Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3162: The power of the King of Fighters!


   In the eyes of the King of Fighters, a sharp killer like a blade was shot instantly, and the whole person was shrouded in a crazy atmosphere.

  He only discovered at this time that it was the sail that shot the golden arrow toward him!

   And the four figures are Ying Yilong and the three great dragon kings, all four of them shot with all their strengths, performing the godless technique, busy as if they could penetrate everything, pointing directly at the whole body of the King of Fighters.

   "You all **** it!"

   The King of Fighters' voice is deep and hoarse, with a strong killing intention.

   He blasted four punches in succession, each punch was violently overbearing to the extreme, as if to be able to annihilate everything, without the slightest dodge, and collided with Ying Yilong and others in a blink of an eye.

   Zheng! Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

Mars was shooting everywhere, and the dragons and the four could not help but tremble, the black war gun trembling in his hand, an unparalleled divine power came from the war gun, and all four of them flew out in unison. .


   The king of fighters stomped underneath, and the whole person popped up like lightning, and a fist of volley came towards the sail.

   Swoosh! Whoo! Whoo!

   The eyes of the sail were cold, the golden bow in his hand locked the king of fighters, the movement of his fingers was like a residual image, and the golden arrows of arrows were like bright beams, and the king of fighters was drowned in a blink of an eye.


   The king's fist print is strong and domineering. As he advances, it seems that he doesn't know what fear is at all. In the face of the golden arrow, he even more inspired the tyrannical atmosphere in the king's heart.

   A series of golden **** arrows were bombarded directly by the King of Fighters, but the arrows were fierce and unmatched. They also penetrated the King of King’s arms and body, making his whole body **** and fuzzy.


  Injured by injury, the King of Fighters instantly killed Fengfan in front of him, volleying a fist to suppress it, and the void all made a popping sound.

   Fengfan's complexion changed, and he raised his golden bow to meet the enemy.

  Throwing a powerful Diwei above the golden bow, as if enchanted, protected the sail.

   But the punch of the king of warriors was unprecedentedly overwhelming, and he immediately broke through the enchantment and slammed on the golden bow, causing the golden bow to tremble violently, and the whole sail sailed out directly.

   Swoosh! Whoo! Whoo!

  Ying Yilong and other people came to kill them, and joined together with Fengfan, and surrounded the King of Fighters at the same time.

"kill him!"

   Fengfan and Ying Yilong glanced at each other, revealing the murderous opportunity in their eyes, and at the same time slaying towards the King of Fighters.

   They all felt the powerful threat of the King of Fighters, the more so, the stronger their heart to kill the King of Fighters.

   Otherwise, there is a King of Fighters, they want to **** the Heavenly Dao Yin, it is simply impossible!


   The King of Fighters has one enemy against five, and his whole body is full of fighting spirit. Although he fought bloody, he did not fall in the slightest.

   And the cooperation of Fengfan and Ying Yilong and others also exploded with extremely powerful lethality.

   The golden arrow of the sail is fierce and can penetrate everything. With the cooperation of the golden emperor soldier, it can pose a strong threat to the King of Fighters.

   In addition, the cooperation between Ying Yilong and the four people is very clever. The combination of long-range and close combat actually trapped the King of Fighters. It is not so easy to want to divide the victory and defeat in a short time.

   And those who try Tianjiao are also pregnant with ghosts.

   They saw the King of Fighters, Fengfan, Ying Yilong and others infighted, and they also began to think carefully, and they continued to kill the altar, slashing the powerful dragons of the Candle Dragon Clan, and wanted to wait for the opportunity to **** the Heavenly Seal.


   The nine-color altar is surrounded by mysterious light, looks ancient and majestic, and there are fogs around it, intertwined with vast heavenly prestige.

   The uppermost Heavenly Seal is the goal of everyone, but at this moment no one can approach the Heavenly Seal.

   The Nine-Color Altar has extremely powerful defenses. The average person cannot break the defense in a short time and enter the Nine-Color Altar. In addition to the many arrogance of the testers around, everyone is held back.

   But at this moment, a figure arrived quietly.

   It was a woman wearing a long white dress and covering her face with a light gauze. Although she could not see her face clearly, she had a unique and exquisite temperament.


   She stretched out a slender palm and gently patted the enchantment of the nine-color altar.

  In an instant, the sky was shaking, the blazing divine light burst out, and the enchantment of the nine-colored altar shattered.

  The woman in white directly passed through the layers of light, entered the altar of nine colors, and grabbed towards the heavenly seal.

   "Look for death!"

   At this moment, Yu Guang of the sail caught the woman in white, the murderous flash in his eyes, and the golden arrow in his hand shot at the woman in white.

   "Put down the heavenly seal!"

   "Want to pick peaches? Looking for death!"

   "Kill her!"


   Many testers were also alarmed, one by one, they were full of anger, and their eyes were full of killing intentions and anger.


   The white woman's sleeve waved, and suddenly there was a mysterious huanghuang gas rising from her sleeve, which turned into an extremely powerful huanghuang enchantment, which enveloped her.

   She didn't seem to hear everyone's scolding. She still grabbed the detective towards Tiandaoyin.


   Heavenly Daoyin suddenly sprayed out a fiery and dazzling light, a mysterious rune came out, and the vast and terrifying Tianwei erupted, as if to wipe out everything around it.

  But the white coat was fluttering, her hair fluttered, her entire figure was immovable, her palms were as bright as jade, her immortal color filled her, and she grasped Tiandao Yin with great accuracy.

   The violent tremor of Tiandaoyin seemed to fly out of the white woman's hand at any time.

  The white woman's hands are printed, and the residual image of Dao Dao is turned out, and a rune flew out, constantly hitting on the Heaven Dao Boom!

  A mysterious ancient mirror floats on top of the white woman's head. The ancient mirror is black on one side and white on the other, intertwined with the breath of life and death, powerful and unmatched.

   With the appearance of the ancient mirror, there is a mysterious green lotus blooming, so that the white woman is surrounded by mysterious chaos.

   That Xuanhuang enchantment also became firm and immortal.


  Golden **** arrows shot above the enchantment, making the enchantment tremble violently, but it could not penetrate the Xuanhuang enchantment at all.

   Everyone's attacks fell on the Xuanhuang Enchantment, but the enchantment became rippled and then disappeared instantly.

   "Tian Dao Yin? I want to see, is Tian Dao here or not..."

  The ethereal and serene voice sounded.

   The woman in white didn't seem to care about the attacks of the people around her, but actually sat down directly on the altar of nine colors.

   Her eyebrows glowed, mysterious runes flickered, and there seemed to be a mysterious figure indistinctly.

  Tian Dao Yin seemed to be suppressed, slowly floated up, and flew to her eyebrows, and began to interweave with the light of her eyebrows!



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