Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3126: Hegemony!

"Yes! Master Zhuchen, is the arrogance of the Zhulong dragon clan, the great-grandson of the guardian lord, and the might in this dragon-dragon city is second only to the guardian lord! My sister and I also encountered it by accident. His, my sister was poisoned by the burial of the sky. Master Zhu Chen said he could solve it, but the condition was to kill you..."

Pa Dao said slowly, repeating the cause and effect.

"Poison of the sky?"

Ling Xiao couldn't help but move.

"Master, the poison of the burial sky is the toxin in the body of the burial ants. It is terrifying, and even the emperor will die without doubt! But that candlestick said that it can solve the poison of the burial sky, but it is a big deal! Unless He condensed the origin of poison, or cultivated to break through to the realm of the emperor, to be able to dissolve the poison of the sky. He was lying to this stupid boy!"

The voice of evil thoughts sounded in Ling Xiao's heart.

"In this way, it is still up to me to dissolve the poison of the burial of heaven? It seems that I can't accept this kid!"

Ling Xiao smiled inwardly.

"Yes! Master, although this silly kid looks stupid, you must subdue him! What he cultivates is the taboo knife. The taboo knife is related to the secret of detachment. After conquering him, there is hope to find The secret of detachment!"

Said evil.

"Forbidden knife? The secret of detachment?"

Ling Xiao froze, what is this taboo knife?

"The taboo knife is a knife technique. Legend has it that it was left by the detached. It is capable of annihilating the extreme power of the Dao. It has nothing to do with power. It has something to do with the secret of detachment! The Taboo Sword, this kid's practiced Abi Hell Burial Demon Sword is one of the taboo knives!"

The evil thought explained.

"It turns out so!"

Ling Xiao nodded.

No wonder Abi Hell Burial Demon Sword is so horrible that Ba Dao is displayed as if it were transformed into an ancient chaotic demon. It turned out to be a taboo knife.

Ling Xiao's heart grew hotter.

"Ba Dao, the poison of your sister's burial sky, I can solve it! And Zhu Chen deceived you, he can't solve the poison of the burial sky!"

Ling Xiao looked at the Ba Dao in front of her and said seriously.


Ba Da was shocked, and there was an incredible look in his eyes.

Ling Xiao's eyebrows are shining brightly, the origin of the poison is flying, and the mysterious light is hidden, containing the world's strongest poison and incomparable terror.

"The origin of poison?"

Ba Da exclaimed.

"Yes! It is the source of poison. You may not know that the poison of the burial sky can only be solved by the source of poison. Zhuchen Chen is not the source of poison. In this candle dragon emperor city, almost the source of poison is cultivated. No? So he must have lied to you!"

Ling Xiao smiled lightly.


Ba Da's face was a bit ugly, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

He realized this, he was used by Zhu Chen.

"Master Lingxiao, not only do you not kill me, but you also have to save my sister, what do you want from me? Abi **** burial magic knife?"

Ba Dao gave Ling Xiao a deep look, as if he had become smarter.

"Abi **** burial magic sword, will you give me?"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, said non-negotiably.

"If you can save my sister, let alone the Abi Hell Burial Magic Knife, I will give you whatever you want! But unfortunately, the Abi Hell Burial Magic Knife is a godsend, I have no way to teach you!"

Ba Dao smiled bitterly.


The smile on Ling Xiao's face was somewhat reluctant.

"Master, Abi Hell Burial Devil's Sword is a taboo sword. The sword has a spirit, and it can choose its own initiative, and it cannot be taught to others!"

Said evil.

"Get out of here, don't tell me early!"

Ling Xiao shouted angrily in his heart.

But he didn't reveal life and death on the surface. He smiled proudly and said to Ba Dao: "Ba Dao, how can I be greedy for your knife? Rest assured, I don't want Abi Hell to bury the magic knife, I just think you have a good combat power, Would you like to let you protect me?"

Ling Xiao directly expressed his thoughts.

The heart of Badao Chizi has no reservation for him. If he goes on like this again, he is really a villain.

It's better to show your heart directly.

"Master Lingxiao, as long as you can relieve the poison of my sister's burial, I am willing to be your follower!"

Ba Dao gave Ling Xiao a deep look, and then said seriously.

After he finished speaking, he immediately knelt on one knee and expressed surrender to Ling Xiao.

"I am talking about protectors, not followers! Just match your brother and you. Where do you need so many red tapes? Xidi, please hurry up!"

Ling Xiao smiled and blossomed in the heart, but on the surface, there was no expression, and he quickly helped Ba Dao up.

"Hypocritical, too hypocritical!"

The evil thought rolled his eyes and sullied.

"Thank you Brother!"

Ba Dao said gratefully.

"That's right, where is your sister? Let's detoxify your sister!"

Ling Xiao said with a smile.

"My sister is now in Zhuchen's mansion, please come with me, brother!"

Padao quickly said.

"Is it in Zhuchen's mansion?"

A move in Ling Xiao's heart, I am afraid that Zhu Chen will not hand over Ba Dao's sister so easily?

Above the restaurant, I saw that Ling Xiao was not dead, and even an enchantment was laid, which enveloped myself and Ba Da.

Zhuchen Chen and Ying Yilong both groaned in their hearts and had a bad feeling.

"Brother Zhu Chen, shouldn't Ling Xiao kill Ba Dao?"

Ying Yilong asked.

"It shouldn't be! If you kill Ba Dao, why do you need to lay down an enchantment? I'm afraid that he also sees the taboo knife in Ba Dao!"

Without the calmness that had just appeared, Zhu Chenchen's face became extremely gloomy and his face extremely ugly.

"You mean, he is also plotting to stab?"

There should be a move in Yilong's heart.

"It's very possible! The Ba Dao is mine. I'm going to see, what the **** did he eat, and dare to rob me!"

Zhuo Chen stood up suddenly, the folding fan in his hand suddenly closed, his eyes revealed a terrifying fine mans.

He turned and walked towards the life and death ring.

Ying Yilong also quickly caught up.

Ling Xiao and Ba Dao left the life-and-death ring, and the crowd around them attracted another round of discussion, looking at them with awe in their eyes.

At this moment, no one dared to underestimate them.

Everyone seems to have ignored their cultivation behavior and recognized their powerful fighting strength. After all, just that big battle ~ ~ made everyone overkill.

However, some people are puzzled that Ling Xiao did not kill Ba Dao?

"Ba Dao!"

When Zhu Chen saw Ba Dao and Ling Xiao standing side by side, a stern expression appeared in his eyes, but then an extremely gentle smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and he whispered.

"Mr. Candle Morning!"

Ba Dao bowed his hand toward Zhuo Chen.

No matter what, it was Zhuchen who stabilized his sister's injury, otherwise his sister would have already died.

Although Zhu Chen cheated him, he was very grateful to Zhu Chen and his heart. .

"Ba Dao, although you lost in this battle, it’s okay. The victory is a matter of the soldiers’ family. The next time you win it! I’ve found an expert. You can go back with me. I invite the expert to be your sister. Detoxify!"

Zhu Chenchen smiled indifferently, without even looking at Ling Xiao, and took a natural step forward to lead the knife.

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