Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3174: Mysterious Hanging Mountain!

   Kunpeng was frightened. He didn't dare to stay in the slightest moment. He spread his wings in an instant, spreading his wings at a rapid speed, and fled towards the distance quickly.

Behind   , the nine-headed monster snake couldn't catch up, and a huge hissing sound made his mouth, causing countless waves to explode, and many wild beasts around him shivered.

   "Dare you dare to talk?"

   Ling Xiao said with a smile.

   Just now the nine-headed monster snake is extremely terrifying, comparable to the peerless emperor. It should be one of the kings of this mountain and sea. It is hiding in the depths of the lake on weekdays. I don’t know why. Today, it was shocked by Kunpeng.

   If Kunpeng had not the speed, I am afraid that he would not be able to escape the hunt of the Hydra monster.

   "Humph! Grandpa doesn't want to know him in general, just go back and clean it up!"

   Kunpeng's mouth coldly snorted.

   However, it did not dare to be so arrogant. Although it still flew in the sky, it carefully converged the whole body of the breath and was much more honest.

  After all, it is mountains, seas, and dazzles. Powerful wild beasts can be seen everywhere. Although he has a speed, he dare not be too public.

   Their way is quite calm.

   Some powerful wild beasts, Kunpeng did not dare to provoke, even if it was found, it immediately moved away at a speed to keep it behind.

  Some weak and alien species with weak strength, after they noticed Kunpeng's breath, they honestly avoided them.

   Soon, they arrived at the manor that Kunpeng said.

   A vast mountain floating above the sea of ​​clouds, covered with towering ancient trees, looks lush, full of breath, full of breath of life, very extraordinary.

   You can vaguely see that there are Qionglou Yuyu on the mountain peak, exquisite pavilions and pavilions, hidden among the trees, it looks quite chic.

   But outside this hanging mountain, it enveloped a huge layer of enchantment, containing extremely powerful defense.

   Moreover, there are still many powerful figures in the enchantment, all are powerful guards in Kunpeng Emperor City, constantly patrolling the hanging mountains to prevent others from approaching.

   This suspended mountain seems to be a forbidden place among mountains, seas and azas. Ling Xiao found that there was no breath of wild animals at all.

   "Ling Xiao, this is Yun Kongzi's old manor, he will come here every time the mountains and seas are tested! There must be baby in it!"

   Little black fat man shined his eyes, said to Ling Xiaoyue to try.

   "This border... is very strong!"

   Ling Xiao's eyes flickered with fine eyes.

The enchantment outside the hanging mountain contains a powerful Emperor Wei, intertwined with the law of the Dao, and the power of the source is diffuse. It is an extremely powerful Extreme Emperor Array. Although it looks incomplete and somewhat incomplete, it is also enough Powerful.

  General emperors and strong men can't break the enchantment at all, even if there is a peerless emperor coming, it is not so easy to do so if you want to break the enchantment.

   Moreover, there must be a strong guard force above the hanging mountain. Once the enchantment is attacked, it will be discovered by the guards immediately.

   This enchantment looks mysterious and unpredictable, and there is also an immense vastness of prestige that can block the prying eyes of those monsters.

   Yun Kongzi gave up such a big thought to protect this manor. It seems that there must be some secret in this manor.

   "This enchantment is really strong! I tried to sneak in a few times, and I was found! So, I can only rely on you!"

  The little black fat man smiled and he took a natural look.

   "Look at it before you talk!"

   Ling Xiao said noncommittally.

  He commanded the little black fat man, covered his breath, and made a circle around the huge enchantment outside the hanging mountain.

   The enchantment looks flawless without any flaws.

   From heaven to the sea, the entire suspended mountain was enveloped by enchantment.

   "Ling Xiao, can you dive into the enchantment?"

   asked the little black fat man who looked forward to it.

   "It's difficult! But it should be possible to give it a try, maybe we can take a stern approach!"

   Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and said slowly.

   "Sounding east and west? Are you saying that attracting some wild animals to attack the enchantment? I am afraid it is difficult to do it?"

   Little black fat man immediately understood Ling Xiao's idea.

   "Yes! We can break through the seabed and attract some wild beasts to attack the enchantment. Let's break into the chaos!"

   Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

"This formation method enchantment should be blessed by Yun Kongzi's heavenly luck, exuding powerful heavenly prestige, so that those wild and strange beasts dare not come close, we want to attract the wild and strange beasts, I am afraid it is not so easy !"

  Little black fat man said that he had thought about this idea before, but eventually failed.

   "Try before you talk!"

   Ling Xiao smiled slightly, his expression was indifferent.

   Little black fat man's heart is also extremely curious, what on earth is Ling Xiao able to attract a wild animal?


  Under Ling Xiao's command, the little black fat man suddenly rushed into the lake below like a black lightning.

   The boundary of the hanging mountain, like a huge ball of light, has spread to the deepest part of the lake and is in contact with the soft ground in the lake.

   The light sphere is a hundred miles away, and no creature dares to come close.

   The mysterious and vast Tianwei, so that any wild animal can feel the trembling from the depths of Yuanshen.

   Ling Xiao and the little black fat man came to the place where the light sphere and the lake met. The light flashed in the palm of Ling Xiao, and a milky white jade bottle appeared.

"what is this?"

   asked the little black fat man with some curiosity.

   He can feel There seems to be some precious treasures in the jade bottle, so that a deep desire is born in his heart.

   "Good things, good things that can make the wild beast crazy! Wait until you have to hold yourself, or you have not entered the enchantment, you may be torn to pieces by those crazy wild beasts!"

   Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

  He opened the jade bottle, and suddenly a very strong fragrance filled the jade bottle.

   It was a gleaming crystal clear liquid, just like syrup and jade liquid, which contained extremely powerful spirituality, twisted in the lake, and let the emptiness of the Quartet tremble slightly.

   A mysterious wave emanating from the liquid, accompanied by a strong fragrance.

  The little black fat man was in a battle, his eyes widened instantly, his breath became extremely rapid, and his eyes were full of extremely hot look.

   "This is... Life Yuanhua?!"

  The little black fat man was so excited that he almost rushed out.

   But Ling Xiao grabbed him.

   "What do you want to do? This is the bait for those wild animals. Where do you go to lure the wild animals after you eat it?"

   Ling Xiao said angrily.


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