang Meiyan.

Chen Hao cherishes those who are willing to be friends with himself, and is willing to pay more to formally establish the relationship between friends, and then strive to become a good friend, so that the road of life will be more exciting.

The other party was a girl, and Chen Hao paid special attention, but just sat for a few minutes before leaving. Many things were no longer unreasonable. He still hoped that even if it just happened, it would be natural, not deliberate. For it.

Back in his room, Chen Gang had all the equipment ready, the commissioning was completed, and the network was tested. He changed a piece of clothes, washed his face, brushed his teeth and rinsed his mouth to ensure that he would not show teeth during the live broadcast. There are still vegetable stains between the seams, pour a cup of hot water, smoke a half cigarette, and start the live broadcast.

Today ’s live broadcast content is relatively single, but it is the live broadcast that tourists care about and like the most. Occasionally, it will greatly increase the cohesion of tourists fans in the live broadcast room.

Tell the story of today's students, answer the questions of tourists, and present the questions that tourists care about one by one.

"Yeah, today's sunny day is really beautiful. The uniqueness is one aspect. She got up to swim and fitness early in the morning. Rome was not built in a day. Her beautiful display is the result of hard work."

"Escape" is a song I just wrote. I like that feeling a lot. You guys also like it. That ’s great. If you can, make it together this time. Anyway, Haitian brother consumes it. "How come tall and how come, we can not save money for Haitian brother, he is such a wayward person, we save him money, he is not happy."

"Well, Ye Zi and the three of them are here. You have seen the video of friends from Modu. They should be in the hotel now. They might go out shopping at night, and send them back safely tomorrow."

"I'm still shooting mV here. I haven't met the team yet. I will stay in Modu for two days when news from Haitian Brothers. Hey, said Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, Hai Tian's phone ..."

"Hey, brother, what about my live broadcast, is it okay? Handsfree."

"I know, watch you live, I'll pick you up later, meet the director of mV, and chat, actress, are you going to use the guild's anchor?"

"Well, this time cooperate with Qianer."

"it is good."

The phone hangs up, and the public screen is swiping the screen to ask about the shooting of mV. Chen Hao didn't hide it. Outspoken, this time the heroine cooperated with Qianer. This answer was inevitably asked about his relationship with Qianer. .

"Dear brothers, I'm not so capable, but Ye Jiaojiao is beautiful and not discounted. It is Jiang Meiyan, and it is sunny and okay. Here is another shallow one. You really deserve me. You really want to be able to do it. I ’m cola, is n’t that the king of guns? Do n’t think about it, everyone is a friend, let ’s say, let sunny weather be ruined. Whoever sees me now is joking for three seconds, making me all I do n’t feel confident, sometimes I doubt myself, eh, is n’t it sunny for a few of you to be honest, to be honest, is n’t the beauty salon technician Lele number watching the live broadcast, I started the live broadcast, and you did n’t show up alone, They all come in. "

His shout really worked. The sunny number came in, a gift 'bomb', obviously angry at him just saying his words.

"Don't flash the bomb, Carmel speaks."

Keer, Ye Zi, Jiao Jiao, and beauty are not discounted. Several people's numbers all opened in just one minute. Obviously, they were watching the live broadcast just now.

"We are doing skin care. Would you like to come, but it's nothing at all." Sunny Kamai talked and laughed with laughter. Now they have formed a habit of laughing at Chen Hao. It seems that he doesn't laugh at him all day. , Life is unpleasant.

Chen Hao asked the tourists directly, "Brothers, you said, they have to wonder if I really did them, and let them know what the heft and fierce pile driver is."

The audience did not need to take a rhythm. They collectively played a number of 213 and scrolled the screen to indicate the meaning of 2B. Everyone did not believe that he could turn over to a serf and sing. These female generals were already bullied into their bones. I also want to reverse, it's difficult, he is just bragging.

"Come on, three seconds, I'll turn around enough time for you to refresh."


More than 70% of Chen Hao is performing. 30% is really convinced by Ke Er's sturdyness. The appearance of a spurt of old blood. If you are a woman with a rough look, you wo n’t have this feeling. It's a big beauty like Ker, she will let you deeply enter a state of skeptical life. Is it that I have never understood the world at all, or that the world has become too fast, I simply cannot keep up with this rhythm Already.

The three daughters of Ye Zi expressed their feelings by brushing gifts. They can see that they are all very happy. First, they brushed a dozen gifts of 213, turned around, and Ye Zi began to brush red hearts. I love you gifts, 521 One set of brushes. Jiaojiao was not to be outdone, kissed the baby, 21 brushes in groups. If you want to be beautiful, don't discount it.

This live broadcast room instantly became a live broadcast room for dog food. It was not one-on-one. It was a lot of women who were alone with Hao Zi. The pink sweet color suddenly burst away the atmosphere just now. One is not a handsome handsome man. Sunshine boy, all the gifts in his live studio are painted by women, and some other female fans have come to make fun, so that Chen Hao slightly covered his face: "I have a little need, or else, you come Well, I'm going out tonight, one every three seconds, and I'm going to do it all night and serve you all. "

The vomiting expression in the audience was brushed up ~ ~ The female vomiting expression was brushed up, the male brushed out, hahaha, today the live room did not perform talents such as singing and singing, and the atmosphere was surprisingly good. It was 100,000, and until Chen Haoguan's live broadcast, the number grew slowly and steadily. Everyone saw today's annual awards ceremony. During the whole year, the most vivid picture was sunny, then the running man, and then Kerr. He performed well in front of Cai Kangyong, and then Chen Hao. From the stage of interacting with the baby to singing two songs, he undoubtedly took the last bus of the 'protagonist' tonight and stood in the 'protagonist' tonight.

As for the supporting role, everyone is fighting for it. Guo Kaiben was not qualified to become a supporting role, but because he successfully pulled Dongge's hatred, he was promoted to the supporting role. After the annual award ceremony ended, this matter was regarded as a joke or conspiracy. On the spread, the joke is to laugh at Guo Kai's nourishing dishes, and the conspiracy refers to this. Guo Kai was deliberately caused by someone's instructions. Even the staff members were deliberately made mistakes, otherwise no other award was wrong. Just went wrong with the male gold medal artist, is it to make Guo Kai get the attention in another way? Haven't held it up for a year, but now try to find it?

As the "protagonist", there are many people who see Haozi. As a trick in the supporting role, Guo Kai had no chance to go out to play at night. He was directly taken away by Gao Hongbo and discussed countermeasures. How to talk to Dongge? Go over there to minimize the impact. Time is not much for them. Dongge broadcasts at 10 o'clock every night.

Today, half an hour later, the live broadcast was started. Twenty minutes after the live broadcast of Chen Haoguan, he started the live broadcast. As soon as it was broadcast, it was fired directly. Kai Yan came over and hanged ...

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