Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3150: That one knife style!

When    came into contact with the cold and bloodthirsty eyes of the six ancestral ant kings, Yingxue Fairy's faces suddenly turned pale.

  The cultivation practice of several of them, although they are all middle-rank emperors, is it like being able to compare with these six burial ants?

   And the eyes of the buried ant king showed a humanized playful color, and he shot instantly.


   Six golden ray beams were sprayed from the mouths of the six burial ant kings at the same time, the light was blazing and dazzling, as if it could destroy everything.

   But their goals are not Yingxue Fairy and Tong Tong, but the original source Hongqiao!

"not good!"

   Biluo landlord was shocked, his eyes showed a very anxious look.

   She spurted out two pale golden blood, let the source Hongqiao shine, and wanted to block this intimidating blow.

But the six burial ants who were stopped by Jinghong Fairy were like good negotiations, and at the same time they blew unmatched breath, directly resisting the sword qi of Jinghong Fairy, and then divided three burial days. Ant King, killing Biluo.

   Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

  Sword qi is in every direction, sharp and unmatched, cut on the golden carapace of the celestial ant king, but only a few white seals are left, and it is impossible to penetrate the body of the ant ant.

   And the three burial ants are killed. For the landlord of Biluo, it can be said to be worse.

   She had no choice but to move away in an instant, wanting to avoid the attacks of the three burial ants.

   And at this moment, those six fiery golden beams of light instantly blasted on the original source Hongqiao!


   The trembling tremor of the original source Hongqiao, a rune burst, and a very clear sound sounded, and a crack like a spider web appeared instantly on the original source Hongqiao.

  Finally, Hongqiao Hongyuan suddenly burst open.

   and the endless poison of the burial sky came, making Yingxue Fairy, Tong Tong and other people's faces changed greatly.

   Without the protection of the original source Hongqiao, the burial of ant colonies in all directions, like a mountain tsunami, instantly flooded several of them.

"Do not!!!"

   Fairy Fairy's mouth uttered a terrible roar, and the eyes instantly turned red.

  At the moment, those six burial ant kings didn't even care about Yingxue fairy and Tong Tong. After all, they had fallen into the burial ant colony and would soon die.

   They were both slaying towards Jinghong Fairy and Biluo.

   Twelve burial ant kings, while Jin Xia is shining, and the light is extremely gorgeous, and the whole body exudes immortal fluctuations, as if it can destroy everything.

   In front of the twelve burial ants, let Jinghong Fairy and Biluo Lord feel a strong sense of powerlessness.

   "It seems that I'm going to die here today! Sister Biluo, I'm making you tired!"

   Jinghong Fairy smiled palely, a guilty look appeared in her eyes.

   "What does it mean to be troubled? To be troubled, it was Lingxiao's **** that affected us! Lingxiao, if you **** had a conscience, hurry up and kill these beasts!"

   Biluo landlord sneered, then shouted at the void.

   Although she knew Ling Xiao would not appear, she needed to vent.

   died in the hands of the buried ant colony, really unwilling!


The twelve burial ant kings were killed at the same time, the boiling golden light, containing the terrifying power of destruction, made Jinghong Fairy and Biluo the landlord feel that they are like small boats in endless waves. The danger of extinction.

   Both of them had a hint of decisiveness in their eyes, and the terrifying atmosphere of the whole body was permeated, ready to explode!

  Even if they die, they must hold these beasts together.


   At this moment, the void seemed to be broken.

   An extremely white light, dazzling, appeared in front of everyone, illuminating the world.

   The heaven and the earth seemed to be divided into two halves, and the snow-white light exuded the sharp sword, falling across the sky.

   The blaze of the knife was so intense that the Jinghong fairy and the Biluo landlord were instantly lost.

   It seems that even thinking is frozen.

  Including the twelve burial ant kings, all the only white sword awns are left in everyone's eyes.


   The unmatched blade of light fell down and enveloped all the twelve burial ant kings.

   Then, the landlord Biluo and Jinghong fairy saw that the twelve burial ants were cut in half by that knife!

   The extremely hard carapace seems to be like paper paste. In front of that white sword light, there is no defense at all.

   Then, the twelve celestial ant kings were violently shocked, and the endless swords spurted out. They seemed to be slashed by thousands of swords, and they were instantly wiped out in the void.

  The huge blade fell, plowing a huge abyss directly above the earth, exuding the blade of endless destruction.

   All the buried ants within a radius of the world are all powdered and broken bones, and the soul is flying away and died!

   "Buried the ant king... that's it... dead?!"

   Jinghong Fairy said blankly, his eyes full of incredible look.

   "Um... dead..."

   The landlord of Biluo also nodded Mumu, as if in a dream.

   Such a powerful and terrifying twelve burial ant kings are so powerful that they are so desperate that they were all killed by a knife.

  Even the eyes of those burial ants who are not afraid of death show a trace of deep fear.

   They seemed to be completely frightened, they were all stunned there, and for a moment they forgot to continue the attack.

   "Landlord Biluo, Fairy Jinghong, is it not too late for me to come?"

  In the bright light of the sky, Ling Xiao stepped forward, and the whole body was blazing radiantly, just like a peerless sword with a sheath, exuding the wave of incomparable life!

   His eyes are bright and bright, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, so that the world is discolored.

   Ba Dao followed closely behind him, his face indifferent, his eyes sharp and sharp, like a most loyal guard.

   " You bastard! Can't you show up early? We are almost going to explode!"

   After the landlord Bi Ling saw Ling Xiao and Ba Da, a heart fell, but he still said some teeth.

   "He...was so strong?!"

   Jinghong Fairy looked at Ling Xiao blankly, his eyes full of shock.

   Thinking of the words she had said to Ling Xiao before, the self-righteous and shallow opinions, her cheeks suddenly turned red.

  Especially when he came into contact with Ling Xiao's bright eyes, Jinghong Fairy couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and wished he could find a ground seam to get in.

   "Brother, the Taboo Sword is not used that way! You should gobble up the original source Dan to restore power!"

   Ba Dao said in a low voice.

   "Less nonsense! How can I know that this taboo knife is so perverted? Even my immortal body is almost unbearable. Fortunately, this knife is powerful enough! Otherwise, it will be a real joke!"

   Ling Xiao rolled his eyes.

  He doesn't have the slightest strength now, if he is not supported by the sword, I'm afraid he will fall directly from the void.

  'S style is so memorable.

   But the metamorphosis of the taboo sword also made Ling Xiao miserable.


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