Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 156: Stand up straight

At 9:40, Guo Kai returned to the hotel. There were two reasons for not going out. First, most of the anchors could n’t reach it. Several night shows or KTVs were piles of piles. He was angry when he was waiting for someone together, and he wouldn't go any further than this card, and he was destined to lose, so why bother himself? Second, he felt lucky tonight, and he was going to be open, the girl who has been chatting The anchor gave me a chance tonight. In the past two days, he felt that he was frustrated in his career, but he was emotionally smooth, because he wanted to meet each other in the year, and the relationship was getting closer and closer. She agreed to go to her room.

Guo Kai is not simply dazzled by women. He feels that the attitude of the other party has changed partly because he is now in a different position. He has won the top three in the best male gold artist category, regardless of how the outside world passes it. The fact is that He will appear on the stage to receive the award. Whoever doesn't want to tie up the anchor, he is confident that he will take another step in the next year, and he won't waste his time working as a leader of this soy sauce group.

Back at the hotel, I also specially made a styling, sprayed a little perfume, brushed my teeth, put a few special balloons in my pocket, and smiled at the corner of his mouth. Guo Kai shook three steps and arrived at the anchor's room. After knocking on the door and entering , The other party was playing mobile phone and watching TV, he sat directly next to the bed, the hand pestle was inside the bed, already very close to the other party.

"Little monster, are you hungry? Let's go out for supper together."

The female anchor called Xiaoyue shook her head: "I just came back and ca n’t eat anymore. Did n’t you say you want to talk to me about the official content to be updated? The infrared video is gone, what good benefits are waiting for us, tell me Say."

For the anchors with capital, the ban on infrared video is a benefit, so that those anchors who rely on infrared video equipment to mingle on the network, remove the camouflage early, and roll out of the platform early, leaving more positions for the anchor with capital.

Guo Kai got the opportunity to come to the door just because he had inside information. He turned inward and turned to lie on the bed, side by side with the little demon. He also tried the flexibility of the test bed. After coming up, his body was still upside down. Two times.

"Hello." The little demon frowned.

"I'm telling you ..." Guo Kai, who was already a color-grant-soul-with, had some alcohol to drink at night, and the alcohol had already rushed into the head: "Little demon, I like you." Then, the man rushed up, Hold the other side fiercely, and go up and open.

"Hey, what are you doing, Guo Kai, you let go, what are you doing."

"Let it go, you get up, what are you doing!"

The reaction of the demon was not half-pushing at all. Poor Guo Kai hadn't thought about that much at this time. In the past, he didn't touch the female anchor. It was only half-pushing, giving you a chance. As long as you are tough, I ca n’t resist, who cares about that in this era. If something really happens with you, say something awkward, and let you Guo Kai help Lian Mai to become popular, are you sorry? Despicable, sometimes there is no bottom line, but Guo Kai today has no luck.

"Let go!"



When the little demon shouted and screamed, Guo Kai suddenly realized that something was wrong, so shouting, even if the hotel soundproofing is not good, what does she mean, do you like this tone? No, she is ...

Bang, the room was opened, and several people rushed in. Seeing the scene inside the room, all of them were filled with indignation: "Hey, Guo Kai in the happy age, you, you bastard."

"Drag it, pull it down!"


Twenty-eight guys, dragged Guo Kai off the bed when they went up, one by one angry, slap fists and flying kicks to greet him without hesitation, there is nothing idle in his mouth, scolding everything.

Xiao Xiao Yao tidy up his clothes, stood in front of Guo Kai, who had been knocked down, and took a sip at him fiercely.

"Be polite to him, drag out and report it."

Hearing such words, body pain and anger in the body, Guo Kai could only temporarily set aside. At this time, he was blocked in the house, and he didn't say anything clearly without doing anything. Anyone would stand on such things. Look at the problem from a woman's perspective.

A snot and a tear did not care about the pain. Fortunately, I just tried to protect my face. My face was not really hit directly. Kneeling on the ground with my hands raised above my head. Surrender and defense. Slap him and stop him.

别 "Do n’t report it. I drank too much, I drank too much, little demon. I did n’t mean it just now. Forgive me, please forgive me."

"I beg you, don't say it out loud and say that everyone's face is not good-looking, I am willing to compensate, after all, I did nothing."

Guo Kai just straightened his back, and someone behind him was uncomfortable listening to him. He slaps his head against the back of his head: "Nothing has been done, what do you want to do, you TM. D really wants to do to the demon What is it, then you **** is not like this now, you know? "

"I know, I know, I know everything, you can say whatever you want, I can, just ask everyone to let this thing pass." Guo Kai was a little hesitant, completely incoherent, and did not know what he was saying what.

"But this is what you said. You ca n’t handle this today. Let the guild executives come. Do n’t feel embarrassed. There is no agreement that we are willing to accept. Why should we keep this secret for you? Even if it is resolved, the entire network will know that you Guo Kai intends to use strong tomorrow. Do n’t hang around on this network in the future. You know what I ’m talking about, and will I explain it to you? ”

"No more useless."

The nose and tears were completely mixed, and her hair was chaotic. When Gao Hongbo entered the room, he saw Guo Kai completely without the sights of the past. He knelt on the ground, bowed his head, and did not speak. , What the next person said he should.

After seeing Gao Hongbo, Guo Kai's eyes brightened, and he opened his mouth to say that he had been designed, and was photographed by the little devil's little show. Today, this is a complete game. When it comes to his mouth, Gao Hongbo opens his mouth and blocks it in advance. Go back and give Guo Kai a stern glance. He doesn't know the specific process of the incident, but he knows the principle of being beaten up. Since you have been arrested for a current situation, then don't say anything. You explain it at all. Not sure.

"Let him sit down. If you want to talk, we have a talk attitude. I want to talk to the people in your guild. No matter what level he is, at least he must be able to represent you. After we reach an agreement, you shut up. You ca n’t mention the word externally, I think that ’s what you want, or you wo n’t come to me to talk. ”

Crackling! !! !!

Others applauded: "It is indeed from the official, the problem is thorough, let ’s make it clear. This grandson is fortunately not doing anything, otherwise we have not talked about it, but our anchor spirit was frightened and needed compensation. Moreover, this What is your attitude in the era of gathering together, we did n’t fight, it ’s not that he blocked it, but we did n’t want to fight, we all ate at Lele, there was no contradiction between the guild and the guild, and we respect God ’s character. This matter only gives you room to maneuver, we can not say ... "

"I see." Gao Hongbo nodded and signaled that he knew it. After that, he tossed for more than an hour. Gao Hongbo called the guild twice. Guo Kai was like a sauerkraut sitting in a pile and sitting low. He didn't say a word. He knew that no matter what, this time the pigtail was severely held in the hands of others. Don't look at the good talk now, you can't predict that it will erupt sometime in the future. Male anchors and managers from the Little Demon Guild, each of them needs to shut their mouths tightly, and everyone will be the object they cannot provoke in the future.

At the same time, in the guild, he can be described as a disgrace. From Tiange to the following senior executives, he knows that he has lost such a big face. How will he face them in the future? Delusion has become a brother of the guild, at least in the short term, don't think about it, and then think of the contradiction between himself and Hao Zi, after that, the big brother has not favored the other directly ~ ~ 咦?

Guo Kai sat down with his head down, and cranky thoughts had the benefit of cranky thoughts. When he thought about it, a thought popped into his mind. Would the matter tonight be related to that Haozi? Did he deliberately set an arrangement to let Drill yourself?

No, this is the demon capital. The guild where the demon is is also a Lele first-line guild. When you do n’t follow the anchor ’s mercy, even if there is a very powerful consortium behind him. Besides, if such a thing he Haozi can clean up with such a perfect design, there is no need to fight against himself at the cost of leaving a bad impression with his brother.

Fully tossing until 1:30 in the middle of the night, Guo Kai followed Gao Hongbo and left the room. Even though there were tens of millions of unhappiness and anger, he knew that he must also swallow it and endure it, and his braids were in the hands of others, unless he did not want to be the anchor in the future. Then, if you log out of the network directly, you can use your own method to vent your anger, otherwise, the agreements signed tonight must be faithfully implemented by yourself, without any vagueness.


When Xun was rushed in by a group of people in the little demon's room, when Guo Kai was fattened, Xun Zhonghai called Chen Hao: "It's a good show."

昊 Chen Hao hung up the phone, stood at the railing on the second floor, and interacted with the DJ host on the spot. The other party understood it and did not hesitate to tout it for a long time. Some of these net reds finally dared to perform.

Chen Hao's response, all of a sudden the screams and shouts filled the whole night, all the anchor companions stood up and came to the railing, ready to really enjoy the performance of the newcomer king on the scene.

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