Great Entrepreneur Reborn

Chapter 1073: Liu Jian's arrangement

Liu Jian knew what these women were thinking without looking, but he didn't exhale any more. With the increase in wealth and the broadening of his vision, he felt more and more deeply the crisis he was about to face in the future.

Starting from nothing is not a good thing, especially in Huaxia, a country with a long history and heritage. If it hadn't been for a big movement after the founding of the country, Liu Jian would have faced many threats from various forces as early as his initial stage. The century-old dynasty and the family of the previous year are not a joke.

Of course, there is a fundamental difference between the so-called rich and noble families in Hong Kong and the real aristocratic families. Their time is too short, and they live in a stage that is not a traditional Chinese power.

It can be said that if it wasn't for a coincidence that he was established as a typical figure of the Huaxia Dream, even now, Liu Jian would have to consider whether to return to China or not. After all, he has too much wealth now, people who didn't care about it before, some big families who don't care about it, will also be tempted.

Of course, these people won't do it now, after all, there is an old man around, but their patience is only ten years, even if it is a hundred years, they can afford to wait. If there is no guess wrong, some people should have started to secretly arrange the chess pieces and prepare to make a move.

In Liu Jian's previous life, he did not do well in other subjects, but there was one subject that stood out, and that was history. At that time, I didn't see any use, except when chatting, you can stir up topics and talk about it, but now it has a great effect.

Liu Jian, who is familiar with history, is very sensitive to the family power in the country, and he is also very vigilant, just like he joined the Xiang brothers to mine in Shanxi, which was just a test.

Mineral resources have always been in the hands of local clans, and behind these people, there are many aristocratic families hidden. The Xiang brothers are the chess pieces inserted by Liu Jianan.

Others would think that Liu Jian was doing it to make money, but they didn't know that Liu Jian was trying to use the inherent vicious character of the Xiang brothers to open up the situation. No matter what kind of setbacks they suffer or what kind of forces they face, it will be beneficial to Liu Jian, at least they will test out some hidden forces.

Liu Jian can't feel these forces living in the Northeast, because the inheritance of these families is concentrated in the Central Plains, so both Zhang Yang and Ji Chenxing were sent to these places by Liu Jian.

Whether they were bribed or secretly controlled, it was the situation that Liu Jian hoped to see, and only a little temptation could guarantee his own safety. Liu Jian does not believe that this is a fair and harmonious society. If this is the case, there will not be so many injustices in the world.

I haven't seen any country's leaders come out to make decisions, do they not know? No, but because they themselves are one of them, who do you let them deal with.

Fortunately, when the country was first founded, these forces were hidden underground, and they did not dare to attack them. Those who were pointed out were severely eliminated, so they remained silent for decades. With the reform and opening up, and decades of testing, training, and precipitation, their people slowly reached the top of the pyramid again and began to control the country's resources.

Therefore, ten years later, there was a talk about the advancement of the country and the retreat of the people, and many famous enterprises disappeared in the long river of history inexplicably. Those aristocratic families opened their mouths again, devouring what they saw wealth. The money of ordinary people will become less and less valuable, just as no peasants lost their land in ancient times, more and more people will live in debt.

Debt debtors are like tenants in ancient times. After satisfying basic food and clothing, they work for the landlord. It's just that the overall living conditions are better now, and they have learned to be smart, so that you can survive while paying off your debts, and you won't be forced by the government and rebelled by the people like in history.

After thinking about all these issues, it is not surprising why Liu Jian did this. He is also protecting himself, because his family has no strength to compete with those traditional worlds.

Even so, if the Shandong clans were gathered together, the resources and wealth they would control would be incomparably astonishing. One can imagine how terrifying the power of those clans would be.

These women were all observed, inspected, and even tested by Liu Jian, and they are completely trustworthy, so Liu Jian agreed with them and said that this is a huge plan, and Liu Jian's ability alone is not enough to do it, and They are all directly responsible persons of various companies, and they cannot be hidden from them at all.

Fan Junyu questioned: "If this is the case, do we have to replace the Internet company, the real estate company, and the car company with our people, otherwise some things can't be hidden from them, and the profits of these companies are astonishing. We If you want to transfer assets abroad, these companies must not let go!"

Liu Jian said: "I have thought of this a long time ago, but it is really hard to find talents for automobile companies. Besides, after we annex Mazda next year, we will become a world-class automobile company. It is one of the best in China in terms of influence and scale. If they want to deal with us, they must have the guts. Why such a large-scale merger and acquisition is to build this company into a world-class enterprise, so that they can't start. In addition, I introduced many shareholders, These are the second and third generations of red seedlings. They won’t show up against us, but they have to think carefully about Fengyun Geely Automobile Company.”

"In this case, it will be difficult to transfer the assets of this company." Fan Junyu said.

"I know that in the next time, I will try to squeeze the profit margin of the car company as much as possible, and give this profit to Wanfu Automobile in the form of rebates, so that we can take out the profit. Even if we arrive In addition, this car company can also survive, after all, it involves the interests of many people, and no one will let it go bankrupt!" Liu Jian said proudly.

Li Li laughed and said, "Then I will mainly promote our own car. No one will think it's wrong if the rebate is high, and those shareholders will be happier."

"As for Internet companies, as long as they are successfully listed in the United States, we can attract external funds. Just like those large foreign microcomputer companies, they will become the target of many investors, and many people will hold this company. It will not be a purely domestic company at that time. They will not have a better way except through formal acquisitions." Liu Jian said.

Then he looked at Yangliu and said, "Besides, isn't there still Yangliu? You have to grow up as soon as possible. Internet companies don't need to work on-site, they can use remote control. If someone has a problem, we may have to remotely control the company. Then it will be up to you."

Yang Liu nodded vigorously and said, "I know, but I don't have enough manpower. The one I can use is your pawn." After speaking, he looked at Liu Jian from a distance.

"It's up to you. I don't have many people I can trust, and they all have their own jobs. Don't be afraid that it will be fine even if someone else puts them in. The key positions are those we trust. In a few years, after the company develops smoothly, I will outsource the finances. It is impossible for them to use the finances as a bright spot." Liu Jian said with a sneer.

Domestic guys, the best way to deal with a company is to start with taxation and finance, because domestic companies have nothing wrong with these two aspects. The Liu Group is naturally not exempt, it's not that Liu Jian is short of the money, but there are loopholes in this aspect.

Even if you hand in everything according to the regulations, you will find out your troubles. After all, the official's two mouths are not talking, but the truth. After knowing this disadvantage, Liu Jian knew that no matter what he was doing, he couldn't avoid this trouble. If this is the case, he might as well hand over the finances.

When you find out the problem, it has nothing to do with us. Although there is a suspicion of deception, as long as there is such a buffer, it is enough for Liu Jian to take his own woman to the sea.

"As for the real estate company, it is the bait I throw out. The real estate company is the biggest fat pig. The country is raising it, the government is raising it, the family is raising it, and everyone is raising it. , some people will start killing pigs and cannibalizing people. Everyone knows how the real estate company earns its money. If it is not bad, one check will be accurate. One check will definitely kill one, so the real estate company can't let us go No one can be let go, no matter who gets involved, they won't be able to wash it clean, and they won't be able to get out." Liu Jian said coldly.

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