Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1481: Finally (end of book)

The island used for marriage is a newly developed tourist island. In an area such as the Bohai Bay, it is easier to enjoy different tourist experiences in the climate.

The direct island gives Chen Hao and his wife a certain share of dry shares, and it is inevitable that the wedding be placed here. After that, Chen Hao will also promote the entire island tourism industry chain as an image ambassador here. While obtaining the dry shares, Chen Hao He also disclosed all the items of the holiday island and the clear price, which was also one of his conditions.

It's not that you give me several hundred million shares worth, you can let me give up your principles for you, a wedding is worth the price, the rest of the image ambassador, but only a gift between friends.

Clothing, food, accommodation, entertainment experience, one-stop service links, all advertising types of products, all need to pay Chen Hao the corresponding costs, even if some of the advertising space placed on the cruise ship advertising products, not only cruise ships and tourist islands to make money, The account set up by Chen Hao's wedding planning department is to make a lot of money.

In the area where the wedding is held, it is even more expensive, and entertainment media from all over the world will gather here. In addition, quite non-entertainment media are also paying attention to this century wedding. It can be said that the influence of this wedding has even exceeded Weddings held by anyone in the world, even the British royal family, can not be compared in terms of influence coverage.

The entire wedding even registered a brand, covering a variety of property rights protection. Starting from the two people on the island, all the things used in the rooms where they passed, will become a brand product for marketing in the future.

The resort hotel on the island gave them the wedding room prepared by the two of them. After the listing, the gimmick of the wedding room where Chen Hao and Xiaodi got married could make the price of the five-digit room soar five times or even more. ten times.

The couple married for a few dishes, cakes, fruit nutrition products, etc., and even the wedding ceremony banquet in both Chinese and Western styles were specially sponsored with a large amount of money. To opportunity.

It seems that there are a wide variety of advertising implants, but in terms of perception, it has very harsh requirements. This is also Chen Hao's purpose. The advertising of real cattle is not that you walk and see a large plaque, and there is a giant plaque on it. The effect of large-scale advertisements, let alone say, Chen Hao does not allow such a low-end advertisement implantation method in his wedding.

The difficulty increases, and the ideas that come up are all powerful. What comes out of powerful ideas is a memory that is more likely to impress the viewer.

For example, cutlery is paired with a very delicate personal paper towel, and you make your own brand logo of the cutlery. You must make the tissue box of this paper towel so that the guests are interested in the carry-on bag. Then they will remember the probability of your brand tableware. Much bigger than the big logo you print on your tableware.

Because of the influence of Chen Hao alone, the entire island immediately became the focus of global attention. As long as it is done well, it means that this tourist route has been established directly. In the future, many people will definitely come to travel, even if they don't like the seaside. Yes, as long as they are fans of Haomen, they must also come over to get rid of the idol.

Not only the island, but the city where the port and dock connected to the island are also lively because of this wedding. Chen Hao is a hero post of Guangfa. Everyone thought that this wedding was definitely a gathering of celebrities and celebrities, but he did not expect that he would pay out of his own pocket. , Select and draw 3,000 Haomen fans in China, select and draw 2,000 fans abroad, invite them to witness their wedding together, and select and designate all the old fans who have followed him all the way, including many Manage him for those fans who have been serving on the official fan website, as well as some of the main members of the fan club.

In addition, there are still a large number of fans to come at their own expense. The throughput of the entire tourist island is naturally no problem. When the island was originally intended to be done, it was rich in funds. The future prospects were well thought out. Go talk about the project. When I was outspoken, Chen Hao would give publicity to the island. There are several high and middle grades on the island of the resort hotel. Everyone who invests in it feels profitable. I did not expect Chen Hao to put the wedding here. They go to sign some supplementary agreements that promise to protect the interests of tourists. Galaxy Headquarters and the Lost City are there. They also know that they must make quality a long-term strategic goal for the brand, and earn a little less in the short term to win the brand. The supplementary agreement was signed, and then the long-term investment operation was started.

From the preparation to the official arrival of this day, there are really many expectations. Mango Channel, Penguin Video, and Lele Live Broadcasting will exclusively broadcast the wedding in a small range in three ways: TV station, webcast and webcast platform. Mango station It ’s a TV station. It is necessary to perform various clips. The Penguin video and Lele live broadcast are all round-the-clock reels. For a few hours, the night scene here was broadcast live, and some interviews were done. Too many people know what the benefits of photogenic are for such a big event.

There are also several live broadcast channels abroad, all of which have purchased the live broadcast rights of this wedding at a high price. Stars from all walks of life have arrived early, and two days in advance abound, because here is already lively two days in advance. The charter flight arrived, and the entire island went directly into the rhythm of carnival.

Only a small number of guests were received externally, and the rest were invited guests. The collective quality shown by the entire Haomen fans also shocked the whole world. They let the world know that star chasing can still be like this. The batch of management staff maintains order in various newly formed groups to instill in everyone the idea of ​​fighting for the boss. Everyone should try to maintain the quality of the island, and have collective activities to create the atmosphere for the boss's wedding.

At this time, the power of the powerful fan group of Chen Hao began to show. After arriving two or three days in advance, they began to organize fan gatherings at their own expense, everyone ate together, sang and played games together, and also allowed the media from the world to photograph themselves. Let yourself have an unforgettable memory for this trip.

Among these local fan clubs, the female local tyrants seem to have negotiated well. None of them appeared, such as the very active oil tycoon daughter Senna a while ago. This time, they did not appear. According to some media interpretations: "From Since the 1970s and 1980s, there have been laws that idol stars are not suitable for love and marriage. After the new century, the number of stars has increased, giving audiences more choices, and less entertaining star artists. More and more, why did Andy Lau dare to announce that he was married to have a family in the second decade of the new century? Chen Hao is a super idol, and his marriage is bound to lose a certain number of female fans. Before, when he and Xiaodi exposed their relationship, there were no specific statistics, but they must have lost a considerable number of female fans. "

No matter what the interpretation of the media, no matter what happens, the arrow is on the string, the wedding is coming, the audience from the world ’s entertainment industry began to feast on the afternoon of the previous day, what Oscar, what Grammy, what superstars gathered on the red carpet Show, all are standing back.

Today, for the first time, there will be scenes of stars gathering in the entertainment industry ecosystem around the world. Movie stars, TV stars, singers, hosts, comedians, including many big bosses and producers behind the scenes. People, directors, etc., do not need a red carpet on this occasion today.

There are red carpets everywhere.

The probability that you see a billionaire here is looking up, no matter which direction, there will definitely be one in the crowd.

The probability of you seeing a star here is the same. On the sunny grass, from the hotel to the sea, the entire area is full of people. What kind of venue is required for a wedding attended by nearly 10,000 people? The love promenade in which Chen Hao and Xiao Di played is 100 meters long. With this love promenade as the axis, the two sides are full of people. Maybe standing side by side with you is not far away from tens of centimeters. A film emperor; maybe when you smell the perfume, you know that there are female stars in costumes nearby.

At this scene, there are a lot of camera lenses. You ca n’t hide if you want to hide. You can meet the star who is being interviewed anytime, anywhere. Sometimes you are lucky and you will be interviewed. Ask as a fan to participate in this grand age. The feeling of the wedding, maybe this interview will be broadcast, and you will have a picture that can be left forever. This picture will be seen by many people at least across the country. You may not remember you, but you will Plant the kind of honor pride I got on TV many years ago.

At the scene, there was a group of people who did not lose the big star, one by one, beautiful women in gorgeous dresses. Last night, they shined, and these tyrant female fans who were identified as Chen Hao's wedding will lose female fans. I did a big event. Last night, in a centralized load, on the holiday island and the surrounding sea, more than an hour of fireworks were set off, all of which were special custom fireworks. In this way, I wish blessings, when fireworks At the time of burnout, with the speed of air circulation around the island, quite a lot of people smelled the strong smell of fireworks and firecrackers.

Earlier today, the large LED screen at the end of the scene ’s love promenade was occupied by these female fans, letting them play the VCR recorded by them, both a blessing and a provocation. One person and one sentence: "Treasure, you are The happiest woman in the world. "

Xiao Di, who was being carefully taken care of by the stylist in the room, felt a bit of pressure besides shaking her head and smiling. Today, for the first time, she feels that her stylist is best to make herself the most beautiful, because today ’s herself Will face all women who are their love rivals.

Fortunately, there is a link that is arranged in advance, so that this inserted VCR does not occupy the scene for too long.

In recent years, there have been glamorous groomsmen and bridesmaids. Today, too, powerful groomsmen have begun to occupy the stage and the love promenade, and have started to stimulate the atmosphere of the scene to challenge the bridesmaids. Sorry, the quality of the best man group and bridesmaid group has also become an important node whether a wedding is remembered.

Today's best man group explained to you what a handsome dude is.

Bridesmaids, let you know what is beauty.

Almost all of the two parties are insiders. They are public figures. It is not frightening to enter the stage here. It is even more hilarious after playing. Haihai and Jiaojiao, who are mixed in with the best man group, are both. Bastard's costumes are also the craziest on the stage. Their presence also made the wedding lively before the opening of the wedding. After the host came on stage, the guests were already in place, and the chairs were nearby. A little further, everyone stood up and watched. Several hosts of Mango Station were all dispatched, using this wedding as their stage, and sent the most beautiful blessings on behalf of many people until the arrival of good times.

The groom entered ...

Admission of the bride ...

"I do!"

"I do!"

With the cheers of blessings from all the guests at the scene, Chen Hao felt that while his life was full, there was a systemic voice that appeared in his mind for a long time: "Congratulations on completing the ultimate task, the Chinese entertainment industry and the Hollywood entertainment industry are side by side, and they have acquired the ultimate ability-Wushuang Development Congratulations to Chen Hao for completing all the tasks of the Great Perfect Anchor System. All abilities are permanently integrated into the anchor. The system completes the mission to automatically dissipate, and the energy dissipated will increase the anchor's all present ability by 20% ... "

It seemed that something was emptied in the body, followed by a full feeling. Chen Hao did not know why the ultimate mission was completed on the day of his wedding. He thought he needed to take out at least a few ruling levels himself. Movies, or when China ’s entertainment industry can really be about the same size as Hollywood.

Can't figure it out, there isn't much time for him to think at the scene. Today, he needs to let himself be a puppet and fully enjoy the beauty of only one time in his life. Even if he is too dizzy to turn around, he must experience the hand in hand. There is no separation of happiness.

As for the system, thank you.

My life has entered another node here.

That year, Liu Dong and I drank on the roof of the rental house. An accident made me own you. My life began to truly change, from obscurity to world-renowned, from the downcast anchor who struggled on the food and clothing line to hundreds of millions. A wealthy world-class superstar, a happy life starts with your arrival.

Today, everything is over. Chen Hao can feel the dissipation of the system and the increase of his own ability. A large number of ideas emerging from the Wushuang Development are put aside for the time, as the ability that has been obtained-imitating, can reach the original sing The similarity of about 90%, and now the ability has increased by 20%. It can no longer be called imitation, but another reproduction of the original sound with a more stable sound and a better sound.

Looking at the many familiar faces in the audience, Chen Hao suddenly felt like he understood why the ultimate task was completed at this time.

The Lost City has become an entertainment capital, and the entire plan has begun.

The Galaxy Headquarters became the Galaxy Playground, and five playgrounds worldwide in the first phase entered the construction phase.

There are different themes and cultural differences between Chinese movies and world movies, but there is no essential difference. The distance brought by skin color is slowly disappearing. In the past, white and black European and American actors in Hollywood were a group. The yellow skin is no longer a foreigner. A movie is a big American drama, with Orientals as the protagonist. Skin color and appearance are no longer obstacles to appearance. A Chen Hao has changed too much.

Xiaodi's new drama has been successful, and she has also become popular all over the world. She is supported by a big heroine's drama. The heroine is no longer the traditional goodness and beauty in the traditional sense. It is very real. It ’s a feeling that this role setting has also gained a large number of fans for her. Fortunately, even if the fans abroad are wild, they will not react too much to your marriage, but this time is not only It was Chen Hao's fans who showed sadness on the Internet, and many Xiaodi fans also showed sadness.

Almost, this time it's really almost the same. Push again, there is not much difference between the Chinese entertainment industry and Hollywood.

Every guest who was present got a message to make their visit to China this time feel like a worthwhile trip.

"The big IP of" Biography of Heroes of the Galaxy ", as long as everyone comes up with a good script and a good idea, we will use the method of capital injection of copyright, and everyone will work together without setting any obstacles to any good idea or script. Even if you It's just an ordinary person, a good idea and a good surrounding story, and we can collaborate to shoot it. "

"In addition, I will open a new script, which will be created based on the twelve constellations that everyone is familiar with, and set up twelve recognized characters that conform to the characteristics of the constellation and are flesh and blood. According to the twelve constellations, Go tell a story, I hope that everyone will be interested in the character setting and get started. Maybe your setting is the final finished role. I also don't object to the actors present to tailor their own to see who The degree of fit is high. Whoever is wonderful and who can make a story a certain constellation is their own. Congratulations, at least there will be a movie made by me, as the protagonist, there will be a series of big IP movies. , You will be an important player. "

Originally, after the wedding, everyone arranged to visit the Lost City to experience the experience. Some people chose to give up directly, and chose to leave the island that night. Regardless of the cultural backgrounds accepted by the East and the West, such as the twelve constellations, could they finally be on the market? Stand firm, everyone believes that Chen Hao has not failed since his debut. So the golden signboard is enough for everyone to start creating, how many big stars are looking for someone to tailor for themselves, if it is in line with the constellation Features and their own image fit, that is to say that it has become a component of a large IP industry directly.

The characters in "Galaxy" are suitable for the plot. You can't wait for Chen Hao to create a character suitable for the plot. Even if the character comes out, it is not always possible to hit him or herself, and it is hard to say what kind of achievements will be made in the future.

The twelve constellations are obviously more attractive. What is a superhero? The plot fits the characters. The characters stand first. The subsequent stories can be created casually. The plot completely revolves around the characters.

Getting a character means that you can proudly say that you have left a mark in the history of world cinema.

On the wedding night, they lived in a sea-view room, and they embracing each other sitting on the balcony. By moonlight, they watched the waves slamming on the reef, and watched the reflection of the moon on the sea. Xiaodi didn't ask Chen Hao the twelve constellations. What's the idea, she just needs to believe him.

The ability bonus brought by the unparalleled development and the dissipated system makes Chen Hao's whole person feel like an enlightened enlightenment. Many ideas and ideas that have been stuck or tangled before, let ’s open it. If today is not his great day, he It is really possible to get into the office and record all the flash points. Each flash point may be a good script idea. One of his movies is taken out and has a value of 200 million US dollars. No matter what kind of story, you have to say that this script was created and shot by Chen Hao himself, then this script is worth 200 million.

"History will remember today."

Remember that the reason for today is not that Chen Hao got married today, but from the day when the world ’s entertainment industry tycoons, actors, and behind-the-scenes workers gathered together, the globalization of the entertainment industry officially began, and various countries began to actively integrate into the international community. Among big families.

In the future, there will be no distinction between big American dramas and domestic dramas, and there are only differences between high-quality large-scale television productions and small-cost domestic productions.

In the future, there will be no distinction between the introduction of films and domestic films. Huaxia will no longer restrict foreign movies. No matter what the schedule is, everyone will rely on quality to win. Those big foreign productions are not just our actors and staff, even investment. There is also the shadow of Huaxia Capital.


In 202X, the Academy Awards were officially renamed the World Academy Awards.

In less than ten years, world cinema has entered a new era, and world cinema has been integrated for selection. The first year of the New Oscar awards ceremony is still the same, it is still the theater, the position, and even the feeling is still That smell.

In the second year, following the suggestions recognized by everyone, the pursuit of innovation and the freshness of the second World Academy Awards were held in Huaxia Yanjing. At the same time, under the initiative of Mr. Chen Hao, a plan was prepared. The World Golden Dragon Awards, which co-exist with the Oscars, integrates the three major European film festivals. This award can be called the art film award of the film and television industry.

Oscar merged film and television.

The Golden Dragon Award also combines art films and TV series of art films into one furnace.

Works and actors who are qualified to participate in TV dramas do not lose the movie in all aspects of expression. There is no special TV award setting in the Oscar and Golden Dragon Awards. All works and actors must compete with the movie. The level of production is on the same level as the film, and the competitiveness has entered the same level.

In the first session, Chen Hao was the biggest winner.

In the second session, in the hometown of Huaxia, in front of his hometown elder, Chen Hao completed a grand slam on the world stage with a movie and a TV series. At the same time, he appeared in a film in a guest film and won him the best supporting actor. On the stage of awarding the best film, Chen Hao just raised the trophy in his hand.

In the first World Film and Television Golden Dragon Award, Chen Hao could show the TV series with practical action. A twelve-episode artistic TV series, a completely complete male lead and even a one-man show. Chen Hao first Gaining 30 pounds and then losing 50 pounds, playing the role of the whole life from 20 to 50 years old, moving the world, the Golden Dragon Award for best film and television, best director, best actor, best Best original script, best soundtrack.

After that, Chen Hao officially announced that he would no longer participate in the selection of any awards.

The era when the film and television industry is full of flowers is coming. Little Plum, who has been crushed for nearly a decade, has finally outperformed all other rivals in the world. In the second year, she really won the film emperor with a movie in the western United States.

Yes, it deserves it.

Chen Hao's withdrawal is not to give everyone a chance, but everyone has stopped putting him on the same level of selection criteria.

This is like a game. Without him, it is a fair game.

Huaxia's leading films have finally started to have their place on the world stage. Without Chen Hao's presence, they were able to participate in the selection of the awards and even occasionally won prizes. When the prize was won, Chen Hao who would not be there Will be happy for them at home.

Like the music industry, although he did not participate in any award selection and did not conduct any horizontal competition, his status was unshakable. The music programs that began to operate in China have achieved unprecedented success, which has greatly contributed to the music industry in China. Many music talents were subsequently released in Europe and North America. Although Chen Hao was not one of the judges, as long as he was free to attend a certain program, it would inevitably cause the world to scream.

Although brother is not in the rivers and lakes, but there are always legends of brothers in rivers and lakes.

No, it is not a legend. A tycoon of the year, a man who has not yet ended his first ten-year reign, he will also play one or two movies every year. As long as a crew is turned on, the position of the actor is written in Chen Hao The name, the film's guaranteed box office, is $ 5 billion worldwide.

The music program has found a lot of newcomers. Whether it is before the stage or behind the scenes, they will be proud to call Chen Hao as a teacher. It started with Chen Hao adding to their reputation, but when the show went on for ten years.

When those first-time talents started to become the mainstay of the music scene, and the teachers in these mainstays, the teachers they respected in public and in private, were less than 40 years old.

Debut is the king, standing on top of the throne for a few years, not only his personal status reached, but his personal influence also officially began his first ten-year rule.

Chen Hao's Personal Memorial Hall is located in the new entertainment capital. When you walk in and visit a circle, there will be a kind of 'intense achievement phobia', too many trophies, too many results, you will feel that there are some Unrealistic, can a person get so many honors in a lifetime?

The more unlikely thing is behind. This is not a lifetime, but a score of more than ten years for a man who is less than 40 years old and is in the best age of his life. The memorial has been expanded once in more than ten years, and What about the future?

An entertaining news is playing on the LED screen at the door, and Chen Hao is being interviewed. The mature charm of a man is fully blooming. A smile is enough to make tens of thousands of young female fans scream and mad.


A private island where friends and family get together to enjoy the most beautiful sunny beaches and seas, taste the freshest seafood, and blow the most comfortable sea breeze.

Only here, Chen Hao and Xiao Di can hold hands, there is no need to arrange bodyguards to walk on the beach at will.

"Are you tired? Take a break?"


Chen Hao's palm gently covered Xiao Di's slightly raised abdomen. Under his strong command, he decided to ask the child's Xiao Di to stop constraining himself to eat and drink for his star status, but even so, it was six During the month of pregnancy, her body did not change much. A little bit of heaviness may be due to the coquettishness of her husband rather than the physical body.

Lay a thick bath towel on the beach chair. After holding down Di, she adjusted the angle of the parasol, put fresh juice on her hand, and covered her with a thin blanket so that she could more easily Lie comfortably.

It is the happiest moment for a woman to receive such careful service from her husband. Xiaodi watched him finish everything, smiled at her mouth, took out her mobile phone to read the news at will, and a short video news she zoomed in and replayed. .

"Without Mr. Chen ’s Oscar and Golden Dragon awards, I feel like I am missing something, but when he is there, everyone else becomes the foil. The best way is to occasionally have good works for a year, and Mr. Chen comes out to participate in the selection Let's see again how he lifted the trophy ... "

"Don't talk nonsense, this is a typical trick for yourself. What year did Mr. Chen not have a good work? As long as he wants to come out anytime, anywhere, he can reproduce the style of sweeping major awards for us."

"Yes, yes, missed ..."

Chen Hao laughed, and Xiao Di also laughed.

"By the way, our original wish was realized. In the entertainment capital, we really have a street, a whole commercial street, including two buildings and two commercial dwellings, a shopping mall and a big theater."

Xiaodi responded: "I used to think of unrealistic dreams, but I didn't expect them to really come true. What about you, are there any unrealized dreams?"

When saying this ~ ~ There was a hint of slyness in his eyes, Chen Hao stunned, and shook his head with a smile: "Don't dare to expect too much, have enough."

Xiao Di retracted his staring eyes and looked into the distance of the sea. The slightly rising waves layered on the beach, and the clear sea water was unique and radiant.

"Go, don't accompany me, Chen Gang, they have all traveled far, I want to watch you swim."


When Chen Hao just wanted to run towards the sea, Xiao Di said again: "Yes, I heard that sunny days have gone to many places, and I really want to go. I just do n’t have the time, can I ask her to come back and tell me about the interesting things in the travel process ?"

Chen Hao looked back at her in surprise, and saw her finish her sentence, lowered her head, a happy smile on the corner of her mouth, and gently stroked her slightly swollen belly ...

Unrealistic dreams, just in case they are realized by accident.

(End of book)

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