Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3133: God Arrow Race!

"Ling Xiao, do you still know that you are dead until you die? You killed my ninth brother, it was a sin that deserves to die! But how dare you dare to fight the sword? Do you know that he is the most important thing for Zhuchen Chen? people?

Mr. Zhuchen Chen is the great grandson who guarded and made him the most beloved. Do you think you can escape from Mr. Zhuchen Chen's eyes? After you enter the desert of burial, your every move is gone. "

Ying Yilong sneered, his eyes full of real murderous intentions.

"Zhu Chen? It looks like what I thought, it really is this villain who will only hide behind! But I am curious, why didn't he come? Could you just treat you as cannon fodder?" Net start

Ling Xiao said with a smile.

Facing the siege of dozens of strong men such as Fengfan and Ying Yilong, there was no fear on his face.

"Tooth is sharp and sharp! Do you really think that with the three of you, you can survive in our hands?"

Ying Yilong said coldly.

"Where is Zhuchen?"

Ba Dahan asked coldly.

He was originally grateful to Zhu Chen, even if Zhu Chen used him, he also thanked Zhu Chen for saving him and Tong Tong.

But he didn't expect that Zhu Chen was so despondent, in order to control him, he actually put a cursing force in Tong Tong's body.

Tong Tong is the reverse scale of Ba Dao, Ba Dao hates Zhu Chen at this moment is going crazy!

"Ba Dao, I advise you to say that if you surrender to Mr. Zhu Chen now, you and your sister can both survive! Otherwise, don't blame us for being cruel!"

Ying Yilong stared at Ba Dao with a sneer.

"Where is Zhuchen?"

Ba Dao asked again, his voice low and full of suppressed anger.

"Stubbornness! Since you are so ignorant of life and death, go die with your sister!"

Ying Yilong sneered.

"Ying Yilong, you have too much nonsense! The direct shot is that although I owe a favor to Zhu Chen, I am not his subordinate!"

The sail on the side frowned.

"Brother Feng is right! But Brother Feng does not underestimate them. This Ling Xiao is the son of Heavenly Choice. Killing him can replace him and gain the heavenly luck on his body! The seven burial ant kings were killed, so we have to do our best to fight and kill them all!"

Ying Yilong said with a smile.

He could not afford the sail beside him.

This arrow road has reached the realm of ecclesiastical, once wounded a peerless emperor.

There are many people in the hands of the high-ranking emperor who died.

It is because of the sails and the arrogance of the gods and arrows that he is full of confidence in beheading Ling Xiao and Ba Dao.

"Is the Son of Heaven selected? Very good! He is mine!"

Han Mang flashed in the sail's eyes, revealing a strong sense of war.

"Brother Feng, rest assured, Ling Xiao's life is definitely yours, and his heavenly luck is also yours! When our brother takes action, the remote attack will be given to you!"

Ying Yilong smiled slightly.

"Relax! They can't escape!"

Fengfan said indifferently, a strong confidence wave was revealed in his voice!

Divine Arrow Clan, Divine Arrow breaks the sky.

In front of the Divine Arrow Clan, no one can escape their arrows. There is no regret when the arrows come out, and there will be blood when the arrows come out!

"God Arrow!"

Fengfan glanced at Ba Dao and gave a proud voice.


He seemed to have a celestial constitution in his mouth, and there was a strange power in his voice. The golden arrow in Ba Da's hand instantly shone.

The turbulent extreme divine power pervaded, and the arrows seemed to be able to penetrate everything. Ba Da felt that if he did not let go, his entire palm would be completely exploded.

"give it to me!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, and then caught in the air, directly grabbing the golden arrow in Ba Da's hand!


The unmatched divine power exploded, and the golden arrow trembles violently in Ling Xiao's hand, trying to escape Ling Xiao's control, but he couldn't break away at all.

The chaos in Ling Xiao's palm annihilated everything, and all the arrows were shattered.

"Golden arrow? You also took me an arrow!"

Ling Xiao said faintly, the dazzling edge of his eyes exploded.


His unmatched divine power exploded, grabbed the golden arrow, and suddenly flew towards the sail!

The golden arrow seemed to be blessed with an incomparably horrifying force, sweeping the four sides of the void in an instant, shining to the extreme, like a golden sun, flying towards the sail.

If you say that the golden arrow shot by the sail before, sharp, sharp, penetrating everything, like a meteor, unstoppable.

But now the golden arrow shot by Ling Xiao exudes the magnificence of the heavens, and the mighty repression, shocking.


After shooting the golden arrow, Ling Xiao also shot instantly!

He punched out, the light of chaos sprayed out thinly, and the unmatched fist prints spread across the four directions and suppressed towards Ying Yifan.


Daomang was dazzlingly dazzling. In the hands of Ba Dao, a pair of Changhong came out across the sky, directly overshadowing the people of the Shenjian tribe.

"Huh? Looking for death!"

There was a cold flash in the sail's eyes, and his heart was shocked and angry.

He did not expect that Ling Xiao could actually control his golden arrow, and there was a sign that the golden arrow was going to bite back.

The blazing light of his whole body spread thinly, his slender fingers emptied into the void, and an arrow flew across the sky instantly, shooting at Ling Xiao's whole body.

At the same time, he caught his hand and wanted to catch the golden arrow in his hand!


At the moment when he touched the golden arrow, he felt the horror of the golden The unparalleled power exploded, making him feel that his arm was about to be shattered, the whole People can't help but step backwards.

And at this time, Ba Dao has also been killed!

"court death!"

"kill him!"

All the people of the Shenjian tribe are as bright as iron, their murderous intentions are boiling, they all hold bows to shoot arrows, and a golden arrow shoots out, and the speed is extremely fast.

Their movements are like remnants of the image, constantly drawing bows and arrows, the arrows are vertical and horizontal, covering the whole sword.


The dazzling blade of light fell like a galaxy across nine days, and the overbearing blade of sword shrouded the four sides, as if it could destroy everything.

The sky's arrows were exploded, and the Ba Dao held the broken knife, but there was an invincible momentum, which was rushing towards the people of the God Arrow family.

"act recklessly!"

The sail stabilized her figure, the cold flash in her eyes flashed, the golden arrow in her hand regained control, and she immediately laid on the golden bow and shot an arrow towards the ba knife.

The dazzling Jinxia is like a meteor sliding down the sky, dazzling and dazzling.

Pa Dao felt a deadly threat, and he fell without hesitation!国幺赽蹽奇奇novel fiction|w~w~


The unmatched sword and the golden arrow collided together, radiating a dazzling light, sweeping across the void like a storm.

In the end, the blade was broken, and the golden arrow was like a broken bamboo, shooting directly at the broken knife in the hands of Ba Da.


The broken knife seemed to be unable to withstand such a horrible force, and it suddenly broke apart!

The golden arrow crossed the chest, and the figure of the Ba Dao shattered in the void.


The sail's eyes flashed, and suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis coming behind him!

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