Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3143: Fight together!

   The forest is covered with towering ancient trees, and the trees as high as hundreds of feet or even thousands of feet can be seen everywhere. The mist and mist and the radiant light look extremely dreamlike.

   The thunderstorm that Lingxiao and Badao passed through was like separating life and death, completely separating this forest from the burial desert.

   "That's where we chose to bury the ants!"

   Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, his eyes showed a very powerful fighting intention.


  At this moment, he and Badao had heard the sound of breaking the sky behind them, and the dozen or so buried ant kings also passed through the thunderstorm.

"let's go!"

   Ling Xiao drank a loud voice, and immediately with the Ba Dao, swept towards the vast forest in front of her.


  A moment later, there were sixteen ant burial kings in their original positions. The whole body is like gold casting, and the golden radiance is bright, exuding powerful and unmatched breath fluctuations.

   "They entered the Forbidden Forest!"

   "What should we do? We are not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest, otherwise there will be a big disaster!"

   "But what about the hatreds of those brothers? That **** enemy, in the forest of taboos, could we just give up like this?"

   "The queen is outside the forest of taboos, why not ask the queen to make a decision?"

   "It can only be so!"


  Sixteen burial ant ant kings, one after another, **** red, killing intent, the powerful spiritual fluctuations between each other are intertwined, and are communicating.

   Facing the mysterious forest in front of them, they also hesitated.

  At the same time, Ling Xiao and Ba Dao have entered the forest.

   "Huh? They stopped outside the forest. Are they afraid of this forest and dare not come in?"

   Ba Dao said with some surprise.

"It should be like this, if the queen burial queen in the desert is afraid of life, then they are also afraid of the forest! But, I always feel that the queen burial queen is not kind to us, these dozen burial queen ants Can't just let them go!"

   Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and said slowly.

   "Then introduce them?"

  Badao said with some eagerness to try.

  He is a fighting maniac in his bones, never knowing what to fear.

   Facing the sixteen burial ant kings, not only did he not have the slightest fear, but his heart also ignited a raging fighting intent.

  He used the taboo knife to cut the seven burial ants directly, but now he and Ling Xiao joined hands, maybe the sixteen burial ants could also be cut directly.

   "The sixteen burial ant kings, perhaps knowing some things about burying the queen ants, slaughtering them, should help us explore the burial days desert!"

   Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply.

   "Ready to fight!"

   said lightly, and then the light in his palm was shining brightly, and suddenly a group of messy things were thrown out by him.


   The fire that swallowed the sky in his palm rose, blazing fiercely, and immediately shrouded those messy things, and then began to burn.

  The sixteen burial ant kings could not help but startled, the killing intention among the eyes instantly boiled to the extreme.

   They are completely violent!

   "Brother, you are too cruel!"

   Badao's eyelids jumped straight, licking his lips, but his eyes were full of extremely powerful fighting intent.

  He found out that the messy things thrown by Ling Xiao were the broken limbs of the seven ant kings he beheaded.

After the seven burial ant kings were slain by tyrants, Tong Tong used some of them to create a liquid that attracted the burial ants, and the burial ant armor that concealed their breath, and all the remaining limbs were broken. To Ling Xiao.

   Ling Xiao's behavior today is simply provocation.

   He threw out the broken limbs of the seven burial ant kings. It was not enough. He even directly ignited the fire of swallowing the sky and burned it completely.

  The broken limbs of the seven burial ant kings were soon crushed.

   And the anger of the sixteen ancestral ants was completely exploded.


   "Look for death!"

   "Kill them!"

  The sixteen burial ants are completely out of anger.

   They have the normal mentality of normal humans, and also have various emotions. After being irritated by Ling Xiao at this moment, they suddenly forgot the matter of the taboo forest and only thought about one thing in their hearts.

   That is to kill Ling Xiao and kill Ba Dao!


   Sixteen burials of the Ant Ant, and at the same time erupted in a dazzling light, Jin Xia was dazzling and divine, and they were like sixteen bright suns, rumbling towards Lingxiao and Badao.

   "Brother, dare to compare, see who killed more?"

   The sharp edge among the sword eyes is also instantly shining to the extreme.

   "Then try it!"

   Ling Xiao smiled lightly.


  Badao can't help but take the lead.

   An earth-shattering sword awn instantly soared in the void, dazzling, as if the Milky Way fell for nine days, containing the strongest sword meaning, and came towards the buried king.

   Ba knife exudes an endless sense of knife, the breath rises to the extreme, the whole person exudes a domineering and ancient sharp edge.

  His cultivation practice has reached the peak of the Sixth Heaven of Emperor's Realm. At this moment, there is a sign of breaking through to the Seventh Heaven of Emperor's Realm.

   "A breakthrough is coming soon? Very good!"

   Ling Xiao couldn't help but brighten his eyes and said to himself softly.


   Faced with the murdered ant king, Ling Xiao's chaotic fist print was unparalleled, and he punched out directly.

   Although it seems that Ling Xiao is only a mid-level emperor, but in the face of this group of buried ant kings, he seems not to be seen in the slightest.

   Unmatched Chaos came down like a mountain, and instantly collided with a burial ant king.

  The forelegs of the burial ant king were sharp and unmatched, shining bright golden awns, and collided with Ling Xiao's fist print, and a fiery Mars erupted in an instant.

   But an unmatched divine power struck, and Burial Ant King was blown out by Ling Xiao directly!

   And its sharp and unmatched forelegs could not cause any damage to Ling Xiao at all, except that a white seal was left above Ling Xiao's fist.


   Ling Xiao screamed, just like Jiu Xiao God thunder, roaring.

He pushed the chaotic light horizontally, the surroundings oscillated, and the three thousand worlds emerged. The immortal body of Hongmeng was completely urged by him. The whole person erupted with a mighty supernatural power and suppressed towards the burial ant king. .

   Although the height of the burial ant king is hundreds of feet, but at this moment, he gave birth to an extremely small feeling, as if facing an invincible chaos invincible emperor.

In an instant, several ants who were killed in the sky and wanted to compete with Ling Xiao in front of them were directly blasted away by Ling Xiao, and they were smashed into the distant forest fiercely. The ancient tree smashed into powder.


   Void concussion, the earth roars!



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